
Marvel: I Warner God King, Declaring War on Asgard

In the rebirth of Marvel, Su Hai was mistaken for a descendant of the Warner Protoss royal family and was elected as the Warner God King. Fortunately, the sign-in system was awakened. Sign in to Warnerheim and get the power of the stormy ocean! Sign in to the Time Mutation Authority and get the **Titan Aman'Thul Time Power! Sign in to Scarlet Witch and get Chaos Magic! ... "Titan, what do you think of my army of gods?" "Odin, the position of the Lord of the Nine Realms should be moved. I will take care of that boy Sol." "The god group? Sargeras, kill him for me!" "Dormammu, the atrium is my territory, get out of here!" This was taken from MTL nation so if you find the rate of updating so you can go a read it there. If by any way the author wants, I taken down, I will do it.

Faith1 · ภาพยนตร์
70 Chs

Chapter 68 Anti-surveillance! Pay attention to the gods!

When God closes a door for you, He also opens a window for you.

For others, it does.

But for the Warner Protoss, it's the exact opposite.

Due to the innately powerful physique of the Protoss people, if they want to squeeze people's physique, they must make more efforts than ordinary people!

Awakening the small universe, also more difficult!

Like these children.

It turns out that Su Hai was right in letting Bulma research the gravity chamber first.

Using the gravity room to practice, everyone's small universe practice speed is greatly improved.

All awakening the sixth sense, the best one, has reached the peak of the sixth sense, and is only one step away from the seventh sense!

And because the other party is practicing Virgo's cultivation skills, Su Hai simply named him Shaka, also to avoid confusion in the future.

Shaka did not object, but was deeply honored.

The envy of the others!

How many people in the entire Warnerheim can be given the name by the King of God?

Their performance, Su Hai saw in his eyes, also sighed secretly.

Sure enough, when you are young, you are most prone to brainwashing.

You don't have to do anything, just stand there in the name of the king of gods, and countless people will work hard for him.

Perhaps, this is also what those conquerors pursued and fascinated.

Su Hai admits that she has become addicted to this feeling too.

Conquer more worlds and enjoy the worship of everyone!

During these times, Su Hai also practiced the microcosm at the same time.

According to the settings of the small universe system, the upper limit is extremely high, and the highest is even comparable to the almighty universe powerhouse!

The small universe cultivation method in the temple does not contain that level of power.

However, if you can cultivate to the tenth sense, you will be considered a powerhouse in the Marvel Universe!

After actually cultivating the microcosm, Su Hai found that the microcosm seemed to be a natural fit for him.

It may be that the power of ascension has strengthened the spirit and body, or the power of the king of gods has changed his personality...

He doesn't need to start from the basics like others, and he can easily enter the sixth sense like drinking tea and pouring water!

By now, it has entered the peak of the seventh sense!

And this is because he only spent less than one-third of his time comprehending the small universe...

Su Hai also understands what a genius is and what an ordinary person...is

Ten years passed in a flash.

Su Hai understands the truth of too much, and takes ten people back to the original timeline.

In this timeline, they have only left for a second!

This is the horror of the longevity species that have mastered the power of time!

When you were completely unaware, I had gone back to the past and practiced for a hundred years, a thousand years.

Once you come back, you will have the power of terror!

Back here, everyone has a feeling of Nanke Yimeng.

Only Bulma was the first to recover.

After all, she was only 16 when she went, and when she came back, she was already a 26-year-old girl!

More mature and charming!

Not long ago,

A soldier dressed in the costume of the Magic Legion came in, bowed and said, "Great God King! Asgard has a situation"~!

This magician is the apprentice who built the interstellar portal in Asgard!

Odin always thought that they could monitor Warnerheim's movements at any time, but he didn't know it.

Their every move is also under Su Hai's control!

Within the shrouded range of the mirror.

As long as the person who built the portal does not deliberately expose himself, the communication between Odin and Heimdall will be eavesdropped and then transmitted back verbatim!

In war, soldiers never tire of deceit!

I can tolerate you monitoring us for so long, and now I am monitoring you in turn, and you have to suffer too!

Everything is reasonable!

"Come on, what do they want to do?" Su Hai motioned for him to continue.

"Odin seems to have ordered Heimdall to go to Midgard to find a race called the "Eternals", and seems to want their help in defending against our army!

"The Eternals..." Su Hai muttered.

Amora on the side seemed to think of something, her eyes lit up, and she quickly said: "God King, I know them! They helped the Asgard army in the battle of Giants of Jotunheim thousands of years ago, and they possessed great power!

Su Hai nodded, knowing.

He knows no less than anyone about the Eternals!

Even the Eternals originally did not know as much as he did!

Speaking of the Eternal Race, we have to mention another force, the God Group!

The god group is one of the earliest life races born in the universe.

Each member, the form is extremely huge.

Moreover, the strengths of the members of the Tianshen group are also different.

For example, hand rubbing the Milky Way and hand rubbing the sun and so on.

The birth of each celestial group needs to be nurtured on a certain life planet for hundreds of millions of years, and then absorb enough intelligent life to break through the planet to appear in the world.

This process is also known as the divine manifestation!

The birth of every god requires everything from a living planet as a sacrifice.

After the birth of the gods, more Fixed Stars and even galaxies will be created, and then suitable planets will be selected as the cradle of the gods.

In order to eliminate half of the population, Thanos also wants to prevent the occurrence of the gods.

In the end, he succeeded and failed because of the Avengers alliance...

(Thanos: Now you know who the villain is?!)

Definitely, the above is only limited to the god group of the sacred timeline!

As for the gods of other universes, the strong can even influence the multi-universe!

As for the Eternals...

They are robots created by the god group to maintain the normal progress of the gods!

But they themselves thought that they came from a planet in a certain galaxy and obeyed the arrangement of the gods to help the development of human beings on other planets, and to destroy another race that feeds on life, the abnormal race.

There is one thing that needs to be explained, the abnormal race is also created by the god group, and the purpose of its birth is to eliminate the hunters of a selected planet and provide living space for intelligent life.

It's just that because of the evolution of life, it is out of the control of the gods.

As a result, the god group created the eternal race of robots to eliminate the abnormal race.

Therefore, the Eternals are a group of poor people whose memories have been changed and reset, and who have been deceived all their lives.

Several other people did not know the strength of the Eternals, and when they heard that even Odin wanted to ask them for help, they not only expressed concern.

""God King, should we also send someone to Midgard to get rid of those Eternals in advance?" Lorelei suggested.

As soon as she finished speaking, she was given the name of the alternate Saint Seiya of Shaka, and she immediately stood up and said, "Lord God King! I am willing to serve you!

Su Hai waved his hand, "Don't worry, since Odin wants to find them, let him find them! When the battle is over, it's not too late for you to deal with the Eternals!

The strength of the Eternal Race is not strong.

There are ten members of the Eternals on the earth, among them, the strongest is Icaris, who has the name of the trumpet (Mode Zhao) version of Superman.

He has Super strength, super defense, Flight, cosmic energy rays and other abilities.

The strongest output method is that the eyes emit energy rays, and the power is very worrying.

In Marvel, ray energy attacks are inherently inferior.

I didn't see that Thanos used the Infinity Gauntlet to fire rays, but he was blocked by the Axe, and he was half-killed with an axe?

Su Hai is so confident that he can kill Ikaris with one hand!

So, Su Hai didn't care that they would help Odin.

As long as they dare to come, he will dare to kill!

It's nothing more than a few more lives of the Eternals in hand...

The strength of the six alternate Saint Seiyas is already stronger than the average price of the Eternal Race.

Unless the Eternals are energetically linked, they have no chance of winning!

Compared to the Eternals, Su Hai is more interested in the Celestials at the center of the Earth.

If you sign in next to the Tenjin group, what rewards will you get?

Su Hai is looking forward to it!

Can't wait to go!

Remember...like in the Indian Ocean?