
Marvel: I Warner God King, Declaring War on Asgard

In the rebirth of Marvel, Su Hai was mistaken for a descendant of the Warner Protoss royal family and was elected as the Warner God King. Fortunately, the sign-in system was awakened. Sign in to Warnerheim and get the power of the stormy ocean! Sign in to the Time Mutation Authority and get the **Titan Aman'Thul Time Power! Sign in to Scarlet Witch and get Chaos Magic! ... "Titan, what do you think of my army of gods?" "Odin, the position of the Lord of the Nine Realms should be moved. I will take care of that boy Sol." "The god group? Sargeras, kill him for me!" "Dormammu, the atrium is my territory, get out of here!" This was taken from MTL nation so if you find the rate of updating so you can go a read it there. If by any way the author wants, I taken down, I will do it.

Faith1 · ภาพยนตร์
70 Chs

Chapter 67 Amora's jealousy, travels through time again!

The Eternal Race is an alien race.

Seven thousand years ago, they came to Midgard and settled here.

Because they are very honest and small in number, they are very close to human beings and never reveal any hostile information.

So the Aesirs also acquiesce to their seclusion in Midgard.

Even a thousand years ago, when the Asgard army confronted the Giants of Jotunheim who invaded the earth, the Eternals came to help and jointly defeated Lauf, who wanted to destroy mankind.

That is, since then, the relationship between the two sides has made some progress.

Odin also invited them to visit Asgard.

Thor, as a child, also had several years of friendship with the Eternals.

Now, in the face of the terrifying Warner Protoss, Odin once again thinks of the odd group of "friends"


With the help of the Eternals, fighting against the Warner Protoss will increase several layers of opportunities.

"Yes! God King!

Heimdall had also been in contact with the Eternals. After hearing Odin's order, he immediately began to look for the existence of the Eternals.

It's just that the Eternals have parted ways for some reason, and it is destined to be difficult to find them all.

Odin can only continue to wait, delaying time.

Asgard has to prepare!

He even planned the worst!

If the battle is really lost, Heimdall will immediately unleash Bifrost, a devastating blow to Warnerheim!

Asgard is gone, and Warner 22 Heim doesn't even exist!

The other side.

The Vanir army pursued the fleeing Giants of Jotunheim.

There was little effective resistance along the way.

Straight to the palace of the Giants of Jotunheim!

It is said that it is the palace, but in fact, it is also very flattering.

Lauf's palace is just a natural underground cave.

Below is a large clearing, the gathering point for the giants of Jotunheim's army.

At the very top is the humble throne of Giants of Jotunheim.


Just lost the face of myth and legend!

Sitting on the throne, Su Hai looked disgusted, and even the victory over Jotunheim was not so happy.

He really did not expect that the palace of the Frost Kingdom with a history of tens of thousands of years was even poorer than the barbarians!

Just want to rule the Nine Realms?

Go daydream!

Thinking of this, Su Hai lost his mind to stay in Jotonheim, "Skinier!"

"God King!" Skirnier strode forward and knelt down!

"The rest of Jotunheim will be left to you. I will leave behind the giants of the Stone Giants and the Vaner Protoss army. Your mission is to subdue the Giants of Jotunheim! Make Jotunheim a complete subsidiary of the Vaner Protoss!

"Yes! I will definitely live up to your expectations!" Skirnier was confident!

Lauf, the famous king of the Giants of Jotunheim, died by his sword.

The army of Giants of Jotunheim was also wiped out.

In this case, if he can't solve the remaining trivial matters, he might as well kill himself and die!

Su Hai nodded and let Stone mother return with the puppet on his own, while he himself directly opened the interstellar portal and returned to Wannerheim.

The first time they went back, they called back the Charming Sisters, Bulma, the dwarf King Aicui, and the six children who were the hardest working in the small universe.

Exactly ten people!

The reason why there is Ai Cui in it is because of the other party's recent good performance, it is worth cultivating.

Su Hai is short on staff!

Ai Cui has the ability and ability, with a little training, he is a powerful assistant!

"Get ready, I'll take you to the past time to practice in Warnerheim later, but... at that time, you can't go out to meet anyone without my permission! Su Hai said solemnly.

"Time and space travel? God! God King, you can actually take us through time and space?!" Bulma, a scientific madman, was the first to exclaim Roar.

Perhaps because of the system, Bulma is very interested in the technology that he has studied in Dragon Ball.

"Hehe, I must take this opportunity to study the nature of time!"

Su Hai shook his head and smiled and said, "Bulma, why do you need such trouble to study time, I'll give you a time-related technology product, and you can study it whenever you have time.

Time technology, he also has a time controller and a time reset device in his hand, and he will give the reset device to Bulma later.

As for the Time Controller...he still has to save a trip to the Time Authority.

Before, he wanted to go to the authority to sign.

Just considering the existence of Kang, there is no need to fall out, so I didn't go there recklessly.

Kang's existence is still necessary, as long as he is still alive, other timelines cannot invade this world for the time being.

Su Hai doesn't think that at the moment's self cannot be afraid of everything.

The water in the multi-universe is too deep!


Before the wings are full, it should not be too reckless.

"However, before researching time, I need you to make a gravity chamber, is there any problem?"5

"No problem! Don't worry, leave it to me!" Bulma patted the place that was beginning to take shape and quickly assured.

It's just a gravity chamber, and Bulma has already had a certain theoretical basis.

It can be transformed into technology products at any time and used in practice!

With Bulma's assurance, Su Hai is also reassured.

The gravity chamber is related to the cultivation of the small universe, and its importance is self-evident!

Only under strong oppression can people make breakthroughs and even advance by leaps and bounds!

Moreover, not only the small universe, other power systems, the same is true!

As long as you don't die, it's right to practice in death!

Then, Su Hai took out the frozen fruit and introduced the special ability of the fruit in detail.

After hearing Su Hai's narration, the three women in the audience were already eager to try it!

The ability that can be elementalized at any time greatly guarantees vitality!

This is so tempting for them!

As for Aitri, he prefers his own hammer.

In his opinion, it is far more practical than the Frozen Ability, which can not only create a powerful weapon, but also go into battle to kill the enemy.

To put it bluntly, he is a big old man...

How do you know the pros and cons of Ability?

The six children are also very sensible, and they also know that they are valued by the king of gods.

As long as you work hard to cultivate the small universe, you will have the opportunity to become a golden saint, one of the zodiac signs, and a member of the Temple of Heaven!

That's a god warrior!

Enjoy the pursuit of countless Wannerheim people, and you can fight for the King of God at any time!

In comparison, what is frozen fruit?

Su Hai glanced at the three girls and decided to choose from Amora and Lorelei.

Although Devil Fruit is powerful, it is very dependent on the physical fitness of the eater.

Bulma's body is the physique of ordinary earth people, and it is impossible to realize the full potential of the fruit at all.

Only the charming sisters who have the body of the Protoss can use it to greater effect!

After thinking about it, Su Hai looked at Lorelai, and threw the Devil Fruit away in the latter's surprised look.

"Lorelei, your strength is worse than Amora, so the frozen fruit will be handed over to you."

"Thank you God King!" Lorelei happily held the Devil Fruit and threw a wink by the way.

Then he glanced at Amora arrogantly, and in the latter's eyes full of jealousy, he took a bite!

When the pulp enters the mouth and blooms on the taste buds.

Lorelei's face turned pale in an instant!

Um. .․ Vomit!

After a few seconds, Lorelai subconsciously wanted to spit it out!

Fortunately, Su Hai anticipated all this in advance, and came to her side in an instant, covering her mouth, making Lorelai reluctantly swallow the pulp.

"Good - Difficult 417 - Eat!!!"

Lorelai feels like she's dying!

The stomach has already begun to turn the river and the sea!

Such unpalatable fruit, unheard of!

She looked at Su Hai pitifully, then looked at the rest of the fruit, and almost cried!

"Throw it, you only need to take a bite of the frozen fruit, and you will have the power of freezing!" Su Hai also laughed.

Hearing this, Lorelei immediately threw away the Devil Fruit, turned around and ran outside, wanting to drink some drink to wash his stomach.

It was at this moment that she found that ice crystals appeared everywhere she ran.

"Is this the power of ice?"

After Lorelai realized his power awakening, he felt a little better.

Even so, she made up her mind to ask before eating next time!

If there is a choice, she would rather not freeze the fruit, which is eaten by humans?

Give it to the dog, and the dog won't eat it!

One more sip, it is estimated that it will go straight to the sky!

Amora on one side is very strange to Lorelei's series of actions, but when she sees that the other party has mastered the power of ice, she is full of jealousy!

"Good you Lorelei! Didn't you just pick up a bargain in Midgard and catch up with the god king? Humph! Are you a charmer, an old lady or a charmer, who will have the last laugh!

Lorelai has shown off something in front of Amora, making Amora very upset!

Especially now that the issue of the ownership of the frozen fruit, she lost to Lorelei, which made her even more jealous.

Amora's competitive heart has been completely activated!

He secretly vowed to show Lorelei some color.

Next, Su Hai took the entire scientific research center into the small world, and then took a few people to Warnerheim a thousand years ago.

He firmly believes that after returning this time, the strength of the Warner Protoss will be greatly increased!

That's when you can focus on improving your strength.