
Marvel: I Warner God King, Declaring War on Asgard

In the rebirth of Marvel, Su Hai was mistaken for a descendant of the Warner Protoss royal family and was elected as the Warner God King. Fortunately, the sign-in system was awakened. Sign in to Warnerheim and get the power of the stormy ocean! Sign in to the Time Mutation Authority and get the **Titan Aman'Thul Time Power! Sign in to Scarlet Witch and get Chaos Magic! ... "Titan, what do you think of my army of gods?" "Odin, the position of the Lord of the Nine Realms should be moved. I will take care of that boy Sol." "The god group? Sargeras, kill him for me!" "Dormammu, the atrium is my territory, get out of here!" This was taken from MTL nation so if you find the rate of updating so you can go a read it there. If by any way the author wants, I taken down, I will do it.

Faith1 · ภาพยนตร์
70 Chs

Chapter 66 Born God of War! Death of King Giants of Jotunheim!

"The King of God...he's looking at us...he's smiling at us?" Heimdall noticed Su Hai's gaze, hesitated for a moment, but decided to speak up.

Smile? It's a joke!

Odin slowly closed his eyes, feeling very weak.

He had always thought that Asgard was on the verge of becoming stronger.

Warnerheim fell into a slump.

As a result, reality hit him hard in the face!

Asgard is the real decline!

Maybe...the Hela shouldn't have been sealed 2,000 years ago?

If you don't seal her, Asgard won't lose more than half!

However, it is too late to regret it now.

The past is past.

Now is the time to really think about it!

How to deal with the attack of the Warner Protoss?

"Heimdall, keep an eye on Su Hai, I need to know his exact strength!"

Odin pinned his hopes on Lauf.

The last test did not measure Su Hai's true strength.

This time, it's up to Lauf to help.

The battle of gods is mainly about the battle between true gods!

The battle between the gods and kings is the key to the situation!


In this battle of the gods, just as Su Hai ordered, crush the enemy!

When countless magic bullets washed the Giants of Jotunheim successively, a huge army of puppets began to attack.

The clay golems are the weakest, and they don't have the strength to compete with the Giants of Jotunheim, but they are the most numerous and slow down the pace of the Giants of Jotunheim.

Rock puppets and stone giants are the backbone of the battle, almost completely ignoring each other's ice daggers, and they are a slap in the face of the enemy!

As for the granite golems and mountain giants, they became tanks on the battlefield!

They rampage, punch a child, and slaughter the enemy frantically!

Especially granite golems, because of high magic resistance, strong physical defense, and no fear.

As soon as the battle begins, it will enter the Giants of Jotunheim, and even with the magic of the Magic Legion, it will tear the Jotunheimen army deeply!

Lauf almost cried blood when he saw this scene!

The dead Giants of Jotunheimen are his people!

Now, because of his decision, he was slaughtered and crushed by the enemy!

"Ah ah ah! Damn you! God King Warner, I want you to die!

Lauf stared at Su Hai with red eyes.

Seeing the latter looking at the sky leisurely, he was even more angry!

Immediately prepare to kill the past and attack Huanglong!


How could Skirnier, who always wanted to make a contribution, allow Lauf to disturb his god-king?

After randomly splitting a Giants of Jotunheimen, he stood in front of Lauf.

"Lauf, your opponent is me!

"I know you, Warnerheim's last general, Skirnier! Could it be that if you really think you are a general, do you have the strength to challenge a king?" Lauf dismissed Skirnier!

A warrior general of the Protoss, he can slaughter at will!

"Humph! Lauf, let me show you the power of Ascension bestowed upon me by the great Lord of Warner! Ascension Form!

Skirnier burst out!

The whole body skyrocketed for a few laps, and in an instant it surpassed Lauf and turned into a golden giant of nearly ten meters!

The golden stomach is added!

Holding a golden sword!

The huge power makes Lauf also look at it!

"How is it possible! How can you become so strong!" Lauf's face was dark, he couldn't accept that a warrior could have such a strong divine power.

Moreover, in the past, this battle will not be in his eyes at all.

"How can you guess the power of God King Warner? You will never know what stupid thing you have done! What a powerful existence you have provoked! 35

Skirnier's voice was deafening like rolling thunder.

Falling in Lauf's ears is tantamount to mockery!

"Die!" Skirnier swung his sword and fought hard!

"Don't underestimate me, I'm the king of Giants of Jotunheim!" Lauf greeted him with the ice blade in his hand. As a king, he wouldn't allow himself to back down in front of a warrior!


Weapon handover.

The strength of the two is almost equal!

But in the end, Skirnier was better.

With the weak strength advantage brought by his body, Lauf was forced back a few steps.

Lauf realized that his strength was not dominant, and his skills might not be able to win, so he simply gave up charging again and used ice spells instead.

The Giants of Jotunheimen are highly skilled in ice spells.

Especially in Jotunheimen, there are huge bonuses.

When Skirnier attacked again, Lauf immediately froze it with ice spells.

Form an ice sculpture!

"Get a part of Jotunheimen right here, just stay there!

Lauf finished all this and looked at Su Hai again.

Obstacles have been cleared, At the moment Stone Mother Sera is still slaughtering wildly on the front line or making new puppets with stones, too late to support.

Lauf realizes that the opportunity has come.

As long as God-King Warner is captured, the crisis in Warnerheim will be lifted directly, and he will be able to take back the Casket of Ancient Winters and force the Golem to fight for him.

This battle made him see the terrifying power of the stone giants.

With these new forces joining in, he dared to go straight to Asgard!

Therefore, Lauf wanted to seize this golden opportunity.

"God Warner!!

Seemingly awakened by his voice, Su Hai finally looked over.

After seeing Lauf growling at himself, while Skirnier was frozen, he was still indifferent.

Skirnier is an Ascended Warrior!

Moreover, he almost completely accepted the baptism of the power of ascension, almost reaching the level of immortality.

How could it be so easy to defeat?

In fact, cracks have appeared in the ice that froze Skirnier.

Su Hai also discovered that among the bodies of Giants of Jotunheim who died on the battlefield, there seemed to be a wonderful force of life that was being pulled towards Skirnier.

Then, the cracks in the ice cubes got bigger and bigger, and with a "click", Skirnier was liberated again!

"Lauf, come again!"

The first time Skirnier got out of trouble, was a big jump to the stunned Lauf...

He is the king of the Giants of Jotunheim!

How could it be so easy to unblock the magic released with his strength!

However, he soon had no chance to think about it. Faced with Skirnier's death-defying style of giving up all his defenses, Lauf was only able to parry for a while.

Moreover, he also felt that Skirnier's power was stronger than before!

The speed of recovery from injury is amazing!

No matter how serious the injury is, it only takes a few seconds to be intact!


"This is the ability granted by the power of ascension!"

Different from Lauf's doubts, Su Hai has already seen the special features of Skirnier, he seems to have the ability to absorb the vitality of decedent to strengthen his body, to achieve the purpose of improving his strength and enhancing his resilience!

Although it is not known whether this bonus is temporary or permanent, it is undeniable.

Skirnier is the most terrifying killing machine on the battlefield!

The more tragic the battlefield, the stronger his strength will be!

Born for the battlefield!

Facing Lauf, perhaps Skirnier's overall hard power is inferior, but relying on the ability absorbed by this vitality, he can win the final victory!

After all, Skirnier is now a fighting lunatic with a lot of fighting skills!

When he gave up the defense and attacked with all his strength, life and death had been put aside by him, and there was only one thought in his whole body - to kill the enemy!

At the moment, if you want to defeat Skirnier, you can only use irresistible absolute force to smash him, so as to make him lose his combat effectiveness for a short time.

Lauf, do not have this strength!

Su Hai is very satisfied with Skirnier, he is the most terrifying battlefield star of the Warner Protoss, the god of war for his own side, and the nightmare for the enemy!

"The battle is over!"

The battle has been going on for almost half an hour so far.

The Giants of Jotunheim have been slain!

Stone mother also freed her hand and joined forces with Skirnier to lay siege to Lauf.

Facing the Stone Mother with a strength of 5.4 and an incomparably terrifying defense, as well as the Skinier with amazing resilience and fearless death, Lauf has no chance to escape.

In the end, he could only die under the sword of Skirnier with hatred!

When he died, the Giants of Jotunheim collapsed and fled.

Su Hai waved his hand again, and the army marched on!

Target, the lair of Giants of Jotunheimen!

Now that it's here, take Jotunheimen down!

After dealing with Jotunheimen, he has to select a suitable candidate to travel through time again, in order to solve the problem of insufficient foundation caused by the rapid rise of Warnerheim.


After learning that the Giants of Jotunheim were defeated and Lauf died, Odin sighed deeply.

A sense of sadness rose in his heart.

A dignified giant king who fought against Asgard for so many years, but now died at the hands of a war general in Warnerheim...

What could be more pathetic than this?

"We need more help! Heimdall, you go to find the Eternals who live in seclusion in Midgard, and Asgard needs the help of friends!