
Marvel: I Warner God King, Declaring War on Asgard

In the rebirth of Marvel, Su Hai was mistaken for a descendant of the Warner Protoss royal family and was elected as the Warner God King. Fortunately, the sign-in system was awakened. Sign in to Warnerheim and get the power of the stormy ocean! Sign in to the Time Mutation Authority and get the **Titan Aman'Thul Time Power! Sign in to Scarlet Witch and get Chaos Magic! ... "Titan, what do you think of my army of gods?" "Odin, the position of the Lord of the Nine Realms should be moved. I will take care of that boy Sol." "The god group? Sargeras, kill him for me!" "Dormammu, the atrium is my territory, get out of here!" This was taken from MTL nation so if you find the rate of updating so you can go a read it there. If by any way the author wants, I taken down, I will do it.

Faith1 · ภาพยนตร์
70 Chs

Chapter 65 Sign In to Frozen Fruits! Crush Them!

Because Su Hai had already ordered to gather the army and prepare for Asgard.

So when he ordered to go to the secret passage, Warnerheim's army set out earlier than Jotonheim.


In contrast, Giants of Jotunheim can only travel long distances on the ice with physical strength.

The armies of the Vanir have a greater advantage in marching.

After calculating the marching path, the army directly pulled out to the teleportation gate, and passed through the teleportation gate in an orderly manner to the teleportation point closest to the secret passage.

This also leads to,

The Giants of Jotunheim didn't even travel the usual distance when the Vanir army arrived at Jotonheim.

This army is extremely large and its composition is quite complex.

In the past, Warnerheim was similar to Asgard. When launching a battle, they all relied on the bravery of warriors and charged with cold weapons.

But after Su Hai took office, the army was reformed immediately.

Using the knowledge about the army that Su Hai had learned before crossing, he divided the entire army into forward, middle and rear.

Among them, the front of the former army is composed of clay puppets, rock puppets, granite puppets, stone giants and mountain giants.

Puppets are cannon fodder, no matter how many they die, they don't feel heartbroken.

Stone giants and granite golems are the main force of the former army.

Can easily tear through the Giants of Jotunheim's front.

Both giants, granite golems and mountain giants are much taller and stronger than the Giants of Jotunheim!

The Central Army is composed of traditional soldiers of the Warner Protoss, and is mainly responsible for cleaning up fish that slip through the net.

As for the rear army, they are all long-range troops, mainly the magic army, providing magic firepower coverage.

Although the Magic Legion was established for a short period of time, they did not learn much magic.

But it is already possible to use arcane bullets and normal elemental attacks.

Maybe it might not work well when fighting Asgard.

But against the Giants of Jotunheim, who have no stomach, there is definitely a good battle situation to dominate the Ability!

For this force, Skirnier is also deeply amazed!

"If Warnerheim had such an army back then, how could we possibly lose to the Asgards! 39

"The current Lord of the Nine Realms is not Odin, but us!

"God King! If you were the one who led us at Warnerheim, how could we endure thousands of years of humiliation!

Su Hai had a strong resistance to Skirnier's exclamation.

It can almost be done, you say yours, I do mine, to this degree.

Just now, while Skirnier laments, Su Hai starts a new day of signing in.

"The check-in location is Jotonheim detected, and the check-in reward similarity is increased!""


"Congratulations to the host who signed in to get the Devil Fruit Frozen Fruit!


It's shipped!

It's just... is this going to make me start another Devil Fruit faction?

Su Hai looked at the frozen fruit in his hand, and there was only a little wave in his heart.

This fruit looks so peculiar that it makes people doubt whether it can be eaten!

Considering the style of the world of One Piece, it is actually understandable.

Ugly is ugly, but the effect is still very good!

Frozen fruit is a type of Devil Fruit nature.

Its eater is Aokiji, one of the admirals!

As a naval admiral, Aokiji's strength is beyond doubt.

Using the Fruit Ability, he can easily freeze a huge amount of Island!

Its big move, Ice Age, can instantly freeze the sea water within the range of ten islands, and already has the ability to change the terrain on a large scale!

Moreover, due to the peculiarities of natural fruits.

He can elementalize, save physical attacks and most energy attacks!

Based on this, Aokiji is comparable to Thor to a certain extent.

But considering Thor's speciality, the final result is likely to be Thor wins.

Even so, frozen fruit is a nice bonus.

In a relatively short period of time, you can create a hammer god-level powerhouse!

"This trip to Jotonheim is worth it!" Su Hai was instantly happy.

Even Skirnier's sighs occasionally nodded in response.

While waiting for all kinds of boring,

The Army of Giants of Jotunheim has arrived!


Odin came to Bifrost as soon as he got news from Jotonheim and Warnerheim.

And let Heimdall pay attention to the battle of the gods throughout!

This battle will be the most fierce and grand battle in a thousand years!

Can provide valuable experience for Asgard.

"How many people are in the Warner Protoss army? How strong is it? Can it pose a threat to Asgard?

Odin is very concerned about this issue!

Concerning the future of Asgard, he must know the strength of the enemy!


"God King, Warnerheim's army...weird!" Heimdall could hardly believe his eyes when he saw the lineup of Warnerheim's army!

"They've got millions of clay giants? Rock giants? Purple giants? Uh...and tons of golems, big golems! 35

He didn't know how to describe the force.

In his previous surveillance of Warnerheim, no puppet army was found.

Odin listened for a while, full of doubts.

Dirt? Rock? Purple?!

What the hell are they!

Can you make it clearer?

In a series of giants, Odin only understood the last two stone giants.

So, what is the origin of the giant ahead?

Heimdall tried his best to explain with easy-to-understand words, "The clay giant...is not much bigger than ordinary people, it is a dark humanoid life! The rock giant...different from ordinary stone giants, there are obvious differences in color, and the body is Bigger! And the purple giant... it's a monster bigger than the mountain giant!

Having said that, Odin seemed to understand, but barely understood.

His face also became serious.

The combat power is not bad, and the number is in the millions!

Just using a stack of numbers can flatten the Asgard!

・・・・Seeking flowers・


How can the army of the Warner Protoss be so huge!

"God-king, there are hundreds of thousands of Warner Protoss troops behind this army! The Giants of Jotunheim...seems to be gone!"

Heimdall carefully compared the number of troops on both sides, and directly issued the death penalty to the Giants of Jotunheim!

There are also a lot of Giants of Jotunheim, hundreds of thousands!

But compared with the Warner Protoss, the gap is almost a world of difference!

Just the purple giants in the front row, and the giant stone giants, can hang the Giants of Jotunheim and fight!

What's more, there is also the Warner Protoss behind the Asgard soldiers!

Odin was silent, his scalp felt tingly!

He is no longer optimistic about the battle of the basic army.

With that amount, once Warnerheim has leveled the Giants of Jotunheim, they can easily level Asgard!

This is why Su Hai still chooses to attack when he knows that Heimdall will monitor every move of the army.

Make it clear!

The labor and management showed all their cards to play, and you still have nothing to do with me!

Just let you see!


Let you analyze it!

Our strength is not in one dimension!

In this way, it can also cause great psychological pressure on Asgard.

Make it in the last time, can only wait powerlessly for the final judgment!

At the moment, it wasn't just Odin and Heimdall who felt aggrieved.

Even Lauf, who was leading the army in high spirits and preparing to attack Warnerheim, was swearing in his heart!

Is this the Warner Protoss?

Who said Warnerheim was in decline!

See if I will kill you!

Lauf realized that there was something tricky about this incident!

The Casket of Ancient Winters may really be in the hands of Warnerheim, but it's hard to say whether it's a testimony of friendship or not!

Should the Giants of Jotunheim be used as cannon fodder by Odin?

The more Lauf thinks, the more possible, the more he thinks, the more frustrated he becomes!

"Damn Odin, I'm at odds with you!"

After roaring, Lauf had to accept what was in front of him.

This battle may have been unavoidable!

From the very beginning, it was them that Jotonheim launched the offense against Warnerheim.

At this moment, the other party sent a large army to Jotonheim first, and the reason why is self-evident!

If you don't die, you die, but I die!

Lauf took a deep breath and had to issue an attack order, "Boys, charge! 35

at the same time,

Su Hai waved his hand lightly and said indifferently: "Come on, just crush them!"

"Crush! Crush!"

Skirnier roared and took the lead!

Stonemothera also led the attack with puppets and giants.

Arcane bombs, burst bombs, overwhelming!

Indiscriminate coverage of the Giants of Jotunheim charging like a Beast!

Su Hai, on the other hand, remained where he was.

Lift your head and look to the sky.

As if looking at Odin! Guang.