
Marvel: I Warner God King, Declaring War on Asgard

In the rebirth of Marvel, Su Hai was mistaken for a descendant of the Warner Protoss royal family and was elected as the Warner God King. Fortunately, the sign-in system was awakened. Sign in to Warnerheim and get the power of the stormy ocean! Sign in to the Time Mutation Authority and get the **Titan Aman'Thul Time Power! Sign in to Scarlet Witch and get Chaos Magic! ... "Titan, what do you think of my army of gods?" "Odin, the position of the Lord of the Nine Realms should be moved. I will take care of that boy Sol." "The god group? Sargeras, kill him for me!" "Dormammu, the atrium is my territory, get out of here!" This was taken from MTL nation so if you find the rate of updating so you can go a read it there. If by any way the author wants, I taken down, I will do it.

Faith1 · ภาพยนตร์
70 Chs

Chapter 64 The Frog at the Bottom of the Well! Jotonheim Strikes!

the next day.

With the efforts of Skirnier, the Golden Zodiac gradually had some children's figures.

Many of these were children gathered from near the capital of the gods.

There are some, the first batch that came through the cross-regional portal.

Su Hai specially issued an order to build a portal in all independent areas of Warnerheim to facilitate the transportation of personnel and materials.

In this regard, the popularity of portals in the continent of Azeroth is not as good as the current Wanerheim.

After all, Wanaheim's source can provide a constant supply of energy to the portal.

Plus the resource support of the entire planet.

Building a portal network is a breeze!

And these children.

After a simple selection by Su Hai, some outstanding people with firm will, strong self-discipline and loyalty to the god-king were selected.

The Golden Saint Seiya system, to put it bluntly, is the evolution of the spirit and the transition of the will.

The stronger the will and the harder the training, the easier it is to get started in the cultivation of the small universe.

Only the spirit of not afraid of sacrifice can go further.

Until the end, he can even break free from the bondage of the flesh and live in the world with his will.

At this level, it is truly immortal and immortal, transcending life and death.

Indistinguishable from God!

Even the memory troubles caused by immortality can be solved through reincarnation!

This process is full of hardships and ups and downs, and it is far from accepting the power of ascension.

Definitely, its upper limit is higher than that of the Ascender, and even surpasses the original Ascension power of Su Hai!

Su Hai is looking forward to the future of these children, they will surely bring victory to themselves!

At this time, 410 Skirnier came over and saw Su Hai looking at the children, so he whispered: "God King! Jotonheim is here!

"The Giants of Jotunheim? What are they doing here with us? For the Casket of Ancient Winters? The old Odin again?"

After a few Roar breaths, Su Hai sorted out the context of events,

The Warner Protoss and Giants of Jotunheim are inseparable.

Even thousands of years ago, there was little communication between the two sides.

To speak of the only relationship, Sif, Heimdall, Hogan, Frigga, who were born in Warnerheim, dealt with them often.


With the sudden arrival of the Giants of Jotunheim, Su Hai doesn't believe that the other side is coming to ally with them against Odin.

So, it can only be Casket of Ancient Winters!

Skirnir also knew that Su Hai ordered Aitri to reforge Casket of Ancient Winters and Frostmourne.

So he suggested: "God King, then let's delay it first? After finishing Asgard, then go to Jotonheim?

"Drag? How? Since Lauf "accidentally" knows that Casket of Ancient Winters is in our hands, he will surely take the artifact from us as quickly as possible!

Su Hai analyzed fluently: "Lauf At the moment should not be clear about our relationship with Asgard, I'm afraid his knowledge of us is still in the past, if I were him, I would definitely attack the God of God before Asgard could react. All!"

Skirnier's expression froze, "Then I'll assemble the army now, ready to deal with the attack of the Giants of Jotunheim!"

"No! You are wrong!" Su Hai shook his head (ccfe), "What we have to do is not passive defense, but active attack!

"And I'm curious, how did the Giants of Jotunheim come to Warnerheim with those guys who can only play ice spells?

Su Hai doesn't believe that Giants of Jotunheim has the ability to make spaceships.

To put it badly, they don't even have a flight machine!

The barren star of Jotonheim, which has nothing but ice, has no possibility of developing technology at all!

Lauf wasn't the Sirte in his prime.

When Sirte was at its peak, it was possible to travel to and from the Nine Realms by crossing the universe!

"You mean...that Odin sent them?"

Skirnier frowned, with a fierce look in his eyes!

"It shouldn't be, Odin won't be reduced to the point where he doesn't even have the courage to face us head-on! And the Giants of Jotunheim and their hatred are not small! 35

Su Hai thought about it for a while, and suddenly said: "It seems... there is a secret passage between Jotonheim and Wanaheim! And Lauf and the others know where this secret passage is!"

The reason why the Nine Realms are the Nine Realms is because of the existence of the World Tree.

The world tree connects nine different stars in a special way.

It is possible for the Nine Realms to communicate with each other.

In theory, each kingdom has one or more secret passages that can lead directly to other kingdoms.

Loki is an expert when it comes to finding passages!

Perhaps because of the full escape ability, Loki can often find the best escape route by chance, and he found several secret passages in Asgard alone!

Thinking of this, Su Hai said: "Let them in, I need to know the exact location of that secret passage, and then... kill it!

not long ago,

Three dragon sets Giants of Jotunheim came to Su Hai.

In the face of God King Warner, they did not have the respect they should have.


In their opinion, Wanerheim has long lost the strength that the Protoss should have!

Nothing compares to the still strong Giants of Jotunheim!

The leader said proudly: "God King Warner, I am waiting on the order of Lauf, the king of Giants of Jotunheim. I hope you can return the treasure of my clan, the Casket of Ancient Winters, or we will declare war on Warnerheim!"

Su Hai looked at them with the eyes of fools, and then said slowly: "Silly Que! 39


"God Warner! You don't know what to do! Consider the strength of both of us! The price of angering us is not acceptable to the Warner Gods! Giants of Jotunheim are furious!

Su Hai smiled helplessly.

The frog at the bottom of the well is nothing more than this.

Jotonheim's situation is only a little better than Warnerheim and Niederweier.

Probably, for more than a thousand years, there is no communication with the outside world...

They didn't even know it was all Odin's scheming.

The so-called, but also procrastination.

So that Asgard is better prepared for the Warnerheim offensive!

Su Hai didn't want to talk nonsense about these idiots, and directly controlled their brains with a mental magic.

The secret message was successfully obtained.

"Skinir, do you hear me clearly? You are going to gather the staff, and you are going to inform Stonemothera to lead her earth element puppet army and follow me to Jotonheim!"

"I want Jotonheim to plant the banner of the Vaner Protoss!"

"All Giants of Jotunheim, become our affiliation!"

"Let Jotonheim be the first kingdom to be conquered by the Vanirs! 99

"Yes!" Skirnier was arrogant!

The whole person was stirred up by Su Hai's words!

He turned around immediately to contact Shimothera.

In this battle, he, Skirnier, will surely bring the first victory for the Warner Protoss!

After Su Hai waited for Skirnier to leave, he grabbed a high temperature ray and killed the Giants of Jotunheim.

Odin needs time to prepare, and he actually needs time to prepare.

Building an intergalactic portal takes time...


Since the rapid development of Warnerheim's armament, there has not been a real battle,


It also happened to take Jotonheim to practice.

By the way, sign up.

With that in mind, Su Hai took out the golden trident that had been sitting for a long time.

This artifact can also create a strong powerhouse!

He was trying to find a way to lift the restrictions on the trident.

Su Hai's magical knowledge is serious, and he is best at psychic and teleportation magic.

And Aquaman, one of DC's three main gods, is obviously more accomplished in magic than him.

"Maybe... another wave of magic upgrades!"

Su Hai shook his head helplessly, thinking of the ten years he had traveled through time, he couldn't help trembling.

That life is simply not for intelligent life to stay!


Bring a few more people to train with!

The more people there are, the less prone to mental problems.

For example, Bulma who studies technology, children who practice microcosm, Amora who learns magic...

The number of people can't be too many, Su Hai only has the power of time of the bronze dragon king, and can't take too many people to travel through time.

It's best to keep it under ten.

So this candidate must be well chosen!


Standing on the high platform, Lauf overlooked his own army, so dense that he couldn't see the edge.

At this moment, he seems to have regained the Lingyun ambition that once invaded the earth!

This time, when he gets the Casket of Ancient Winters, he will have the strength to launch a war to unify the Nine Realms!

Odin is old and his chance is here!


Lauf waited for the messenger to send out for a long time, but got no response.

"Did the Warner Protoss refuse... Or, let the Warner Protoss be the stepping stone for our clan to return to the top!"5

"Boys! Attack Warnerheim with me!

"Attack Warnerheim!"