
Marvel: I Warner God King, Declaring War on Asgard

In the rebirth of Marvel, Su Hai was mistaken for a descendant of the Warner Protoss royal family and was elected as the Warner God King. Fortunately, the sign-in system was awakened. Sign in to Warnerheim and get the power of the stormy ocean! Sign in to the Time Mutation Authority and get the **Titan Aman'Thul Time Power! Sign in to Scarlet Witch and get Chaos Magic! ... "Titan, what do you think of my army of gods?" "Odin, the position of the Lord of the Nine Realms should be moved. I will take care of that boy Sol." "The god group? Sargeras, kill him for me!" "Dormammu, the atrium is my territory, get out of here!" This was taken from MTL nation so if you find the rate of updating so you can go a read it there. If by any way the author wants, I taken down, I will do it.

Faith1 · ภาพยนตร์
70 Chs

Chapter 63 The Temple of Heaven! Lauf's joy!

Su Hai placed Frostmourne and Casket of Ancient Winters on the table, and said in high spirits:

"Ai Cui, these two things will be handed over to you. I hope you can complete the transformation of the magic sword as soon as possible. The day the sword is completed will be the time to fight against Asgard!"

Ai Cui Zheng nodded, "God King! Don't worry, I will definitely bring you a new divine sword! 39

As he said that, he was about to reach out for two artifacts.

Su Hai reached out his hand to stop him, "Don't touch, I don't want to sacrifice a good talent."

"Frostmourne will hurt anyone who tries to pick it up except me, and in your state of mind, it will only be eaten back! 99

After hearing that, Ai Cui quickly drew back his hand.

He looked left at Frostmourne, then at Casket of Ancient Winters, and smiled bitterly.

These two artifacts are not something he can touch!

Casket of Ancient Winters, capable of freezing entire planets in an instant, causing them to fall into an ice age.

Ai Cui asked himself that he had no strength to resist.

Therefore, the forging task this time was more difficult than he imagined.

But no matter how difficult it is, Ai Tri will find a way to complete it.

For Asgard, he also has a deep hatred, and sit back and watch the dwarf tribe be annihilated by the hatred!

After Su Hai ordered Aitri, he returned to Warnerheim.

The palace of the Warner royal family is a very Nordic style building.

Because it has not been properly repaired and protected for a long time, it has long lost its former glory.

Compared with the current strength of the Warner Protoss, it does not match at all!

Exactly, now comes the zodiac, which can just replace the royal palace.

So, Su Hai called out everyone in the palace.

"God King? Is there any problem with the palace?" Skirnier felt a little puzzled.

"I just want to get a new one." Su Hai nodded slightly and stretched out his right hand to save energy.

"Change a new one?" Skirnier was stunned for a moment. After looking at the palace building carefully, he suddenly realized. He knelt down swiftly, and said ashamedly: "Please forgive me, God King! I forgot to ask someone to build a new palace for you! Please give me I have a little time, and I will let the best craftsmen and designers in Warnerheim create a shrine that fits your identity!"

"No!" Su Hai shook his head slowly, and then, in the shocked eyes of everyone, the golden light burst!

only see,

A golden beam of light falls from the sky!


The scorching rays will destroy everything in the area!

Take the center of the palace and spread it all around!

In the blink of an eye, huge amounts of the palace were reduced to ashes!

Skirnier's heart trembled, and when he saw Su Hai's actions to directly destroy the palace, he was even more frightened.

He was about to say something when another golden light flickered in front of him!

Almost blinded everyone's eyes!

And in the dazzling golden light, a huge amount of shrine is located above the former site of the palace!

The whole body of the temple is golden, and there is a huge amount of gold statue outside the gate.

Its appearance is exactly the same as Su Hai, lifelike!

Above the gate, there are four big characters: Warner Temple!

The whole building, just looking at him, you can feel the noble, mysterious and grand atmosphere.

Su Hai nodded in satisfaction.

This is just the Temple of Athena in the sign-in reward.

When he took it out, he was worried that it was full of Athena designs.

After all, Marvel has a Greek pantheon.

Thousands of years ago, when the Eternals came to the earth to appear, they were mistaken by the earthlings as the spokesperson of the Greek pantheon.

In fact, the Eternals and Greece, although related, are not Greek gods.

As the shrine of King Warner, it is really embarrassing to use the statue of Athena!

Those who don't know think that he unilaterally admires Athena...

Su Hai did all this and looked around.

The zodiac contains a main temple, a papal temple, and twelve palaces named after the constellations.

In each palace, there is a blueprint for the construction of the golden holy garment representing the meaning.

Definitely, in the main temple, it is the construction drawings of sacred clothes.

Its strength bonus and defense are much stronger than other golden holy clothes.

In addition, cultivating a small universe in the palace will get faster bonuses!

Fortunately, the Warner Protoss is not like Asgard, who builds densely packed buildings in the manner of towns.

Warnerheim is a big place, and even the buildings of the prosperous city of gods are far apart from each other.

That's why Su Hai chose to place the Zodiac directly on the old palace.


He is also not like Athena, who builds temples on high mountains to set off God's aloofness.

It's good to stay in the capital of God and experience the fireworks.

Next. Su Hai summoned thirteen buildings one after another.

They surround the Temple of Warner and guard it.

Anyone trying to break into the temple must first break through the defenses of the Golden Zodiac.

Looking at the building complex that appeared out of thin air, the soldiers in charge of guarding the palace were too shocked to speak.

Only Skirnier experienced the most and recovered first.

Looking at Su Hai with respect.


"Yes!" Skirnier subconsciously stepped forward and replied.

"I plan to set up a Temple of Heaven, which will currently be divided into two combat groups!

"The first one is the Ascended Organization, and all members must pass the Ascension Ceremony!""

The second is the Golden Zodiac! With the Pope as the deputy commander, the Golden Saints are the main force, and the Silver Saints and Bronze Saints are under the jurisdiction!

"Among them, you are the deputy commander of the ascenders, responsible for managing all the ascenders for me!"

"Yes!" Skirnier was very excited.

All the ascendants will be managed by him, what a privilege!

Su Hai continued: "In every palace here, there is a forging blueprint of the Golden Cloth and a small universe training book. You will collect it yourself later, send it to Ai Tri, and tell him that Frostmourne has been reforged. After that, I will make the golden holy clothes as soon as possible!

"Then summon the children in all areas of Warnerheim, teach them how to cultivate in the small universe, and bring the best among them to the palace to cultivate, this matter must be as soon as possible!

Skirnier knew the importance of the matter and suddenly became serious.

Although he didn't know what the Golden Saint Seiya and the small universe were, he could see the clue from the fact that the God King turned the Golden Saint Seiya and the Ascended into the same level of power.

The power of the Golden God Warrior may not be worse than that of the Ascender!

Another mighty force!

As the Ascender's deputy, Skirnier has already felt tremendous pressure.

There is only one ascender per year.

Gold Saint Seiya can cultivate at least twelve strong men at the same time!

The difference is self-evident!

Skirnier hopes that the Warner Protoss is extremely strong, but also hopes that he can make a greater contribution.

It also gave him a strong sense of urgency.


Be sure to lead the ascenders well and become the most powerful force under Su Hai!

Jotonheim, one of the Nine Realms.

Jotonheim, is one of the three giants, the territory of the Giants of Jotunheim.

The entire planet is made of 10,000-year-old Ice.

Even if the Protoss people come here, they will not be able to survive here for a long time.

As the king of the land, the Giants of Jotunheim have an innate combat advantage.

So, Odin never thought of attacking Jotonheim.

That would be very bad for the Asgard soldiers!

On the throne of Ice, Lauf is sleeping.

Since the invasion of Earth a thousand years ago was stopped by Odin and robbed of the Casket of Ancient Winters, Lauf has always wanted to learn more artifacts.

That is the source of their power (of the good king).

Without Casket of Ancient Winters, his strength would be greatly diminished.

However, although Odin is old, his combat power is still strong.

He was not sure of defeating the opponent.

At this moment, a giant under his command rushed in with joy, King! Good news, good news! We have arrested an Asgard and learned from him that Odin sent the Casket of Ancient Winters as a testimony of the friendship between the two races. The new God of Warner! 35


Lauf, who seemed to be dozing off, suddenly opened his eyes.

The joy flashed in his eyes!

"Is it true? Casket of Ancient Winters is really in the hands of the Warner Protoss? 35

"It's true! That's what the Asgard said! 35

"Clip well!

Three good words in a row!

Lauf was pleasantly surprised!

Is it true that Giants of Jotunheim can't beat Odin, why can't they beat Warnerheim?

Even if he attacked Vanerheim, Odin had nothing to say, after all Giants of Jotunheim only signed a non-aggression contract with Asgard, but not with the Vaner Protoss!

Just move fast enough and he can bring the Casket of Ancient Winters back!

The heart that had been cold and quiet for thousands of years suddenly became hot!