
Marvel: I Warner God King, Declaring War on Asgard

In the rebirth of Marvel, Su Hai was mistaken for a descendant of the Warner Protoss royal family and was elected as the Warner God King. Fortunately, the sign-in system was awakened. Sign in to Warnerheim and get the power of the stormy ocean! Sign in to the Time Mutation Authority and get the **Titan Aman'Thul Time Power! Sign in to Scarlet Witch and get Chaos Magic! ... "Titan, what do you think of my army of gods?" "Odin, the position of the Lord of the Nine Realms should be moved. I will take care of that boy Sol." "The god group? Sargeras, kill him for me!" "Dormammu, the atrium is my territory, get out of here!" This was taken from MTL nation so if you find the rate of updating so you can go a read it there. If by any way the author wants, I taken down, I will do it.

Faith1 · ภาพยนตร์
70 Chs

Chapter 62 Sign in to the Zodiac!

"Congratulations to the host for signing in, Zodiac sign!"

Zodiac sign? Golden Zodiac!

Good guy, I sign in to the Golden Hall, you bring me the Golden Harmony Palace too?

I don't know if this zodiac is the one in my memory!

Su Hai immediately put his consciousness into it.



The zodiac is the golden zodiac in Saint Seiya.

Moreover, it also comes with the method of cultivating the microcosm and the technique of forging holy clothes!

The Golden Saint Seiya system is mainly to comprehend the microcosm and continuously improve the level of the microcosm.

Generally speaking, as long as Awakening the sixth sense, it is officially entering the cultivation level of the small universe, which is the spiritual feeling.

At this level, you can get some special Ability, that is, nirvana!

It can also launch a supersonic attack!

The best of them can even compete with Hulk!

Then there is the seventh sense, which is considered to be the limit of what mortals can Awakening.

At this level, it is infinitely close to God, and it can even reach the speed of light!

The pinnacle of the seventh sense, enough to fight Captain Marvel!

Wear the golden robe and even fight Odin!

Above the seventh sense, there is a higher realm, but it is difficult to reach it through practice. Generally, the seventh sense is the limit.

Su Hai is not greedy, as long as he can train twelve Awakening Seven Senses and build the Marvel version of the Golden Cloth, he will become a powerful fighting force!


As for himself, whether or not to practice the small universe system in hesitation.

The upper limit of the small universe system is relatively high, but it is difficult to reach the limit. With the time and ability to work hard, he may have reached a higher level.

After struggling for a while, Su Hai temporarily gave up thinking and asked Heimdall to send himself to Nidweal.

Seeing Heimdall's reluctance, Su Hai even chuckled.


Heimdall immediately turned the guardian sword, teleporting Su Hai away.


Odin called up the three warriors and Heimdall.

Under the surprised eyes of several people, Odin's dress changed drastically.

It was a set of Asgard-style armor with a golden luster, and the traces of battle could be vaguely seen on it.

As Heimdall, who has been with Odin for the longest time, he immediately recognized that this suit of armor was the outfit he used to battle Giants of Jotunheim!

"Fandral! Wooster! Hogan! I order the three of you to go to Midgard immediately to take over the "training plan" of the Warner Protoss, and then tell Thor, I'll give him another week! If you can't get Maulnir's Agree, then never go back to Asgard!"

"God King?!"

The three Asgard warriors looked up in panic, and they could feel that what Odin said was true!

Odin's eyes were bright, and his tone was firm, "A new war is about to break out in the Nine Realms! This time, Asgard will bear the brunt! We must be prepared for all battles to deal with the crisis with all our strength! Since Thor is not up to par, then stay in Midgard. Eating and waiting to die is also a good thing for him!"

"What! The Nine Realms Crisis? Could it be... We are going to war with the Warner Protoss?" Several people were shocked!

Odin confirmed this with a nod and waved the three away.

Next, it is not appropriate to let them know.

Although the three warriors are loyal, their mouths are not firm, and it is easy to leak information.

In the whole of Asgard, only Heimdall can keep secrets!

The three warriors of Asgard left worriedly.


Although they were frustrated in Nidweiar, they never thought that a war would really break out with the Warner Protoss!

After the three left, Odin looked at Heimdall and said solemnly:

"Heimdall, I need you to figure out a way to get the news of the Casket of Ancient Winters to the Giants of Jotunheim in Jotonheim! Remember, keep this as private as possible!"

"Yes, God King!" Heimdall replied, bowing his head.

He was about to leave when Odin stopped him again!

"Is that old guy from Muspelheim being honest lately?"

Heimdall replied: "Everything is normal! After being defeated by you, the king of gods, he has been staying in Muspelheim, and there is no other movement!"

Odin nodded, struggling a few times.

Orr, he let Heimdall come over, whispering for a while.

After a few minutes...

"have you understood?"

Heimdall couldn't hold back his expression this time, his pupils shrank, and he didn't dare to believe: "God King, things won't fall to that point, right? Even if the Warner Protoss returns to its peak, we can't possibly lose!"

Odin sighed, "I have an ominous premonition for this fight! If things are really irreversible, there is only other way to solve it!"

"Remember, after the battle of gods begins, you try your best to ensure your own safety!"

Heimdall took a deep breath and nodded solemnly!

Then turn around and leave!

The empty Golden Hall, Odin let out a heavy sigh.

Vaguely, there was a sound of loneliness.

Twilight of the Gods...




When Su Hai arrived, the dwarf king Ai Cui and the mountain giants surrounded Bifrost with a bad look on their faces.

After seeing the person coming, he immediately saluted, "God King!"

Su Hai said, "Get up, Ai Cui will follow me to the furnace, the others will be strictly guarding, always pay attention to "foreign enemies"!"


Aitri followed Su Hai lightly, came to the furnace, and met Amora.

"Amora, when the portal here is thick, I need you to go to Asgard and build a portal too."

"Asgard? Will that guy Odin agree?" Amora was stunned.

"It doesn't matter whether he agrees or not, you can take people there with confidence. I have a way to make them not aware of your movements." Su Hai said confidently.

Hearing this, Amora immediately became interested.

In front of Odin, building an interstellar portal for military use is exciting!

She even put down Nidweal's portal construction and rushed to Asgard immediately to play with those pretentious people!

Immediately afterwards, Su Hai took out Frostmourne, Casket of Ancient Winters.

When I opened the box containing the Casket of Ancient Winters, I found that there was a magic inside.

This is...

Magic designed to eliminate the repulsion of an artifact?

With this magic, combined with Aitri's master forging skills, reforging Frostmourne is a breeze!

Su Hai gave a playful smile.

Odin, Odin, great man!

I really... "love" you to death!

In return, when the new Frostmourne takes shape, use this magic sword and let you taste it! *