
Marvel: I Warner God King, Declaring War on Asgard

In the rebirth of Marvel, Su Hai was mistaken for a descendant of the Warner Protoss royal family and was elected as the Warner God King. Fortunately, the sign-in system was awakened. Sign in to Warnerheim and get the power of the stormy ocean! Sign in to the Time Mutation Authority and get the **Titan Aman'Thul Time Power! Sign in to Scarlet Witch and get Chaos Magic! ... "Titan, what do you think of my army of gods?" "Odin, the position of the Lord of the Nine Realms should be moved. I will take care of that boy Sol." "The god group? Sargeras, kill him for me!" "Dormammu, the atrium is my territory, get out of here!" This was taken from MTL nation so if you find the rate of updating so you can go a read it there. If by any way the author wants, I taken down, I will do it.

Faith1 · ภาพยนตร์
70 Chs

Chapter 61 Strong Odin is online!

"God King! That old guy Odin sent someone to invite you again. I feel that there must be a conspiracy inside. Could he know our plan and want to trap you?"

Seeing Su Hai coming from afar, Skirnier quickly stepped forward and said in a low voice.

Su Hai smiled, "There is a conspiracy for sure, Odin can't wait for me to have an accident."

"Then we reject Sif's invitation directly?" Skirnier's expression froze.

"No, it's impossible for Odin to shoot at this time, he's no longer as decisive as he used to be!"

There is no doubt that Odin invited him this time with the hope of shoving Casket of Ancient Winters to him.

Use Frostmourne's soul-devouring properties to drive him crazy!

It's a pity, Odin is destined to lose his wife and lose his army, and give away a treasure in vain!

Skirnier nodded, no more words, and followed Su Hai to bring Sif in front of him.

"God Warner, King of Asgard, please come and tell me!" Sif immediately bowed and saluted when Su Hai arrived, showing respect.

"Well, let's go." Su Hai waved his hands.

This time, it will be the second official meeting between him and Odin, and the last peaceful meeting.

The relationship between the Aesir Protoss and the Warner Protoss has grown from a secret plan to an overt conflict.

Odin's release of the earthly python is the best proof.

If Odin also wanted to shock and deter Warnerheim before, and use conspiracy to limit their development.


So now, Odin is ready to fight by force, and the earthly python is also the first step to try.

Next, see who starts the war first!

Familiar and Sif came to Bifrost.

Heimdall's expression was serious, and his eyes were full of alertness as he looked at Su Hai.

Su Hai smiled indifferently.

Even under Heimdall's undivided vision, he quietly used the mirror.

Jinghua Shuiyue has an advantage that other magic can't compare with, that is, Shunfa!

Without any chanting or casting spells, a long-term magical barrier can be formed!

Even Heimdall, with his all-seeing eye, doesn't notice it!

At this point, Bifrost is useless!

No one can detect Warnerheim's true location!

Come to the Golden Hall.

This time, Odin sat high on the throne, condescending.

And in his hands is the treasure of the Giants of Jotunheim, the Casket of Ancient Winters!

Seeing Su Hai's arrival, Odin's expression was mixed.

The 20-year-old little guy in front of him actually made him have to reorganize his armaments again, ready to deal with the coming of war at any time.

If you are not careful, the Aesir gods may lose their rule over the Nine Realms!

He stood up, waved Sif to go out, stroked the Casket of Ancient Winters and sighed, "Casket of Ancient Winters is the treasure that I captured when I personally led the army to the Norway region of the earth to face the Giants of Jotunheim a thousand years ago! I lost half of my light for this!"


"However, as the manager of the Nine Realms, I am destined to do a lot of things that I have to do, and I also have to bear a lot of hatred that I have to bear. It is a great responsibility!"

Odin said a bunch of seemingly inexplicable things.

Su Hai knew, however, that Odin was about to let go of "benevolent government" and use force again!

As for what Odin said was a last resort and had to wait for it, just listen to it.

If so reluctant, why not give up the position of ruler of the Nine Realms?

When fighting occurs in other countries, troops will even be sent to suppress it!


It's not because Odin has regarded the Nine Realms as his territory and his back garden.

The powerhouses of other kingdoms are either killed, sealed, or weakened, and Asgard can maintain its strength.

It looks familiar, doesn't it?

Asgard is a copy of the United States!

He said it was for the peace of the Nine Realms.

In fact, it is a frantic suppression. As long as there is a little bit of strengthening and resistance, it will be cut off for you!

In the name of maintaining peace, launch a "peacekeeping" war!

It's not that Odin is showing mercy to Warnerheim's development to the present, but that he has used all kinds of means to no avail.

Naturally, Su Hai couldn't be fooled by Odin's words, and chuckled: "Yes, the Lord of the Nine Realms has a great responsibility, and he must have both force and wisdom in order to maintain peace! It's a pity... Odin, you're old... Who will it be? To continue taking on these huge amounts of stress?"

Definitely my son Thor!

Odin thought to himself.


He was too embarrassed to say this. With Thor's appearance, who can believe that the other party can take this responsibility?

Don't tell anyone else, Odin doesn't believe it himself...

Thor still needs a lot of time to grow!


Having said that, the position of Lord of the Nine Realms cannot be given to you Su Hai!

As long as I, Odin, live one day, this matter will not be discussed!

Since you want to challenge my position, I will also remove the obstacle of Warnerheim for Thor by the way!

When his thoughts were racing, he lost the intention of continuing to communicate, and handed Casket of Ancient Winters over.

"The Warner Protoss is the best ally of our Aesir Protoss! Thank you very much for your guidance to Thor, and the Casket of Ancient Winters will be handed over to you! I have to prepare a little surprise for you, I hope you will be satisfied."

Although he didn't know what the surprise was, Su Hai took it with a smile, "Don't worry, I will "guide" Thor well!"

After saying that, Su Hai turned around and left.

Odin looked at each other's back, and even thought of raising the spear of eternity flashed in his heart!

This son, the threat is too great!

Hope that magic sword can weaken his will...

And Su Hai did not forget the most important thing before going out,

"Sign in now!"

"Sign in to Golden Hall, Odin, congratulations to the host for signing in..."*