
Marvel: I Warner God King, Declaring War on Asgard

In the rebirth of Marvel, Su Hai was mistaken for a descendant of the Warner Protoss royal family and was elected as the Warner God King. Fortunately, the sign-in system was awakened. Sign in to Warnerheim and get the power of the stormy ocean! Sign in to the Time Mutation Authority and get the **Titan Aman'Thul Time Power! Sign in to Scarlet Witch and get Chaos Magic! ... "Titan, what do you think of my army of gods?" "Odin, the position of the Lord of the Nine Realms should be moved. I will take care of that boy Sol." "The god group? Sargeras, kill him for me!" "Dormammu, the atrium is my territory, get out of here!" This was taken from MTL nation so if you find the rate of updating so you can go a read it there. If by any way the author wants, I taken down, I will do it.

Faith1 · ภาพยนตร์
70 Chs

Chapter 6 The Rise of the Warner Protoss










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Chapter 6 The Rise of the Warner Protoss

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In a few minutes before and after this battle, Thor lost very simply.

Lost very simply.

Even his exclusive weapon was taken away by the enemy!

And Su Hai, who defeated Thor, just ten minutes ago, was just an ordinary person...

Even, Su Hai is still bare-handed!

The entire battle, unscathed.

It was a brilliant victory!

Skirnier is in tears!

Warnerheim finally has a chance to rise!

The new god-king, just gaining strength, can defeat the battle-hardened Thor Thor.

How proud this is!

Skirnier is not much younger than Odin, and seeing Thor's strength in his eyes, he naturally knows the gold content in it.

There is no doubt that Su Hai's strength is already close to Odin!

The power displayed does not seem to be limited to the power of the previous God King.

That is a more powerful and weird Ability!

Not even Thor could fight back.

That is to say, Su Hai's future achievements may exceed that of the previous god-king Nyode!

Others don't know, but Skirnier knows very well that Su Hai is not using magic.

Because the previous Su Hai didn't have divine power, and the magic of the Warner Protoss needed divine power to motivate.

Unlike Skirnier, Thor felt powerless and endlessly lost.

he lost...

"Are you still coming?"

Su Hai played with Mjolnir and said condescendingly.

Although Thor lost, he was not convinced.

He doesn't think he's really not an opponent.

The former Odin was able to lead Asgard to unify the Nine Realms.

Overcome one strong enemy after another.

As Odin's son, the Crown Prince of Asgard, he should have the highest military power to match.

"Hmph, give me the hammer! You're lucky, I'm not in good shape this time, let's fight again next time!"

"That's the attitude of the petitioner? It seems that you haven't learned enough!" Su Hai's face turned cold.

The other side trampled Warnerheim again and again.

Even if Su Hai isn't really from Warnerheim, at this moment, he is the Lord of Warnerheim!

This is tantamount to contempt for him!

Thor is Odin's son, not his son.

Except for a little relationship between Frigga, the two have no friendship.

He's not used to Thor!

Thor's face sank instantly.

He wanted to say something, but Sif hurriedly stopped him, "Stop making trouble, Thor, if it keeps making trouble, things will definitely get worse. If a war between the two worlds is triggered, it won't end well!"

Thor's face changed, and after the battle, his mind was much clearer, and he realized what the hell he had done just now.

Odin asked him to participate in the god-king's enthronement ceremony, not to declare war on the opponent.

As for himself, he actually challenged the opponent's king at the enthronement ceremony because he saw his heart.

No matter the challenge, the key is to lose!

Lost my face!

Seeing Thor calm down, Loki on the side knew that things couldn't be helped, and turned to salute Su Hai: "Dear King of Warnerheim, please forgive our recklessness, here, on behalf of Asgard, I sincerely congratulate You, too, hope that Warnerheim will be brilliant under your leadership."

"Yes, the future Warnerheim will definitely exceed your imagination."

Reaching out and not hitting the smiling face, Loki kept his stance so low that Su Hai wouldn't embarrass him.

However, things are not over yet.

Su Hai looked at Thor again.

Thor understands what this means, and in desperation, he twists and says, "I'm sorry!"

Although this sentence is very insincere, Su Hai also knows that this is the limit.

It is very rare to be able to force Thor to do this.

"Well, you can go, we don't have any wine and food for you here."

Su Hai threw the hammer and directly issued an expulsion order.

Thor didn't say anything. They had long wanted to leave quickly. After hearing this, they quickly left.

After they left, the crowd erupted into violent cheers.

Warnerheim is up!

Asgard's star, Thor Thor also had to retreat!

They saw hope!


Asgard, Golden Hall!

Odin sat on the throne, although his hair was gray, but the breath of the god king around him was still majestic.

There is no doubt that anyone who dares to underestimate him will suffer the most violent attack!

However, Odin suddenly sensed a sense of discomfort in the distance.

After a little exploration, I found that the enchantment mechanism he arranged on Mjolnir suffered an unprecedented impact!

"What's going on? Whose hands did Mjolnir fall on? Who is Thor fighting?!"

At this moment, Heimdall came in.

"Heimdall, what's wrong with you coming to my place without guarding Bifrost?"

"The God King! The God King of Wanaheim is born!" Heimdall knelt on one knee and said respectfully.

Odin frowned, "What's the problem? Didn't I queue Thor to go ahead?"


As soon as the words came out, Odin suddenly realized that Thor was in Warnerheim!

The accident just now...

Could it be that Thor is fighting the Warner Protoss!

Thinking of this, Odin's face darkened.

Although he did want to use Thor's rashness and tantrums to beat the Warner Protoss.

However, he did not want the two sides to go to war.

Frigga wasn't too bad either.


The magic attached to Mjolnir by him cannot be suppressed by anyone.

And the feeling just now... someone forcibly controlled Mauernier!

So, here comes the problem again.

Is there anyone in the Vanir who can take the hammer from Thor's hand and suppress the magic he casts? !

In this regard, Odin can say with certainty,

Absolutely not! *