
Marvel: I Warner God King, Declaring War on Asgard

In the rebirth of Marvel, Su Hai was mistaken for a descendant of the Warner Protoss royal family and was elected as the Warner God King. Fortunately, the sign-in system was awakened. Sign in to Warnerheim and get the power of the stormy ocean! Sign in to the Time Mutation Authority and get the **Titan Aman'Thul Time Power! Sign in to Scarlet Witch and get Chaos Magic! ... "Titan, what do you think of my army of gods?" "Odin, the position of the Lord of the Nine Realms should be moved. I will take care of that boy Sol." "The god group? Sargeras, kill him for me!" "Dormammu, the atrium is my territory, get out of here!" This was taken from MTL nation so if you find the rate of updating so you can go a read it there. If by any way the author wants, I taken down, I will do it.

Faith1 · ภาพยนตร์
70 Chs

Chapter 58 Fighting the Worldly Giant Python!

"Majafak! Can anyone tell me the origin of the giant python that suddenly attacked New York!"

Nick Fury is going crazy!

Here he is still investigating issues within S.H.I.E.L.D and trying to figure out how to hold politicians accountable.

There's more trouble over there!

The number of casualties is rising every second since Yemengard came ashore!

In just a few minutes, tens of thousands of people were killed and injured!

This is still because the big python ignores these "miscellaneous fish". Once the other party frees up his hands, New York may be finished!

Could it be that they still have to drop a nuclear bomb on New York?

Damn it!

Now I know with my butt that those politicians will use this incident to attack again!

"Director, there is news!"

The Hill agent came over with a stack of documents.

"According to Thor's inquiry, we have already learned that this giant python is the legendary earthly python Yemengard! It was active in the Nine Realms until it was sealed by Odin!"

"Fake! What days are these days? First Thor, then Warner! Now there's another terrifying monster, Yemengard! Are they all coming to Earth for the Nine Realms party? Do you want to contact Flame Giant, Giants of Jotunheim, and join us? Table Mahjong?"

Nick Fury is upset.

It's been an eventful day on Earth these days!

Compared to these days, the Hulk of a few days ago is also insignificant!

Mythical characters appear from nowhere, and they have the attitude of making a big fight!

"Director, we learned from Thor that the earthly python is logically sealed in the endless deep sea, and it cannot come out without special circumstances. There may be a behind-the-scenes mastermind behind it!" Hill's due diligence report.


"Who's behind the scenes? Shet! Check it out! Get that guy out! I'm going to let him try all the S.H.I.E.L.D torture props!"

Nick Fury yelled at "the man behind the scenes".

As everyone knows, this black hand is Thor's father, Odin...

Now, apart from Su Hai, how many people would have guessed that the earthly python was actively released by its sealer?

"and also!"

"Hill agent, I hope you can finish it next time you report back!" Nick Fury stared at her.

"If you can keep quiet, Director, then I have finished reporting all the information now." The Hill agent said calmly.

"...Okay, go ahead."

"Thor said that Yemengard is likely to come to him for revenge! Because the other party was sealed by Odin, he especially hated the Asgard people. As the Prince of Asgard, Thor is likely to be his first target!"

This time, after waiting for a while, seeing that Hill finally stopped reporting, Fury shook his head and said, "Thor is in New Mexico, and now Yemengard is ashore in New York, don't tell me he came to New York to travel across the United States to find Thor. trouble?"

"It's not clear what Yemengard thinks, but this kind of speculation cannot be ruled out!" Hill also frowned.

At this time, Natasha Romanoff pushed the door and entered.

"Director! Iron Man is dispatched!"

"He's at war with Yemengard!"

"Is Tony crazy! Even the army can't take Yemengard, how can he have the confidence to deal with monsters!"

Nick Fury calmly analyzed.

Tony Stark's steel battle suit is of great military value. The military and him have talked to Tony Stark several times, hoping to get the technology of the steel battle suit, or the right to purchase.

However, after Tony Stark returned from the desert, he shut down the weapons department and stopped selling arms, so that their plans never came true.

While a steel battle suit is great, it doesn't mean it's better than the military.

Just when used in combat, the steel battle suit is more flexible and can change the way you fight in the future!

From a strength analysis, that's it.

Sure enough, within a few dozen seconds of Nick Fury speaking, another report came, "Director, Iron Man is defeated!"


"But... another person appeared in the sky! He flew out of thin air and looked at the big python, and the big python also stopped its sabotage!"

"He?" Nick Fury frowned, not sounding like Captain Marvel.


Looking at the real-time video, my face changed wildly!

"It's him! God King Warner!"


"You are Su Hai, God of Warner? What a familiar breath of divine power! I haven't tasted this deliciousness in thousands of years! I can't wait to swallow you!"

Seeing Su Hai coming, Yemengard already knew that this was the man he was looking for.

Once, he also ate quite a few Protoss warriors who tried to challenge him.

It once became a disaster term in the Nine Realms.

Until sealed by Odin.

Thousands of years have passed, and his myth is still circulating in the Nine Realms!

Even Midgard, too!

"That old man Odin called you here! Yemengard!"

In the face of the arrogant performance of the worldly python, Su Hai seemed very calm.

Dying snake, let him enjoy the air for a while is fine.

The more arrogant, the more crazy, the more miserable you will die later!

He is still very "generous" in this regard.

"What if there is? What if it isn't? Anyway, all of you Protoss will become the food in my stomach. It's nothing more than the difference between dying sooner and later!"

Yemengard opened his mouth wide, like a madman grinning wildly.

"Today, start with a god king! After eating you, my power will be even stronger!"

"Looks like you admitted it! Very good!"


"But... a guy who has been sealed by Odin for thousands of years, who gave you the confidence to beat me?"

Su Hai laughed sarcastically: "Although I don't know what conditions Odin gave you to let you put down your hatred for a while and come to trouble me, but... you think you can live until the day the deal comes true?"

"I can tell you very clearly that you are just a pawn under Odin's hands, using your life to test my cannon fodder!"

From the moment Yemengard tried to kill him, Su Hai sentenced him to death!

Since you dare to kill me, you must be prepared to be killed, right?

Fighting is not a home game!

"Who do you think you are? The Odin once? You are just a god-king who was born not long ago! You never know how strong Odin was at that time! He can beat me, doesn't mean you can beat me too !"

Yemengard is furious!

When he made the deal with Asgard, he already knew the "true" strength of the Warner King.

How strong can a 20-year-old boy be?

Dare to compare with Odin at his peak?

"Just try it, but unfortunately after today, you won't have the chance to seek revenge on Odin again!"

From Yemengard "got" the news that Odin was first to act, and the goal has been achieved.

Su Hai got his hands on it!

With one hand, the sky dimmed.

The wind is blowing!

The clouds are dense!

The mighty divine power surged wildly, triggering a celestial phenomenon!

Under his control, the sea water instantly turned into a sky-high hand and grabbed Yemengard!

Yemengard greeted the "giant hand" without showing weakness.

Head-to-head, except for the equally huge Sirte, he has never been afraid of anyone! *