
Marvel: I Warner God King, Declaring War on Asgard

In the rebirth of Marvel, Su Hai was mistaken for a descendant of the Warner Protoss royal family and was elected as the Warner God King. Fortunately, the sign-in system was awakened. Sign in to Warnerheim and get the power of the stormy ocean! Sign in to the Time Mutation Authority and get the **Titan Aman'Thul Time Power! Sign in to Scarlet Witch and get Chaos Magic! ... "Titan, what do you think of my army of gods?" "Odin, the position of the Lord of the Nine Realms should be moved. I will take care of that boy Sol." "The god group? Sargeras, kill him for me!" "Dormammu, the atrium is my territory, get out of here!" This was taken from MTL nation so if you find the rate of updating so you can go a read it there. If by any way the author wants, I taken down, I will do it.

Faith1 · ภาพยนตร์
70 Chs

Chapter 57 The giant python invades, jumping over the wall!

New York is a seaside city, the largest city in the southeast and the largest commercial port.

For hundreds of years, it has always been a world city, and there are endless ships coming and going every day!

Today is still a sunny day.

Early in the morning, there are tens of thousands of people busy on the port.

It was at this time.

boom! ! !

There was a loud noise in the distance of the ocean.

A heart-wrenching voice broke out from the crowd!

"The tsunami is coming!"

"What? This is New York! Not the devil's land! How could there be a tsunami!"

Some people don't believe it at all.

Although there are many disasters in New York, they are all terror, terror, attacks, and occasionally tornadoes and storms, all of which are harmless.

How could a tsunami suddenly occur when the weather is calm?


At the moment, someone has discovered that in the distant sea, a large wave of waves is frantically shooting!

A full tens of meters of waves swept up!

The sound of the crowd, the sound of panic, broke out in the port.

And the ships still above the sea at the moment are frantically driving full horsepower towards the port.

"what is that?"

"There's something in the sea!"

On a cargo ship, a person with a telescope vaguely saw a dark figure flashing under the water!

He rubbed his eyes and picked up the binoculars again to check.

At this moment, a pair of vertical pupils full of chills suddenly looked at him!

"Oh shit! Majafak! Sea monsters! There are sea monsters under the water!"

The sailor was taken aback by the sudden affectionate look at each other! The spirit is in a trance at this moment!

He threw away the binoculars and ran back while shouting frantically, causing others to scold.

"Mike! What are you doing, kid? Come and help if you want to live! Fake! There's no wind in this horrible weather, where did the waves come from! When the labor and management return alive, we must let Jenny The table is well received!"


The man called Mike frantically took out a revolver from the lounge.

He ran back to the deck and looked around nervously.

In such a short time, sweat has soaked the whole body!

"Mike, what are you crazy about! You want to fight the waves with a pistol? Who do you think you are?"

Some people laughed loudly, trying to distract themselves from the fear of the waves.

"The sea monster is here! The sea monster is here!"

Mike ignored the others' taunts.


The eyes flashed before his eyes again.

This time, Mike saw the figure of Lehai Monster clearly.

A big snake that can't see the edge at a glance!

"Oh, God!"

After an unconscious murmur, the whole ship was overturned by the serpent!

And this big snake, as if it had only done a trivial thing, marched toward New York City again.

Behind it, huge amounts of waves followed!

This is the earthly python Yemengard!


this day.

New York suffered its biggest natural disaster since its inception.

The initiator of this natural disaster was a mythical giant python.

When Yemengard stretched out and brought the tsunami to shore, the United States was boiling!

It's not a movie here, it's reality.

So, when the monster appears.

Immediately, the army entered New York and launched an attack on this strange beast!

Tanks, planes and missiles want to die for money, and let out their firepower like crazy!


Facing the monsters that Odin had to take action to seal, the weapons they were proud of lost their function at this moment.

All attacks landed on the python, unable to cause a single bit of damage.


"Mortal! Get out of here!"

Just when they were at a loss, the beast in their eyes actually made a human roar!

Huge amounts of sound waves made them cover their overwhelmed ears in pain.

Yemengard annoyed these Midgard little ones.

Although he does not feel pain, he feels that his majesty is being provoked!

If it wasn't for business, he would definitely let these ignorant guys know the fear of death!

"God Warner Su Hai! Kill you and I'll be free and free to swim in Warnerheim!"

"And then destroy Asgard!"

"All Protoss people should be damned!"

"Hey, big python, this way is dead! Can you go back to the sea?"

A somewhat frivolous voice came from the air.

Yemengard looked, and a Tin Man appeared in the air.

"Mortal! How dare you tell me to get out?"

"Did you hear me clearly? Need me to repeat it? No problem! Can you go back to the sea?"

Tony Stark remained frivolous.

But while he was speaking, J.A.R.V.I.S had been ordered to start accumulating energy.

With such a big monster, normal attacks would definitely not work, and he could only try to use all the energy of the Ark reactor.

Unleash the strongest attack on the monster!

"you wanna die!"

Yemengard opened his bloody mouth, dragged his torso for thousands of meters, and took a bite at the Iron Man in the sky!

"Good chance! J.A.R.V.I.S, aim his mouth full of energy! Let this beast know what it means to cherish life!"

Tony activated the backup energy supply Flight and issued an attack order to J.A.R.V.I.S.


A full-power light cannon is fired from the chest!

Dozens of tiny missiles followed.

boom! ! !

A violent explosion sounded deep in Yemengard's mouth.

Crazy output of firepower enough to tear through steel.


"Sir, I don't think our attack has worked. Given the energy reserve at the moment, it's better to leave first."

"Nonsense, I can't see it myself? I want you to say it! Let's go!"

Tony has seen the effect of the attack clearly.

The powerful attack only made Yemengard pause for a few seconds, and then started to attack him again.

Seeing this result, my chest is full of frustration.

His technological crystallization can only tickle the other party!

Can't believe it!

Just as Tony was dodging the attack and retreating, a figure suddenly entered his field of vision.

"Hey man, what are you doing? This monster is strong, we..."


Tony was halfway through speaking, and was surprised to find that the people on the screen were actually flying in the sky out of thin air.

"J.A.R.V.I.S, why didn't you tell me there was an obstacle in the visual field function system?"

"I checked sir, and the whole steel battle suit has no problems other than energy problems!"

"..." Tony Stark was silent.

Since there is no problem with the battle suit, does that mean he has a problem with his nerves?

Or... this guy can fly?

In the sky.

Su Hai passed Tony Stark and came to Yemengard.

He has been aware of it since the other party was awakened by Asgard and galloped across the ocean.

Everything in the ocean is his own back garden to him, and no movement can be concealed from him.

Originally, Su Hai thought that Yemengard's awakening was to find Thor. After all, Yemengard and Thor are mortal enemies whether it is Myth or Marvel.

As a result, Yemengard actually came to New York.

The goal is still clear.

it's him!

There is no doubt that Yemengard is Odin's handwriting!

Looking at the huge earthly python indifferently, Su Hai was not afraid at all.

"Very good, Odin jumped the wall!"*