
Marvel: I Warner God King, Declaring War on Asgard

In the rebirth of Marvel, Su Hai was mistaken for a descendant of the Warner Protoss royal family and was elected as the Warner God King. Fortunately, the sign-in system was awakened. Sign in to Warnerheim and get the power of the stormy ocean! Sign in to the Time Mutation Authority and get the **Titan Aman'Thul Time Power! Sign in to Scarlet Witch and get Chaos Magic! ... "Titan, what do you think of my army of gods?" "Odin, the position of the Lord of the Nine Realms should be moved. I will take care of that boy Sol." "The god group? Sargeras, kill him for me!" "Dormammu, the atrium is my territory, get out of here!" This was taken from MTL nation so if you find the rate of updating so you can go a read it there. If by any way the author wants, I taken down, I will do it.

Faith1 · ภาพยนตร์
70 Chs

Chapter 56: Odin's test, the worldly python

"God King! We can't just let those damned stone giants go like this! In their eyes, only God King Warner, not Asgard at all!" Volstag said angrily.

This time, it was the first time they suffered such a big loss!

If Heimdall hadn't been watching them all the time, teleporting them back as soon as Roar called his name, maybe they would have been planted in Nidweal.

"God King! Do you want to call Thor back first? As long as he leads us to attack again, he will be able to crush those stone men!"

Fandral calmed down a little and wanted to use this opportunity to call Thor back.

In the whole of Asgard, without Odin's shot, only Thor could beat the golems.

Or, send an army to suppress!

But this is tantamount to a direct declaration of war.

Nidweiar can only be solved with an elite team, punishing the dwarfs on the pretext of betraying their covenant.

This process needs to be resolved quickly.

Without Thor, it would be nearly impossible to achieve this!

Odin understood this too, and turned to Heimdall, "Let's see what Thor is doing first?"

Heimdall immediately used the All-Seeing Eye.

"God-king, now Warnerheim's oldest general, Skirnier, is training Thor, presumably?" Heimdall was uncertain.

"He's helping the Midgards?"

Odin furrowed his brows, and quickly relaxed again, "Although Su Hai is abominable, the terms of the promise are still very good! If Thor understands to help the weak and love the people, then he can also gain the approval of Miao Ernir. ."

"Forget it, don't let Thor come back for now. When he understands my intentions, he will be stronger and stronger!"


in the hall.

Loki, who had been standing beside him, heard Odin muttering to himself. Beneath his calm surface, he could barely contain his jealousy and anger.

He really thought Odin was trying to punish Thor.

Unexpectedly, the so-called punishment actually makes Thor stronger!

The position of the throne is still missed by him!

He, Loki, is still the dispensable second prince...

"God King! If we don't let Thor come back, what should we do?" Fandral asked.

At the moment, dozens of mountain giants are like big mountains blocking in front of them.

It is not enough to use a large army, and if there are fewer people, it will not be able to fight.

Odin took a deep breath, "Heimdall, did you notice anything unusual when you were monitoring Warnerheim?"

"No, everything is fine!"

"Really?" Odin always felt something was wrong.

Everything seems so weird!

Where did Su Hai have the confidence to challenge him?

As long as his Odin doesn't fall, Asgard will be fine!

To beat him, where did Su Hai get his confidence?

As Odin recalled the war that had already begun, there seemed to be a thick fog covering his eyes.

Seriously affected his induction!


Find a way to try it out!


I can't be passive like this anymore!

Odin has a decision.

Since it is a temptation, then Asgard can't come out, and people must be pulled over from other places.

Hela is a good choice.

But Odin was worried that after releasing Hela, he would not be able to hold back any longer, and there would even be a situation of wolves and tigers, so he did not initiate this decision.

He doesn't know Su Hai's strength, but he knows Hela's strength and character.

That being the case...

"Heimdall, wake up the sleeping snake in Midgard!"

"God-king, you mean... Yemengard, the earthly python!" Heimdall looked shocked.

The Earthly Serpent, aka Ouroboros, surrounds the Serpent of Midgard.

Once blocked from Asgard, it was sealed by Odin and slumbered in the endless depths of Midgard.

Its body is extremely large and has deadly fangs!

It's an extremely scary monster!

"Isn't the God-King Warner on Earth? Tell Yemengard, as long as he can solve the other party, we can bring it back to life!"

"God King, the awakening of the earthly python may bring huge amounts of trouble to the Nine Realms! I'm afraid..." Heimdall was extremely worried.

That monster, only Odin can win.

Once there is a change, the trouble is big!

"I know very well! But do you think the earthly python will be his opponent? Since he has inherited the power of the god king, and he is also the sea god, the earthly python cannot be his opponent!"

"All I need is to see his strength!"

This is a trial.


Odin wanted to find the source of his worries.

He had to determine Su Hai's strength before deciding what to do next.

The earthly python is powerful and within his control.

Definitely the perfect way to test Su Hai's strength.

After Heimdall heard it, he understood the meaning of it, so he took the order to leave.

"You guys go back to heal your injuries, Thor is coming back soon, and you will need to fight side by side with Thor."

"Yes, God King!" Asgard's three warriors were recognized by Odin, their mood was surging and their emotions were high.

This is a great honor!

Soon, only Loki was left on the field, and Odin looked at the "son" with mixed eyes.

"Loki, go on, Asgard may have a war, I hope you can make enough contributions to Asgard at that time, and don't let down your royal status!"

"Yes, Father!" Loki walked away slowly.

After going out, the respectful face instantly changed back to its original state.

He... not reconciled!



Endless deep sea!

In the depths of the dark and dull ocean, two huge amounts of "lanterns" suddenly appeared.

Through the dim light of the lantern, a long, suspected tail is swinging freely!

Gives a bit of chilly coolness! *