
Marvel: I Warner God King, Declaring War on Asgard

In the rebirth of Marvel, Su Hai was mistaken for a descendant of the Warner Protoss royal family and was elected as the Warner God King. Fortunately, the sign-in system was awakened. Sign in to Warnerheim and get the power of the stormy ocean! Sign in to the Time Mutation Authority and get the **Titan Aman'Thul Time Power! Sign in to Scarlet Witch and get Chaos Magic! ... "Titan, what do you think of my army of gods?" "Odin, the position of the Lord of the Nine Realms should be moved. I will take care of that boy Sol." "The god group? Sargeras, kill him for me!" "Dormammu, the atrium is my territory, get out of here!" This was taken from MTL nation so if you find the rate of updating so you can go a read it there. If by any way the author wants, I taken down, I will do it.

Faith1 · ภาพยนตร์
70 Chs

Chapter 55 The three warriors are defeated, and the angry Odin!


Su Hai could have set up a magical barrier in Nidweal to block Heimdall's prying eyes.

After all the dust settles, it's perfectly fine.


Why would he do this?

In fact, he was deliberately making Amora swagger to send troops to Nidweal.

Build a teleportation array under Heimdall's nose!

There is only one reason for this!

Enrage Odin!

Enrage Asgard!

As long as they take a shot at Warnerheim, he has an excuse to declare war on Asgard!

Today is coming!

Whether in consideration of the stability of Asgard's position or out of breath, it is impossible for Odin to remain indifferent to the departure of the dwarf.

Perhaps for a short time, the departure of the dwarfs will have little effect on Asgard.

But after a long time, Asgard will fall into the same situation as the former Warnerheim, without sharp weapons and armor, and the combat effectiveness will drop a lot!

With Su Hai at the Odin location, something must be done!

Now, Su Hai just has to wait for Odin's next move.

As for the Asgard Three Warriors...

They take themselves too seriously.

Dozens of former stone giants can make them unable to eat and walk around, not to mention the mountain giants whose strength has been doubled?

A matter of minutes!

After thinking about it, Su Hai also used arcane magic to deliver some news to Amora.

Bulma saw the blue energy around Su Hai, her eyes widened, and she instantly entered scientist mode, "Wow~ What is this? Magic? Oops! Forgot to bring equipment! How to study it?"

Su Hai tapped her forehead twice, "If you want to study, you can study yourself!"

Bulma pouted and rubbed the place where she was beaten, and said tangled: "But I can't!"

"It's okay, when you get to me, I'll ask someone to teach you!"

"Really?!" Bulma was overjoyed and stretched out her little finger, "Come on, let's pull the hook! You can't lie to me! Otherwise... or I won't help you!"

"Okay! Pull the hook!" Su Hai smiled.

Just looking at the innocent and lively Bulma at the moment, who can believe that this sixteen-year-old girl can have a perverted brain?

Reed, Tony, of the same age, can't compare to Bulma!

Perhaps, only Kang, who lived in the 30th century and stood on the shoulders of many scientific research giants, could be compared with Bulma?


Amora, who was instructed by Su Hai, raised a beautiful arc at the corner of her mouth, "The King of God told me, let's not worry! Even, the bigger we make trouble, the better!"

Ai Cui was a little puzzled, "With such a big commotion, it won't end well at that time, right?"

"That's what I want!" Amora looked up at the sky with a mocking smile, as if looking at Heimdall.

She knew that at this moment, Heimdall was definitely paying attention!

"Asgard has been the Lord of the Nine Realms for thousands of years, it's time to move his position! Since Odin has reached the point where he can't do what he wants, why do he still miss this position?"

Ai Tri was stunned!

An idea suddenly arises!

Warnerheim is going to war with Asgard!

No wonder the God-king of Warner came to him in person. It turned out that he had had this idea since then!


Are Warnerheim really strong enough to beat Asgard?

Amora saw Ai Cui's concern and said easily: "King Dwarf, you only joined us at Warnerheim. Naturally, you don't know our current strength!"

"Under the leadership of the great Warner God King, our strength has far surpassed the peak of the past!"

"At that time, we had the power to compete with the mighty Asgard, let alone now!"

"In this battle, we must be the final victor!"

From Amora's eyes, Aitri saw a strong confidence.

For what she said, Ai Tri had believed more than half of it.

Amora has lived in Asgard for so many years, and has a very clear understanding of Asgard's strength.

And now, even she thinks that Warnerheim is stronger, then, this battle may be the most shocking one in the Nine Realms for thousands of years!

The invincible Odin will lead to the first defeat!

The pattern of the Nine Realms is about to flip!

Ai Cui felt fortunate for a while, fortunate that she had chosen to seek refuge in the first place.

If Warnerheim had beaten Asgard, he couldn't imagine the end of dwarf!

That is to say, the power of words.

The battlefield outside has come to an end.

Asgard's three warriors are not weak and full of courage!

In the face of mountain giants several times larger than themselves and dozens of times more numerous, they still dare to attack.

However, the outcome of things exceeded their expectations.

When their weapons hit the mountain giant, it was nothing but stone debris.

For the huge mountain giant, it hardly affects the action.

The stone giants do not have the pain of carbon-based lifeforms, and as long as they can move, they can continue to fight!

Until the body is shattered or the heart of stone in the chest is shattered!

The three warriors of Asgard did not know the weakness of the mountain giant, and could only rely on agility to fight hard.

But after a few minutes, the fattest of the three, Vorstag, came out first. After being hit by the fists of several mountain giants, the whole person was smashed dozens of meters away!

Weapons were also seized!


Fandral and Hogan startled Roar.

That is, when their attention was diverted, the fist of the mountain giant also fell on them!

Hearing only two "bangs", the two of them also followed in the footsteps of Wooster.

After the mountain giants shot up the three, Amora did not stop them, so they continued to sprint!

The three Asgard warriors stood up in embarrassment.

Asgard's physique endows them with strong vitality, and they will not lose their combat effectiveness for a while.

But after losing the weapon, it can no longer cause damage to the giants.

"Damn it! If only Thor was still there! As long as he launches lightning, see how arrogant these stone lumps are!" Vorstag wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said unwillingly.

"No! We can't fight them alone! This group of stone giants is very strange. In my memory, the stone giants never have such a powerful force!"

Hogan rubbed his chest, breathing heavily.

"Let's go, let's go back and report to the Father of God, when the time comes, we will lead the army to push them!" The most rational Fandall raised his head and shouted, "Heimdall!"

boom! !

The golden rays of light arrived instantly at the moment when the sound fell.

Before the mountain giant arrived, only a circle with a mysterious symbol remained on the scene.

"Cut, the Asgard people are a bunch of cowards!" the mountain giants shouted in dissatisfaction.


Not knowing how many of them were called Roar cowards, after returning to Bifrost, they immediately rushed to the Golden Hall to report to Odin.

Odin's expression became even sharper when he heard that the mountain giant had admitted that the dwarfs really took refuge in Warnerheim!

"This is to challenge Asgard's position! Su Hai, I still underestimate you! You are more terrifying than God-king Nyod!"*