
Marvel: I Warner God King, Declaring War on Asgard

In the rebirth of Marvel, Su Hai was mistaken for a descendant of the Warner Protoss royal family and was elected as the Warner God King. Fortunately, the sign-in system was awakened. Sign in to Warnerheim and get the power of the stormy ocean! Sign in to the Time Mutation Authority and get the **Titan Aman'Thul Time Power! Sign in to Scarlet Witch and get Chaos Magic! ... "Titan, what do you think of my army of gods?" "Odin, the position of the Lord of the Nine Realms should be moved. I will take care of that boy Sol." "The god group? Sargeras, kill him for me!" "Dormammu, the atrium is my territory, get out of here!" This was taken from MTL nation so if you find the rate of updating so you can go a read it there. If by any way the author wants, I taken down, I will do it.

Faith1 · ภาพยนตร์
70 Chs

Chapter 54 The three Asgard warriors face off against the mountain giants!

Nine Realms...

It's really going to change!

Heimdall lowered his head, waiting for Odin's next order.

Odin's face hadn't softened since he reported these things to Odin.

In the only remaining eye, there was calm.

Just like the calm before the storm.

The calmer it is, the more ferocious the storm is!

"The dwarf...why did they turn their backs on Asgard and into the arms of Warnerheim?"

"The agreement for thousands of years has actually changed overnight!"

"What the hell is Aitri thinking!"

Odin couldn't figure it out.

No matter how he thought about it, he couldn't understand!

Asgard has protected Nidweal's dwarf for thousands of years, and the relationship is unbreakable.

What conditions did Warnerheim give to make the dwarfs abandon the mighty Asgard!

He Odin, although old, is not dead!

Asgard is still the Lord of the Nine Realms!

No one can change this fact!

"Heimdall, ask the three Asgard warriors to come and ask them about the situation of the dwarf! Asgard can't lose the service of the dwarf!"

"Yes, God King!" Heimdall slowly faded away, but in Odin's calm tone, he felt a chill!

He had never seen such an Odin before.

It hasn't been seen for almost thousands of years.

It's as if I'm back when I fought the Nine Realms...

Odin remained in his original sitting position after Heimdall left.

He was considering the reasons for the departure of the dwarfs.

Among the many reasons that Asgard has remained prosperous, the dwarfs have contributed.

From the exclusive artifact of the king of gods to the equipment of soldiers, they are all inseparable from the dwarf family.

Not long ago, he also designed a new weapon, the Storm Axe!

This is the king-level weapon he specially prepared for Thor, exclusive to Thor!

Storm Axe, has a terrifying strength bonus, and also has the ability to open Bifrost!

The molds are already ready.

The reason why it has not yet started to build is to wait for the day when Thor ascends the throne.

When Thor ascends to the King of Asgard, it will also be the moment when the weapon takes shape!

but now...

With the departure of the dwarf family, the storm axe will also be in vain.

What will Thor use in the future? Still using a hammer?

What a joke!


Asgard three warriors, Vorstagg, Fandral, Hogan.

At the moment, they are practicing their martial arts as usual.

As Thor's loyal follower.

They must work harder and stronger than the others to qualify for Thor.

Even now that Thor is demoted, they dare not relax and strengthen themselves day after day.

Because they always believe that Thor's departure is only temporary, and he will definitely become the king of Asgard in the future!

Only Thor is eligible!

Loki? That skinny magician? He is not qualified!

During battle, only two daggers are used to make a sneak attack with magic.

Anything will only use some small tricks.

Asgard only worships warriors!

Until this day...

The news from Heimdall surprised them.

Incredible to believe!

"Heimdall, the dwarfs really took refuge in Wanaheim? How is this possible!" Vorstag was the most reckless and straightforward of the three.

"Our Aesir Protoss is so much stronger than the Warner Protoss, they are not stupid!"

Heimdall said solemnly: "That's the truth. The dwarfs have turned their backs on us. The Warners have sent troops to station in Nidweiar. The Father of God needs you to ask why! ASAP!"

"Crazy! Crazy! What did King Dwarf think? He unilaterally broke the agreement! Aren't you afraid of Thor leading Asgard's army to crusade them?"

Walking on the road, Vorstag still looked incredible.

"We have to figure out the reason! Although Thor is not here, we have to do something for him!" Fandral said in high spirits.

"Hogan, you shouldn't leave us, right?"

"No! We are a whole, we were in the past, we are now, and we will be in the future!" Hogan affirmed.

Like Heimdall, Hogan has nostalgia for Warnerheim.

But in the business of both parties, he still chose Asgard.

After all, Thor really had nothing to say to him.

The relationship between iron buddies for thousands of years is not a blow!

Through Bifrost, the three armed with weapons, reached Nidviar.

They are very familiar here.

Several people have been here with Thor in the past.

They knew very well what happened to Nidweal.

Come to the gate.

Dozens of tall mountain giants are waiting here.

Vorstag looked at his body that was twice as fat as ordinary people, and then looked at the mountain giant more than ten meters high.

He couldn't help but sighed: "Hogan, I didn't expect such monsters to exist in your hometown! These should be the stone giants who came to the Golden Hall with God King Warner that day, what a monster!"

Hogan also looked at the mountain giant carefully, and compared it with the stone giant in his memory...

Apart from the fact that they are all made of stone, there is no resemblance at all!

At this time, the mountain giant also found three little dots and looked carefully, "Asgard people, what are you doing here!"

Fandral stood up and shouted, "Nidweiar has always been the domain of the King of God Odin. Are you not afraid of causing a war between the two races by coming here without authorization?"

"Asgard people, don't scare me, we are not afraid of you!" The heavy voice of the mountain giant sounded, and outsiders could not hear the difference in the words.

"We are guarding Nidweiar under the order of the God King Warner. Now all the dwarf people have voluntarily joined Warnerheim, and it has nothing to do with you!"

"Sorry, this needs the consent of the King of God! You are not allowed to stay in Nidway until you agree!"

"Humph! What a shit the King of God! We only know God King Warner and Lord Stone Mother! Without God King Warner's order, even if the King of God comes, they are not allowed to enter!"

"You!!!" Fandral pulled out his long sword with a clanging sound.

"Want to fight? Just a few of you? Hahahaha!" The mountain giants laughed wildly!

"Little ones, go back quickly. You can only go in when you get the consent of our God King! Otherwise... I will treat you as intruders! The God King said that as long as there are intruders, kill them!"

"Crazy! Brothers come together, let's rush in and teach them a lesson!" Vorstager was the first to rush out with a big axe.

Fandral and Hogan quickly followed.

Seeing this, the mountain giants strode to meet them!

As they say, even if it's Odin today, they dare to wave their fists!

inside the door.

Amora, who was instructing the apprentices to build the magic circle, had already sensed the movement outside.

And soon knew the identity of the visitor.

"The three warriors of Asgard? Thor's follower! They dare to attack the gate, they just don't know whether to live or die!"

"Amora magician, do we need to go out and help?" Aitri came over with a big hammer.

After seeing the scene of the massacre of the dwarf tribe, the dwarf king Aitui put down the wine and took up the weapon.

He already knew that, as the king of a family, he could never let his guard down.

He must shoulder the mission of protecting the clan.

Always train, always take up arms and fight!

"No! It's just a few little mice. If those big guys can't solve it, then they just go back and act as rockeries!"

Amora shook her head, rejecting Aitri's proposal.

"This matter... I need to report to the King of God to prevent Odin from jumping off the wall!"

Aitri nodded in agreement.

Although he joined Warnerheim, he was worried that Asgard would come to trouble him.

Now, only rely on the Warner Protoss to stop Odin.

A blue light unique to arcane energy appeared in Amora's eyes.

Then, a piece of information arrived at the earth across countless pieces of information.

at the same moment,

Su Hai "heard" the news from Amora.

"What's the matter? Did something happen?" Bulma tilted her head and said cutely.

"No big deal, just an old man's last struggle!"*