
Marvel: I Warner God King, Declaring War on Asgard

In the rebirth of Marvel, Su Hai was mistaken for a descendant of the Warner Protoss royal family and was elected as the Warner God King. Fortunately, the sign-in system was awakened. Sign in to Warnerheim and get the power of the stormy ocean! Sign in to the Time Mutation Authority and get the **Titan Aman'Thul Time Power! Sign in to Scarlet Witch and get Chaos Magic! ... "Titan, what do you think of my army of gods?" "Odin, the position of the Lord of the Nine Realms should be moved. I will take care of that boy Sol." "The god group? Sargeras, kill him for me!" "Dormammu, the atrium is my territory, get out of here!" This was taken from MTL nation so if you find the rate of updating so you can go a read it there. If by any way the author wants, I taken down, I will do it.

Faith1 · ภาพยนตร์
70 Chs

Chapter 53 Scientific genius girl Bulma!

"It was detected that the check-in location is Stark Building, and the special character is Tony Stark, and the check-in similarity has increased."

"Congratulations to the host for signing in and obtaining Dragon Ball World Bulma (issued)!"

Scientific research talents are here!

Su Hai frowned.

Sign in to Tony Stark, here comes a beautiful scientist, this is a good deal!

Bulma, a genius scientist in the world of Dragon Ball, whose biggest dream is to get romantic love, then began to search for Dragon Ball.

In terms of science, Dragon Ball's Earth is very similar to Marvel's Earth.

Black technology emerges one after another.

In particular, Bulma's family has almost monopolized the scientific research and development of the earth.

Just the famous black technologies include: Universal Capsule, Dragon Ball Radar, Gravity Chamber, Battle Suit, Suspended Locomotive, Watch Shrinker, Robot, Time Machine, etc.

Among them, the universal capsule can compress the object space by changing the atomic arrangement order of the object, and make the huge object become a capsule File size.

Although it is not as good as Ant-Man's ability to change the file size of living or even dead objects at will, it cannot deny the technological content.

Gravity chamber, which can control gravity within a certain range.

Since a gravity chamber can be created, the anti-gravity system, one of the important conditions for manufacturing a spacecraft, is not difficult to think about.

Speaking of time machines, Bulma has successfully built a machine that can travel through time and space, and in that alone, she is not much worse than Kang in the 30th century.

Bulma is an integrative scientific genius, accessible and highly accomplished in any field.

If you specialize in a certain technology alone, you will never be worse than anyone else!

Putting in Marvel is also one of the top talents!

Warnerheim's chief scientist is here!

With Bulma's Ability, Warnerheim's technology will improve at a terrifying speed!

Don't worry about Bulma's loyalty.

When the system was set up, Bulma identified Su Hai as her benefactor.

As for how to set him up to become Bulma's benefactor in the Dragon Ball World, then he doesn't know, until Roar Gold Finger is done!

At this time,

A fragrant wind came from the nostrils.

Su Hai had sensed someone approaching from behind.

Careful perception, smiled.

Immediately afterwards, a pair of white and delicate hands went around his head, covering his eyes, and a sweet voice sounded, "Guess who I am?"

"Don't make trouble with Bulma, can you change your voice next time you speak?"

"Hey, do you still remember my voice?" Bulma's voice rose sharply, she looked over her head, and her pretty face flew off her cheeks in surprise.

Su Hai saw Bulma's appearance clearly at this time.

Good guy, just copied the people from the animation.

She was wearing a short one-piece dress.

She has long green hair, tied in a ponytail and draped at the back.

Those big eyes were clear and bright.

She looks like she is only sixteen or seventeen years old, and her figure is already on the scale, and she is no worse than European and American girls.

Su Hai inexplicably remembered a song, Xiao Fang...

"Bulma, how are you doing recently?" Su Hai didn't know what relationship the two had in Bulma's memory.

Therefore, when communicating, try to focus on greetings and greetings.

As a girl, there is absolutely nothing wrong with caring about her.

Unless the other person has no feelings for you at all, or a cold iceberg.

Bulma's face was slightly raised, "Generally speaking, I have just obtained two doctoral certificates this year, and I am preparing to go out to Stark Industry to apply for a scientific research director!"

"It's so powerful!" Su Hai exclaimed rather eloquently, seeing Bulma's careful thought.

The sixteen-year-old Bulma can obtain two doctoral certificates. At this level, few people believe it.

Not to mention that she just graduated and was ready to apply for a job as a research director at Stark Industries at the age of sixteen.

Let other geniuses know, I'm afraid Roar evildoer too.

As for whether Bulma can become a research director, this question does not need to be considered at all.

If Bulma can't even be a candidate, who is qualified?

However, Su Hai naturally couldn't have Bulma actually work at Stark.

Warnerheim still lacks a chief scientist!

So, Su Hai gently said, "Bulma, are you willing to come and work for me? I can provide you with any resources you want!"

"Emmm..." Bulma pretended to think for a while, but under Su Hai's gaze, he broke down in a few seconds, and said embarrassedly, "Since you have invited me so sincerely, then I will help you!"

"Tell me, where is your company?"

"In the sky!" Su Hai pointed up.


Bulma looked up at the sky stupidly.


She was angry with Roar Roar and said, "You lied to me! The company is built in the sky!"

"It's in heaven, you'll know when it's time!" Su Hai stroked Bulma's braid, very silky.

"Let's go and have fun first, and after the "company", it will not be so easy to play everywhere."

When Bulma heard that it was possible to play with Su Hai, her eyes lit up, she threw away the paper with the Stark logo, and walked out with Su Hai in her arms.

"Hurry up! I just want to go to the playground to play. The days at school are so boring. I must have enough fun today!"


at the same time.

Just as Su Hai and Bulma are having a fun day at the playground.

Amora had already brought her troops and used Kaylazan's magic to teleport to Nidviar.

A team of hundreds of elite Warnerheim soldiers were stationed inside.

Dozens of tall mountain giants lie on the periphery and sleep curled up.

Amora led dozens of magician apprentices to build interstellar portals.

With the help of the dwarf family, the construction of the portal was completed quickly.

Since he had no intention of concealing all this, Heimdall, who was being monitored by the Nine Realms, had a panoramic view.

It's going to change! *