
Marvel: I Warner God King, Declaring War on Asgard

In the rebirth of Marvel, Su Hai was mistaken for a descendant of the Warner Protoss royal family and was elected as the Warner God King. Fortunately, the sign-in system was awakened. Sign in to Warnerheim and get the power of the stormy ocean! Sign in to the Time Mutation Authority and get the **Titan Aman'Thul Time Power! Sign in to Scarlet Witch and get Chaos Magic! ... "Titan, what do you think of my army of gods?" "Odin, the position of the Lord of the Nine Realms should be moved. I will take care of that boy Sol." "The god group? Sargeras, kill him for me!" "Dormammu, the atrium is my territory, get out of here!" This was taken from MTL nation so if you find the rate of updating so you can go a read it there. If by any way the author wants, I taken down, I will do it.

Faith1 · ภาพยนตร์
70 Chs

Chapter 50 Magic Exchange, Witness a New Era!

"Lord Warner, did something good happen?"

The Ancient One has seen so much of this past and future, and is almost at the top of the line at reading words.

In the moment just now, she noticed the fluctuations in Su Hai's mood caused by the change in her mood.

Su Hai was also struck by Ancient One's keen observation.

A strong man who can protect the earth from the dimensional Mephista for hundreds of years should not be underestimated.

This kind of role doesn't look like it will be killed by a few small characters.

Thinking that Ancient One often uses Time Gem to look into the future, then the reason why she chose to die is that her own death is the most reasonable timeline.

It's also possible that you're just tired of living...

If this is the case, then the Ancient One shares the same philosophy with Kang the Conqueror on this point.

Pursue the most correct and reasonable timeline.

For this, they can sacrifice everything.

Until I feel tired because I have lived too much and lived too long, I want to find a suitable heir.

It's just that Ancient One found Doctor Strange, but Kang didn't find the right person.

Thinking of this, Su Hai simply admitted it, "I thought of some good things, and it won't take long for you to know."

Fighting Asgard and becoming the new Lord of the Nine Realms is undoubtedly a good thing!

Well, just for Warnerheim.

"Then I'll wait and see."

Ancient One knew how to communicate with people, and instead of going to the bottom of it, he lowered his head and sipped the tea, his expression seemed to be full of hesitation.

Su Hai realized that Ancient One had something to hide, and he dared to guarantee that it must have something to do with him.

the reason is simple.

I am a traverser, which is different from the crossing of parallel universes like Bug 3, but from different perspectives of the universe.

In the entire multi-universe, he also has only one.

With the strength of less than the peak of the single universe, it is possible to achieve the super multi-universe powerhouse, the only one!

Therefore, the universe is full of unknowns.

Ancient One constantly observes time, and it is impossible not to notice that the timeline has changed.

She also has the ability to travel to other dimensions, and even to connect with other parallel universes. After a little comparison, it is naturally clear where the key problem lies.

Su Hai was also curious about what Ancient One had discovered, so he said, "Sorcerer Supreme, let's be honest, procrastination is not the style of Sorcerer Supreme."

Ancient One nodded and said boldly: "I'm sorry, Lord Warner, when I observed the time, I found that you didn't exist in all the time I observed, as if... you are someone who doesn't exist?"

"This question is simple!" Su Hai put down the teacup and smiled, "Look where I am?"

"This is... time!" Ancient One has kept the Time Gem for so long, and is naturally familiar with the breath of time.

The state of Su Hai At the moment is quickly perceived, right between reality and the river of time.

She couldn't help but change her expression, "You have mastered the mystery of time!"

"That's right."

In fact, this excuse is not very good.

Mastering time does not mean that all worlds are unified.

Kang the Conqueror is the best example.

Even if he can use time as a toy, it can't change the fact that there are countless Ji Kangs in the multi-universe.

Su Hai was just prevarication, he couldn't say he was a transmigrator, could he?

In fact, Ancient One is also dubious.

It's just that although she can change the time through the Time Gem, she originally did not have the power of time.

For Su Hai's explanation, she could not prove the truth.

There's no way to prove it.

Because she knew that, as Su Hai, she didn't have to explain it to her.

It is true that he is the Sorcerer Supreme of the earth, and the identity of the other party is not bad.

Being able to become the king of Warner and making Odin helpless, also shows the strength of the other party.

Because of this, she would struggle for a long time, thinking about whether to speak.

During the whole process, Lorelei sat honestly on the side, quietly listening to the conversation between the two, or serving as a servant girl by adding tea to Su Hai.

The name Sorcerer Supreme, she had heard of it.

When she and her sister Amora were studying magic in the Karnilla area, she accidentally learned from Queen Nuolon that Midgard had a powerful magician, who had magical powers that Queen Nuolan couldn't match.

So she didn't jump in.

As a result, after hearing this, I heard something big!

But he couldn't hold back the fluctuating emotions in his heart.

God King actually mastered the power of time?


She didn't know how to describe it, so she had to use the word evildoer that she learned on Earth.

Mordo magician and Lorelei were in similar moods.

Since he is Kamar-Taj's eldest brother, his knowledge of time and multi-universe is many times better than Lorelai's.

My heart is full of awe for the Warner King.

When they are still carefully borrowing the power of gems, the other party has already mastered time by themselves!

The entire Kamar-Taj, including the Ancient One, does not deserve to be compared to each other!

In the Nine Realms, there is still such a terrifying existence!

This makes Mordo, who has always claimed to know a lot, once again feel that the world is so big!

"Sorcerer Supreme, maybe we can make a deal on magic." Su Hai took to Kamar-Taj's book collection.

Kamar-Taj has also existed for thousands of years and also holds much information about the dimension Mephista.

It even has a book like the Book of Weishandi that records all white magic.

In terms of magical richness, it's no worse than Warnerheim.

"God-king means..." Ancient One seemed to understand.

"How about we use the magic of the Warner Protoss and the magic of Kamar-Taj to learn from each other? I believe it will be good for you too!"

The main research directions of the two sides in magic are different.

Kamar-Taj is mainly about dimensional knowledge, while the Warner Protoss magic law is more comprehensive and flexible.

If the two sides can complement each other, there will definitely be a great bonus.

On the side of the Warner Protoss, as well as the magical knowledge of the continent of Azeroth, Ancient One is not clear.

So if this deal can be realized, Warnerheim will get more.

Ancient One just thought for a while, then smiled and said, "Thanks to the Lord of Warners who liked Kamar-Taj's collection of books, why should I refuse?"

"Just...you should know the side effects of Kamar-Taj magic..."

"It doesn't matter, it's just for reference!" Su Hai waved.

"Okay!" Ancient One understood, Roar called out, "Mordo, wait for you to tell the king about this, except for the book, everything is interchangeable."

"Yes, teacher!" Mordo did not object.

Since he knew Su Hai's strength, he couldn't be making trouble for himself.

And he was also curious about the essence of the magic of the Warner Protoss.

Seeing the strange and powerful Ability of the God-king of Warner, he longed to peep a thing or two from the magic book of the God of Warner.

As for Ancient One, the reason why she agreed was actually because of Su Hai's mystery.

She is very curious, how far will the Warner King, who only exists in this universe, go?

Since she can't see clearly, then as a witness, witness a new era! *