
Marvel: I Warner God King, Declaring War on Asgard

In the rebirth of Marvel, Su Hai was mistaken for a descendant of the Warner Protoss royal family and was elected as the Warner God King. Fortunately, the sign-in system was awakened. Sign in to Warnerheim and get the power of the stormy ocean! Sign in to the Time Mutation Authority and get the **Titan Aman'Thul Time Power! Sign in to Scarlet Witch and get Chaos Magic! ... "Titan, what do you think of my army of gods?" "Odin, the position of the Lord of the Nine Realms should be moved. I will take care of that boy Sol." "The god group? Sargeras, kill him for me!" "Dormammu, the atrium is my territory, get out of here!" This was taken from MTL nation so if you find the rate of updating so you can go a read it there. If by any way the author wants, I taken down, I will do it.

Faith1 · ภาพยนตร์
70 Chs

Chapter 43 The Ascendant Skirnier!

Skirnier's transformation process was tough.

His body and soul are far less powerful than Su Hai.

With a weak foundation, he insisted on his own will.

Even so, he still did not fully accept the power of Ascension to strengthen.

Some things, will can not change the final result.

When it was about to end, Skirnier almost fell into numbness, and Su Hai immediately stopped the ascension ceremony.

Continue to persevere, Skirnier will definitely not survive.

At the moment of termination, Skirnier's injuries all recovered, and a tyrannical aura radiated to the surroundings.

He doesn't have as much control over the power of Ascension as Su Hai, so after the strengthening, he keeps his Ascension form.

The body that is nearly ten meters high is no longer much shorter than the mountain giant.

His battle armor was also strengthened into golden color by the power of ascension, and the defense power was greatly increased.

"Sorry, I let you down!" Skirnier knelt down in front of Su Hai, his face full of shame.

"It's great that you can do this, it's the power of a true god!" Su Hai comforted.

Although Skirnier failed, his vitality was also greatly increased.

The spirit that represents immortality has also been generated.

Skirnier's strength has at least risen to the level of Stone Mother Sera!

"Let's experiment with the new power first, and make a good use of the divine power!"

Su Hai summoned ten mountain giants as opponents with which Skirnier was familiar with the power.

The strength of the mountain giant should not be underestimated, one can stop Asgard's team.

Their strength is even comparable to the mass-produced version of the cursed warrior transformed by the Reality Gem during the ancient dark elf wars.

Ten mountain giants, enough to fight the Asgard three warriors plus the Sif group!

The Skirnier before his ascension certainly couldn't have fought with multiple mountain giants.

but now...

Skirnier felt the power surging in his body, and he wanted to fight well!


In the ascension form, the original sword could no longer be used, and he simply rushed towards the mountain giant with his bare hands.

boom! !

The fist with supernatural power slammed on the mountain giant, directly blasting this monster into the air!

Even everyone felt the earth tremble when it landed on the ground.

"So strong! Is this the power of the true God?"

Amora's Roar suction became thicker and thicker, and the green skirt as smooth as satin twitched and undulated with the Roar suction.

"Sister! The next chance to ascend is mine!" Lorelei couldn't wait to speak.

"My stupid little sister, how can you fight with me, who has only charmed magic for thousands of years?" Amora didn't give Lorelei any face!

It is about the power of the gods and must not give in an inch!

Lorelei Roar sucked for a while and turned to sell miserable mode.

"Sister! Did you forget that you left me before, so that I was imprisoned in Dungeon for six hundred years? Are you so cold-blooded?"

"Hehe, you deserve it!" Amora sneered, "I'm not good at magic, I was caught and blamed me? If it weren't for my sister, you would have a chance to join the Warner Protoss? I'm afraid you're still in the Asgard Dungeon!"

"Okay, let's see! Let's see who can ascend first!" Lorelei said fiercely, she would never admit defeat.

"Come on, what are you fighting me for?"

Why doesn't Amora know what the other party is thinking? He straightened up with a smile, and directly put out the capital.

Little Nizi, my sister is your sister after all!

back to the battlefield.

Skirnier didn't use any Fighting Ability at all, and directly beat the ten mountain giants to defeat.

If it wasn't for his mercy, the mountain giants would have suffered casualties!

What's more, every Ascender has exclusive Ability.

Once used, it will be even more terrible.

Just like Su Hai, his special ability is to summon an extremely hot beam of light.

Theoretically, the lethality cap depends on the energy he uses.

If there is enough energy, it is fine to destroy a planet.

Definitely, just in theory, the amount of energy needed to destroy a planet is too huge!

This Ability can either act on one person alone, or it can spread around to clean up trash fish.

It is an extremely practical lethal move with great potential.

In addition, as the owner of the solar disk, he can also use the energy stored in the disk to send out high temperature rays to the enemy.

The range of this move is limited, and it will also affect the transformation of the power of ascension.

So it can only be used as the last trump card.

Unless the enemy breaks into the house and comes to the moment of life and death, it is impossible to use it easily.

Skirnier was familiar with the process of power, which had been going on for a long time.

This is what Su Hai did on purpose, allowing Skirnier to show his power to others and inspire everyone to be motivated.

And it is also conducive to laying down the rights and interests of the ascenders.

achieve better control of soldiers.

So far, it seems to work well.

Everyone is talking about the power of the ascendant.

Even the stone giants are discussing, and they are also envious of the power of the ascendant.

Having said that, can the stone giant perform the ascension ceremony?

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