
Marvel: I Warner God King, Declaring War on Asgard

In the rebirth of Marvel, Su Hai was mistaken for a descendant of the Warner Protoss royal family and was elected as the Warner God King. Fortunately, the sign-in system was awakened. Sign in to Warnerheim and get the power of the stormy ocean! Sign in to the Time Mutation Authority and get the **Titan Aman'Thul Time Power! Sign in to Scarlet Witch and get Chaos Magic! ... "Titan, what do you think of my army of gods?" "Odin, the position of the Lord of the Nine Realms should be moved. I will take care of that boy Sol." "The god group? Sargeras, kill him for me!" "Dormammu, the atrium is my territory, get out of here!" This was taken from MTL nation so if you find the rate of updating so you can go a read it there. If by any way the author wants, I taken down, I will do it.

Faith1 · ภาพยนตร์
70 Chs

Chapter 42: Ascension Ceremony, Primordial Power!

When the sun disc rose, the entire sky instantly boiled.

The sunlight converges on the disc, and the bright and translucent visible to the naked eye.

The temperature seemed to have risen several degrees.

The sphere of the sun disk is bathed in sunlight, and it is golden like another small sun.

The movement here attracted people from the Capital of God, and Skirnier and Amora led the team one after another.

Even stone giants are no exception.

"God King, this is..."

Skirnier looked at the ancient and magnificent sun disc exuding a mysterious atmosphere, and his heart seemed to be boiling with some kind of aura.

"This is the sun disc, an artifact that can make people soar into a true god!"

Su Hai has already perceived the specific function of the disc.

Because of the sign-in, the sun disc now contains two powers of ascension.

One is the power of primordial ascension. Those who accept the ascension will be the emperor of the ascension!

The other is the ordinary power of ascension.

According to the setting, the sun disc symbolizes the Egyptian god system, and every ascendant will integrate with an Egyptian animal spirit during the ascension process, so most ascenders will have the appearance of a beast.

Only the person who accepts the more complete the power of ascension will be more like a true god, that is, the attitude of a person.

However, the solar disk obtained by signing in is exempt from this restriction.

Any Ascendant, whether or not fully transformed by the Ascendant, will be in human form.

During the transformation process, as long as the power of ascension reaches a certain level, the spirit will also be formed.

With Soul Essence, you can have almost infinite life, and a body and soul that is almost immortal.

Even if the body is destroyed, the soul still has the ability to exist alone and has a good power.

Immediately, Su Hai announced: "From today, an Ascension Ceremony will be held every year! All those who have made great contributions to the Warner Protoss, after passing the test of loyalty and character, can apply to me for the Ascension Ceremony, and I will use divine power as the Its blessings soar, giving him the power of a true god!"

The sound was like rolling thunder, spreading throughout the entire God City!

Everyone is boiling!

Ascension Ceremony!

God King Blessing!

As long as you make a big contribution, guarantee loyalty and good character, you can gain the power of a true god!

What an honor this is!

The Warner Protoss are called Protoss, but they are not actually gods. .

Ordinary residents also have only Superman-like physique and long lifespan.

The entire Protoss, only the blood of the royal family can be considered a true god!

A true god can slaughter all non-true gods with ease!

Hela, proved it with facts.

Nobody wants to be stronger.

Becoming a true god is something that was never even thought of before.

Now, the great Warner King will give them this opportunity, why not be excited?

The three of them, including Amora, were equally eager.

Compared with ordinary Huana people, their hopes are greater, and they are more likely to become ascenders!


Amora and Lorelai looked at each other.

They are Asgardians, and they worry about whether they can pass the ascension ceremony and apply for the test.

Su Hai quickly solved their doubts, no matter where they come from, as long as they are willing to dedicate their lives to Warnerheim, they can!

After the announcement, Su Hai was ready to begin the ascension ceremony.

The first power of primordial ascension must be accepted by oneself!

The power of ascension is also divine power, and it can be integrated with his original divine power to become more powerful.

It can save him more time to accumulate divine power.

When I came to the flying altar, my mind moved.

Because the sun disc is controlled by him alone, and there is no complicated and time-consuming prelude to the ceremony, it only needs to pull the power of ascension.

Under his control, the disc of the sun was shining brightly, and a beam of primordial ascension power fell precisely towards Su Hai.

At the moment of merging into the power of Ascension, Su Hai only felt that the power was tearing him apart.

Then quickly fix integrate.

Because Su Hai originally had a second-generation divine body, the transformation of the power of ascension lies more in the soul.

The soul is wrapped by the power of ascension, and accepts strengthening at an amazing speed.

The whole process lasted for half an hour.

Only then did Su Hai fully accept the transformation of the original Ascension Force.

At this moment, the second-generation divine body has evolved into a special divine body.

Although it is still the second generation, it is enough to compare with the third generation of gods, and various abilities have been greatly improved!

The soul has already been strengthened by the power of the king of God, and now it has been strengthened by the power of ascension. It is not an exaggeration to describe it with the soul of God.

At this moment, even if the body is completely destroyed, Su Hai can use the soul to exert the power of God!

In addition, he also has a special form, the ascension form!

When entering the ascension form, the body will become several times larger.

Strength, divine power, and defense will also be exaggeratedly increased.

Su Hai reckons that in Ascension form, he can easily defeat Odin!

Now he is stronger than before, I don't know how much!

Su Hai looked at the three of Skirnier, and after just a moment of hesitation, he decided on the next person.

"Skinir! In view of your dedication to Warnerheim for thousands of years, great contribution, incomparable loyalty, and excellent character, I will grant you the qualification for ascension in the name of Warner King!"

Although Skirnier was almost cheated by Odin before, causing a little trouble for Warnerheim.

But it cannot bury the loyalty and contribution of the other party.

Without the support of the other party, Su Hai would not have been able to become the king of Awakening Gold Finger.

Coupled with the fact that Skirnier's lifespan is approaching, becoming the next ascendant is the most suitable candidate.

Amora and Lorelai understood this too.

They have not been here for a long time, their contributions are not big enough, and their identities are also problematic. Naturally, they are not as good as Skirnier, who has truly dedicated his life to the Warner royal family.

Therefore, Sister Charm did not object, but the jealousy in her heart did not diminish at all.

They all thought to themselves, the next ascendant must be himself!

Skirnier didn't know how he got up.

When he heard that he was going to be the first one other than Su Hai to ascend, that kind of emotion that a man would die for his confidant came to his head.


How could he be so honored?

It was not until the ascension ceremony began that Skirnier was distracted by the severe pain and endured the power of ascension with all his strength.

As Su Hai has suggested, accept the power of Ascension as much as possible to gain more power.

Skirnier is eager to prove himself with his actions and must not fail the trust of the King of God.

Even if you die, you will have to completely undergo the transformation of the power of ascension today! *