
Marvel: I Warner God King, Declaring War on Asgard

In the rebirth of Marvel, Su Hai was mistaken for a descendant of the Warner Protoss royal family and was elected as the Warner God King. Fortunately, the sign-in system was awakened. Sign in to Warnerheim and get the power of the stormy ocean! Sign in to the Time Mutation Authority and get the **Titan Aman'Thul Time Power! Sign in to Scarlet Witch and get Chaos Magic! ... "Titan, what do you think of my army of gods?" "Odin, the position of the Lord of the Nine Realms should be moved. I will take care of that boy Sol." "The god group? Sargeras, kill him for me!" "Dormammu, the atrium is my territory, get out of here!" This was taken from MTL nation so if you find the rate of updating so you can go a read it there. If by any way the author wants, I taken down, I will do it.

Faith1 · ภาพยนตร์
70 Chs

Chapter 41 The new power, the sun disc!

On the way back, Lorelei couldn't help but say, "God King, that sword just now... I can sense an evil aura! It may have an extremely bad influence on you!"

"Don't worry, if Frostmourne affects me, do you think I'll be stupid enough to use it?" Su Hai wouldn't feel impatient to explain again after being reminded by Lorelei.

If you are born as a king, but none of his subordinates express concern for the safety of the king, that is the real danger!

And Lorelei's behavior just means that she has integrated into the Warner Protoss.

Since Odin has completely turned Heimdall into his own, then he took the Charming Sisters as his own, is there a problem?

"Don't dare! If you are "stupid" even the King of God, then are there any smart people in this world?" Lorelei flattered quietly, and then wondered: "Why do we help that old fox Odin? ? Why not let Thor live in Midgard? We helped Thor, didn't we set up another strong enemy for us?"

Su Hai didn't explain any further, just said, "Don't you want to take this opportunity to teach Thor a good lesson? Think about his arrogance. If you miss this village, you won't have this shop!"

Lorelei's eyes lit up.

This idea is so appealing!

Thinking of the time when the crown prince of Asgard was beaten by himself one day, don't be too sour!

Lorelai quickly thought of another point, "Odin would agree?"

Su Hai patted her shoulder and said meaningfully: "We are not beating him, we are helping him! All actions are part of the help plan, I think our "wise" King of Asgard, will understand."

Su Hai didn't say a word.

What if you don't understand?

Could it be that you are still looking for trouble with him?

Su Hai still remembers Thor's arrogant arrogance from the beginning.

At first I thought that Odin was standing for Thor, and I was worried that he would beat Thor so hard that Asgard sent an army to attack.

Now, don't worry about these issues!

Asgard has lost nine layers of threats.

After solving the Bifrost problem, it is time to calculate the general ledger!

Once again at Bifrost.

Su Hai started signing in immediately.

Bifrost's threat made him desperate for a solution.

So he didn't check in at Golden Hall.

"System, sign in immediately!"

"The check-in location is detected as Asgard Bifrost, and the check-in similarity increases!"

"Congratulations to the host for signing in to get the solar disk (Fixed Star energy version)!"

So, the so-called similarity is giving me a special wonder building?

Eh, it seems to be fine!

While Su Hai was disappointed that he didn't get what he wanted, it didn't mean he was dissatisfied.

The original Sun Disc was an artifact of the ancient kingdom of Shurima in Runeterra.

A long time ago, with the help of Protoss, this special building was built.

Nominally, the solar disk is the force that absorbs and converts the sun's energy into ascension.

Those who obtain the power of ascension will realize the ascension from man to god, this is ascension!

In fact, this ascension power is to steal the power of the star-casting Dragon King.

Those who accept the ascension ceremony, the more the power of ascension is absorbed, the stronger the strength, and even immortal!

However, if you cannot withstand the full power of ascension, your strength will be greatly reduced, and you will not even have the power of immortality.

It can be said that the sun disc is of great significance to the Warner Protoss!

Warner Protoss lacks high-end combat power.

With the sun disc, you can increase the strong faster.

A complete ascender has god-level combat power!

Incomplete ascenders also have decent strength, at least ordinary people do not have the strength to contend.

The sun disc of the sign-in reward does not come from the power of the Dragon King, but from the power of the Fixed Star.

Every year, it can transform a power of ascension to create a powerhouse of at least a demigod.

This is also more suitable for the Marvel world!

And one Bifrost brought him such a good harvest, so what about other parties?

For example, Golden Hall, waterfalls sent to the dead, etc.

If you have the opportunity, you should visit Asgard more.

In case of being stabbed by Sirte's sword, there is no chance to come again.

Su Hai couldn't help but think, if he can get the sun disc today, is it possible to get the Titan Peak, the Golden Zodiac, the Seven Gods, etc. tomorrow?

If there is such a time, then the Warner Protoss is really a master.

While other gods are still relying on the gods that are inherited from the few bloodlines, the god-level masters of the Warner Protoss exist in groups of factions.

Even if Su Hai doesn't make a move, a bunch of subordinate gods can push multiple gods to join forces!

That's just... so good!

I have to say, Odin is such a nice guy!

In that case, let's tune and teach Thor more!

Overjoyed, Su Hai looked at Heimdall with a much kinder look, which made Heimdall feel puzzled for a while.

Bifrost's power surged, and the teleportation channel directly sent Su Hai and the others back to Warnerheim.

Su Hai took people directly to the vicinity of Kaylazan.

There are the most magical barriers there, which can effectively prevent others from peeping.

It is the best place to place the sun disc! *