
Marvel: I Warner God King, Declaring War on Asgard

In the rebirth of Marvel, Su Hai was mistaken for a descendant of the Warner Protoss royal family and was elected as the Warner God King. Fortunately, the sign-in system was awakened. Sign in to Warnerheim and get the power of the stormy ocean! Sign in to the Time Mutation Authority and get the **Titan Aman'Thul Time Power! Sign in to Scarlet Witch and get Chaos Magic! ... "Titan, what do you think of my army of gods?" "Odin, the position of the Lord of the Nine Realms should be moved. I will take care of that boy Sol." "The god group? Sargeras, kill him for me!" "Dormammu, the atrium is my territory, get out of here!" This was taken from MTL nation so if you find the rate of updating so you can go a read it there. If by any way the author wants, I taken down, I will do it.

Faith1 · ภาพยนตร์
70 Chs

Chapter 40: A deal is reached, Odin is in charge!

"Trade, what do you want to trade with me?" Odin became interested.

Su Hai smiled, and instead of directly speaking about the transaction, he talked about irrelevant topics.

"I heard that Thor was sent to Midgard by you and deprived him of his divine power. Is that true?"

Odin's face turned black.

Do you have the nerve to say this?

Not because of you!

Just for a moment, Odin skillfully concealed the past with a laugh, "Hahaha, there is such a thing. As the crown prince of Asgard, Thor naturally needs to exercise more. I sent him down to hone his temperament."

Su Hai nodded, took a sip of the fine wine placed on the table, lightly felt the taste between his lips and tongue, and suddenly said, "Thor did not meet the requirements you set! I wonder if he is still a man now. Mortals? There is no way to get Mjolnir's approval!"

Odin squeezed the armrest of the seat tightly, then released it, nodding hard in agreement.

"How do you know he's not recognized?"

"Guess!" Su Hai lied without blushing.

"Since I saw him for the first time, I have understood his temperament. After knowing this, I don't need to think about the final result at all. With his temper, you can't get your approval!"

Odin took a deep breath.

He felt that even in the past thousand years, he was not as angry as he was today!

what is this?

Did he Odin not educate his son well?

Or that his son is too bad!

However, Qi returned to Qi, and Odin had nothing to say.

After all, Su Hai is only 20 years old, while Thor is more than 1500 years old. The difference between the two is so many years, but the Ability is just the opposite!

Compared with the other party, Thor is really nothing!


"The child Thor is too self-willed! But I can feel his potential. If he can fully realize his true ability and use it, his achievements can even surpass me!"

Even if it was the truth, Odin didn't want the other party to belittle Thor too much, it was related to his Odin's face, so he tried to use Thor's future potential to refute the other party.

Thor's potential is indeed strong!

Even stronger than him, stronger than Hela!

Su Hai didn't bother with Odin any further.

What if Thor's potential is stronger? Can he be stronger?

You are as strong as you are, and I will hang up directly!

Can't kill you!

Su Hai nodded in agreement, no matter what, he had to give Odin a little face, "I can also feel that Thor does have great potential, but!"

"Before further developing his potential, at least let him be recognized! If he can't see his own problems, no amount of potential is useless!"

Odin agreed and felt helpless.

What if Thor doesn't live up to his expectations? He didn't do it either.

Could it be that he had to come forward and tell Thor his problems in person?

Do you still need face?

Even if he said it directly, would Thor listen?

At this moment, Odin suddenly understood something and looked up at Su Hai, "The deal you said..."

Playing with a glass of wine, Su Hai said: "I heard that Midgard has developed very rapidly recently, with great development in humanities, technology, and politics, so I want to go to Midgard to learn some experiences and provide ideas for the development of Warnerheim! Besides, the scenery of Midgard It is also very beautiful, just to enjoy it together."

"Exactly, I can drop by to find Thor and help him find his way."

Odin thought about it carefully.

God King Warner is going to Earth, just to learn the experience and enjoy the beauty?

Is it really that simple?

Could it be that there is something big on Earth that I don't know about recently that has caught the attention of the other party?

After thinking about it for a long time, Odin had no clue. How could he know that Su Hai was looking for a special place and a special person to sign in?

The train of thought returned to Thor.

Odin thinks it might work wonders if Thor's former rival, Su Hai, "stimulates" Thor.

With Thor's unwillingness to admit defeat, how could he allow his opponent to provoke him all the time?

"What do you want?" Odin, who thought it was feasible, asked rhetorically.

He didn't believe that Su Hai would be so kind to help Thor for free.

Since the other party said the transaction, there must be something to ask for.

Su Hai smiled like a fox: "It is said that you captured a box when you were fighting the Giants of Jotunheim...I just recently wanted to make an artifact and needed it as a material."

Casket of Ancient Winters...

Odin squinted his eyes trying to tell the truth, he was worried that Su Hai was trying to get the Casket of Ancient Winters and hand it over to Lauf, the leader of the Giants of Jotunheim.

In this way, the Giants of Jotunheim and Asgard are incited to war.

Warnerheim is taking advantage of the fisherman and even teaming up with the Giants of Jotunheim!

Su Hai saw Odin's concern.

In fact, he had absolutely no idea of ​​joining forces with the Giants of Jotunheim.

Because the Giants of Jotunheim don't deserve it!

The Giants of Jotunheim, who lost the ancient giants, could not pose a threat to Asgard, even if they got the Casket of Ancient Winters.

In his plan, the Giants of Jotunheim will also be conquered sooner or later.

So, no need to bother helping the Giants of Jotunheim.

In order to dispel Odin's guess, Su Hai took out Frostmourne, "This is the weapon, I want to make it even more powerful!"

The moment Frostmourne appeared, Odin sensed something was wrong.

This sword has a ghost!

It seems to erode people's souls!

Lorelai also felt the discomfort from the soul, and subconsciously grabbed Su Hai's cuff.

After a while, Odin smiled.

He believed what Su Hai said.

Frostmourne is indeed a good combination with Casket of Ancient Winters.

At the moment he even had the idea to give the Casket of Ancient Winters to Su Hai as soon as possible.

Judging from his experience, this Frostmourne will corrupt people's souls!

There is no chance that anyone will hold it for long.

As long as Casket of Ancient Winters and the magic sword are integrated, this erosion may be stronger, perhaps without him, Su Hai is very likely to be killed by the magic sword!

But Odin never knew that the magic sword would hurt everyone except Su Hai.

it is good!


Odin nodded immediately and said, "I agree to this deal! As long as you can help Thor gain recognition, I will give you Casket of Ancient Winters!"

"Then, happy cooperation!" Su Hai also smiled.

Odin is out!

His thoughts are too good to guess.

In Su Hai's opinion, Casket of Ancient Winters is a complete giveaway!

Thor is the designated protagonist, and there may be some deviations due to Su Hai's reasons, but in the end, he will definitely get Mjolnir's approval.

It's the same with or without Su Hai's help.

At that time, he only needs to walk in front of Thor once, and it will be completely ok.

It's a complete white wolf with empty gloves!

Both Su Hai and Odin are satisfied with this deal.

After another "harmonious" conversation, this king-to-king meeting came to a successful conclusion!

Because of poor information, Odin is doomed to lose completely! *