
Marvel: I Warner God King, Declaring War on Asgard

In the rebirth of Marvel, Su Hai was mistaken for a descendant of the Warner Protoss royal family and was elected as the Warner God King. Fortunately, the sign-in system was awakened. Sign in to Warnerheim and get the power of the stormy ocean! Sign in to the Time Mutation Authority and get the **Titan Aman'Thul Time Power! Sign in to Scarlet Witch and get Chaos Magic! ... "Titan, what do you think of my army of gods?" "Odin, the position of the Lord of the Nine Realms should be moved. I will take care of that boy Sol." "The god group? Sargeras, kill him for me!" "Dormammu, the atrium is my territory, get out of here!" This was taken from MTL nation so if you find the rate of updating so you can go a read it there. If by any way the author wants, I taken down, I will do it.

Faith1 · ภาพยนตร์
70 Chs

Chapter 4 Challenge from Thor!

Sif and Hogan on the side were equally excited when Skirnier roared in excitement.

Although they grew up in Asgard and were blessed by Odin.

But no matter what, they all have Warnerheim's blood in them.

I am naturally excited to have the opportunity to prosper again in my hometown.

However, neither Thor nor Loki are moving now, and there is no way for them to offer their blessings.

After all, they are now Asgard, obeying the King of God Odin.



Bifrost Management Hub!

Heimdall, who was sticking to his post day after day, was suddenly shocked by a powerful force!

"What a powerful fluctuation of divine power!"

"This is... Warnerheim?!"

"Isn't today the day when the new Warner God King ascends the throne? What happened?"

Heimdall has his sights set on Warnerheim.

for a moment,

over a million miles.

Through the clouds and winds.

He saw the man on the throne.

"The new Warner God King? This is... the power of the God King!"


Feeling this huge momentum, Heimdall has been calm and surging in his heart.

On the face that has not changed for many years, there is a smile from the heart.

Then he hesitated.

The King of Warners is really born!

This matter... must be told to God King Odin...

As the guardian deity of Asgard, he has the duty to supervise the Nine Realms and even the universe.

Any major incident must be reported to Odin.

This is where the responsibility lies.

He's an Asgard now!

He is also Odin's most trusted subordinate!

He, could not live up to Odin's expectations.

After thinking about it, he turned and walked towards the Golden Hall.


"What a mighty force!"

"Is this how God feels?"

Su Hai is addicted to great power.

Warner's divine power roamed within him, passively strengthening his physical fitness.

Although his body is a second-generation divine body, under the blessing of this divine power, it has been enhanced even more powerfully.

I'm afraid, has surpassed Thor!

Come to think of it, how strong is Thor's defense?

It can withstand the high temperature burning of neutron stars at close range for dozens of seconds without dying.

can survive in the universe.

Hulk attacked with all his might, but couldn't make him bleed.

The most powerful nuclear bomb in human beings may not be able to pose a threat to his life.

Sharps damage can only be dealt to him unless a weapon made of Level Universe metal like Ulu is used.

Even so, it's hard to kill him.

Su Hai has a strange feeling.

Nature seems to be part of his body.

He can blow out the storm at will!

A single thought can make the ocean overturn!

All sea creatures obey him and respect him as the supreme king!

Moreover, he can capture time!

Over time, it has been his toy...

"Thor wants to invite me to fight!"

Su Hai's eyes widened, already seeing the future.

at the same time.

Thor holds Mjolnir high.

"God Warner! Let's fight!"


Everyone was shocked!

Skirnier couldn't believe it either, this sentence came from Thor's mouth.

Thor didn't even salute the new Warner King, but instead offered to fight?

This guy has a bag in his head!

Before, you were so arrogant because our Warner Protoss had long been lonely.

Now that a new god-king has been born, how dare you be so rude!

How unbearable!

"My king! Please punish this rude person!"

"Punish him! Punish him!"

There was a deafening echo in the square.

"Thor, what are you doing!"

Not to mention Skirnier and others, even the three warriors and Sif were stunned. Seeing the resentment of the people, they quickly stopped it.

As for Loki, he rolled his eyes, but said nothing.

Silly brother wants to do stupid things, what can he do?

It's definitely eating melons and watching dramas!

Fight the best, and whether the fight is won or lost, Thor will be punished!

After all, the other party is the master of one of the gods, and this kind of behavior is already equivalent to declaring war!

As for himself, he will speak out at critical moments to let everyone know that he understands the overall situation.

Comparing the two, I believe everyone knows who is more suitable for the throne.


Thor is eager to fight, and as for the consequences of his actions at the moment...

Sorry, he didn't think about it so much.

Why do you think so much?

Just be strong!

"God Warner, don't you want to experience a new power? It's not that I look down on it, there is no one in the entire Warner Protoss who can train you!"

Thor is still a little wise, and while he doesn't think about the consequences, the excuses are good.

Definitely, as soon as these words came out, the crowd became even more excited.

All put contempt on the bright side, as long as there is a bloody person, it will not be tolerated.

"Want to fight?" Su Hai recovered from his intoxication, looked down at Thor, and the fighting spirit also rose in his heart.

Although Thor said it hard, but it is also true.

Warnerheim really doesn't have a strong...

In fact, Asgard couldn't be better there, two or three big cats and kittens.

After Odin's death, Asgard was finished not long after.

However, Warnerheim is even more miserable!

"Since you want to fight, then I'll do it for you! I hope you don't regret it!" Su Hai slowly stood up under the eager eyes of everyone.

"Remember, the one who defeated you is the new Lord of Warner, Su Hai!"

"I will let you know what is etiquette! What is respect!"

"Su Hai?" Thor muttered in silence, feeling a little tongue-tied, but still remembered the name.

But he doesn't believe what Su Hai said!

defeated? how is this possible!

He led Asgard warriors to battle for thousands of years, across the nine worlds.

Invincible, invincible!

No god, no giant, can survive under his hammer.

Victory belongs only to Asgard, only to himself! *