
Marvel: I Warner God King, Declaring War on Asgard

In the rebirth of Marvel, Su Hai was mistaken for a descendant of the Warner Protoss royal family and was elected as the Warner God King. Fortunately, the sign-in system was awakened. Sign in to Warnerheim and get the power of the stormy ocean! Sign in to the Time Mutation Authority and get the **Titan Aman'Thul Time Power! Sign in to Scarlet Witch and get Chaos Magic! ... "Titan, what do you think of my army of gods?" "Odin, the position of the Lord of the Nine Realms should be moved. I will take care of that boy Sol." "The god group? Sargeras, kill him for me!" "Dormammu, the atrium is my territory, get out of here!" This was taken from MTL nation so if you find the rate of updating so you can go a read it there. If by any way the author wants, I taken down, I will do it.

Faith1 · ภาพยนตร์
70 Chs

Chapter 39 Verbal confrontation, the aggrieved Odin!

"Hey, when I see you, I remember when I was fighting with the previous Warner God King Nijord thousands of years ago. We fought for hundreds of years, and we were inseparable!"

"Unfortunately, time is ruthless! I didn't expect such a powerful God King Nyod to die young, it really shouldn't be!"

"Did you know? When I knew about the eternal sleep of God King Nyode, how painful it was to lose a good friend and opponent! Even the excitement of becoming the Lord of the Nine Realms was gone!"

"I didn't expect that in a flash, thousands of years passed by so quickly, and Warnerheim finally ushered in a 20-year-old young and powerful God King!"

"Su Hai, I sincerely hope that you can inherit the will of God King Nyod and develop Warnerheim well."

After Odin greeted Roar cordially, he rambled on.

It seems to have fallen into memory, recalling the time when the Aesir and Warner protoss fought.

When Su Hai heard this, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

good guy!

What an old fox!

Odin said this, very meaningful!

These few words are slightly changed, and Odin is speaking to him bluntly:

Su Hai, you didn't know where you were when I fought your last God-King at Warnerheim!

When Nijord was there, we fought for hundreds of years. In the end, labor and capital won, Nijord lost, and died within a few years! But I became the Lord of the Nine Realms and the final winner!

do you want to fight me? Better look in the mirror and see what happens to Njord!

So, you'd better stay in Warnerheim honestly, develop your country well, and don't think about turning the world upside down if you have nothing to do!

I, Odin, since I can beat up the last God Warner, I can beat you too, but you can't beat me!

In this regard, Su Hai said neither humble nor arrogant: "King of Asgard, if God King Nyod finds out, your "old" friend has missed him for so long, and he will miss you very much, he is so lonely!"

"As for Warnerheim... In fact, my people love and trust me so much, and I have the confidence to lead them to new heights that no one else can match!"


Why does it feel like this kid is saying, let me hurry down and see Nijord?

Odin frowned slightly, after all, he was old and mature, and he returned to nature in an instant.

Through Su Hai's words, Odin also knows that Su Hai is very confident that he can develop the Warner Protoss well, and his ambitions are quite large!


These thoughts flashed through his mind, and he warmly invited Su Hai to come and sit beside him.

When he saw Lorelai, he felt extremely depressed.

This witch really doesn't know what to do!

It took him so much thought, but in the end he turned his head and surrendered to the Warner Protoss!

Thinking of this, Odin still smiled and said, "Lorelei, how are you and your sister in Warnerheim? You've been to Warnerheim for so long, when are you going back to Asgard to see your past? friend?"

Lorelai first glanced at Su Hai, thinking of Heimdall's performance, she couldn't help but feel the same way: "Odin God, thank you for your concern, the great Warner King trusts us very much, my sister and I have a very good time in Warnerheim. , feel satisfied like never before!"

"As for friends? What are they? I've been in Dungeon for six hundred years and haven't seen any friends."

Odin's smile froze, and his heart became more and more dissatisfied with Lorelai.

Just call him Roar, and call Su Hai the great god-king!

In front of so many people, mentioning the days of being locked up in Asgard Dungeon!

Why didn't you say why you were locked up for so long?

So disrespectful!

The atmosphere suddenly cooled down.

"Ahem, King of Asgard, I'm actually very grateful to you!" Su Hai forced back a smile to break the embarrassment, "Lorella and her sister Amora are indeed Asgard's best magicians, beauty and wisdom coexist. "

"I am very grateful that you sent them to Warnerheim, they have made a great contribution to the Warner Protoss in a very short period of time!"

Lorelai smiled sweetly, and said in cooperation: "We are so powerful, it's all under your command, God King."

Odin only felt that there was a gas block in his chest, and he couldn't get it out.

Inexplicably, I thought of a word I once learned in Midgard: a raccoon dog on a hill.

A good couple is enough for a man and a woman, and they cooperate so well,

Are you trying to piss me off alive?

What's more uncomfortable is that he can't turn his face, after all, the other party didn't say anything bad.

Even the god king of the other party opened his mouth to thank himself.

Even if he knew that it was very likely to be ironic, Odin could only pretend to be confused. He couldn't say that he sent Charming Sisters to cheat the Warner Protoss, right?

That's really turning heads!

By now, Odin also understood one thing, Su Hai is more difficult than he thought!

This kind of difficulty is not only ambition, but also wisdom!

Vigorously reform and develop the military, in just a few days, the Warnerheim, which has been divided for thousands of years, has been unified, and the mother of the stone giants has been recovered...

At the moment Odin can't guess Su Hai's strength, but he still has full confidence.

Only Awakening how strong can the power of the God King be?

What's more, it's still a 20-year-old little guy!

No matter what, he can't possibly lose to a 20-year-old god, right?

He is the Father of God who fought in the Nine Realms, not the unsatisfactory Tie Hanhan of Thor!

Plus, Heimdall has been saying for a while now that Su Hai never left the palace, nor did he see him practising his ability.

Empty ambition and wisdom, but do not pay attention to their own strength improvement.

Odin is even less worried about losing to Su Hai.

Yes, you will definitely not lose!

So comforting himself in his heart, Odin finally breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, Su Hai was finally ready to say a careful thought, "King of Asgard, how about we make a deal?"*