
Marvel: I Warner God King, Declaring War on Asgard

In the rebirth of Marvel, Su Hai was mistaken for a descendant of the Warner Protoss royal family and was elected as the Warner God King. Fortunately, the sign-in system was awakened. Sign in to Warnerheim and get the power of the stormy ocean! Sign in to the Time Mutation Authority and get the **Titan Aman'Thul Time Power! Sign in to Scarlet Witch and get Chaos Magic! ... "Titan, what do you think of my army of gods?" "Odin, the position of the Lord of the Nine Realms should be moved. I will take care of that boy Sol." "The god group? Sargeras, kill him for me!" "Dormammu, the atrium is my territory, get out of here!" This was taken from MTL nation so if you find the rate of updating so you can go a read it there. If by any way the author wants, I taken down, I will do it.

Faith1 · ภาพยนตร์
70 Chs

Chapter 38 This old man is dismounting again?


As one of Asgard's iconic buildings, the degree of luxury naturally goes without saying.

The central part of the rainbow is like a rotatable turret.

When using the Guardian Sword or the Spear of Eternity as the key, a huge amount of energy can be gathered to attack all enemies of Asgard.

It is such an artifact that Su Hai has been slow to declare war on Asgard.

As the manipulator of Bifrost, Heimdall has been guarding this place for thousands of years.

He was wearing a golden armor with a pair of big horns symbolizing bravery on his helmet, which was the supreme glory of Asgard.

As you can tell by the way he dresses, Heimdall is fully integrated into Asgard.

At this moment, facing Su Hai, the Warner King, Heimdall still maintains the same action for thousands of years.

He just said plainly: "King of Warner, the Father of God is here!"

Su Hai had no other words, nodded slightly, and passed Bifrost under the guidance of Sif.

Heimdall is impossible to win.

As the king of gods, it symbolizes Warner's face, and it is impossible for him to lick his face to draw relationships.

Warnerheim's latest moves have caught Heimdall's attention.

Not a good face is also expected.

"Hmph, obviously from the Warner clan, facing the Warner King, he actually put on a stinky face, as if someone owed him." Lorelei curled his lips, expressing disdain for Heimdall's performance.

Although she is also against Odin's rule, she still maintains the proper etiquette when facing Odin.

This is the elegance of being a noble.

"Sorry, venerable god-king, Heimdall has always been like this, even in the face of Thor and Loki, he doesn't have many expressions, so our god-king will rest assured to give him the task of guarding Bifrost. ." Sif explained hastily.

"It's okay, I appreciate Heimdall's harshness to his position. I believe that all superiors would like to have such a serious and loyal subordinate." Su Hai said casually.

He does appreciate Heimdall.

However, the two sides have different positions, and it is destined to be only appreciation.

If the two sides really want to fight, he will not stay.

Sif breathed a sigh of relief and recognized Su Hai even more in his heart.

Bifrost is much stronger than expected.

Even a large-tonnage mountain giant walked on it, except for the heavy footsteps, without shaking at all.

Walking on the road of Golden Hall,

The Asgard people were attracted by the tall mountain giants, and they were all amazed.

The soldiers in charge of maintaining order looked at the mountain giants with a solemn expression.

They are excellent fighters, battle-hardened and brave enough to wield their spears at any enemy.

Later, even in the face of the almost invincible Hela, they charged desperately until they fought to the last man.

But bravery returns to bravery, and those who cannot be beaten still cannot be beaten.

In the face of the high mountain giants, they have realized that they are by no means an opponent to fight alone.

The fist bigger than their entire body slammed on them, I am afraid they will lose their combat effectiveness on the spot!

Some people who have experienced divine warfare are even more worried.

The stone giants who fought with them at that time were far less big than the mountain giants, and could cause huge damage to them.

What about now?

can not imagine!

I am afraid that it takes a team to fight together to defeat a mountain giant!

Sif walked aside and felt powerless when he saw the timidity flashing in the soldiers' eyes.

Not to mention these soldiers, even if it is her, how can she fight a few such giants?

One can also fight with agility.

Once there are more than two, she is by no means an opponent, and can only flee in embarrassment!

It's hard to see what happened to Warnerheim over the years.

Why did the stone giants, which were still within the acceptable range, become so terrifying.

Even Asgard's formidable enemies, the Flame Giant and Giants of Jotunheim, are no match for these monsters!

A smile appeared on Su Hai's mouth.

The purpose of shocking has been achieved!

Why did he bring mountain giants to Asgard?

It's definitely a courtesy.

When Odin sent Thor to Warnerheim to deter them, he should have thought of such a day.

You want to frighten me, can't I frighten you now?

In this way, the group came to the gate of the Golden Hall under the awe-inspiring eyes of the Asgard people.

Waving the mountain giant to stay behind, Su Hai walked in with Lorelei.

With Sif leading the way, there is no obstruction along the way.

However, Su Hai discovered one thing. The soldiers guarding Asgard seemed to have received some orders, and they seemed to turn a blind eye to him, the God-king of Warner, and all of them performed their duties.

If Su Hai hadn't seen Thor2, a group of dark elves had easily caught Golden Hall off guard, and he almost thought these soldiers were the best of Heimdall's best.

Okay, another wave of dismantling?

Su Hai didn't like Odin's move at all.

This year, the comparison is strength!

After a few minutes,

Su Hai finally met the king of Asgard, the Lord of the Nine Realms who was listed as an imaginary enemy in the early stage, Odin!

Odin's face was solemn and solemn. After seeing Su Hai coming, he stood up and said peacefully: "Finally see you, young Warner King!"*