
Marvel: I Warner God King, Declaring War on Asgard

In the rebirth of Marvel, Su Hai was mistaken for a descendant of the Warner Protoss royal family and was elected as the Warner God King. Fortunately, the sign-in system was awakened. Sign in to Warnerheim and get the power of the stormy ocean! Sign in to the Time Mutation Authority and get the **Titan Aman'Thul Time Power! Sign in to Scarlet Witch and get Chaos Magic! ... "Titan, what do you think of my army of gods?" "Odin, the position of the Lord of the Nine Realms should be moved. I will take care of that boy Sol." "The god group? Sargeras, kill him for me!" "Dormammu, the atrium is my territory, get out of here!" This was taken from MTL nation so if you find the rate of updating so you can go a read it there. If by any way the author wants, I taken down, I will do it.

Faith1 · ภาพยนตร์
70 Chs

Chapter 36: The Sorrow of the Magic Sword Frost

The forging skills of the dwarf family are praised by the whole universe.

Part of the reason is that the forging material is uru metal, and another part of the reason is the mechanical device in front of him called the furnace.

The mechanism was built above a dead neutron star.

Once the device is turned on, the energy of the neutron star can be mobilized to create the device.

Only the huge energy of neutron stars can smelt Ulu metal.

With this melting pot, the dwarf family has become a legend in the high-level civilization of the universe.

Even Guardians of Galaxy's tech expert Rocket Wanxiong has longed for it.

Without a doubt, this is definitely a place of legend.

So, old rules.

"System, sign in now!"

Su Hai gave the order.

"After testing, the check-in location is Nidweiar, and the similarity reward is increased!"

"Congratulations to the host who signed in to get the magic sword Frostmourne (recognize the main version)!"

? ? ?

Magic Sword Frostmourne?

The artifact that made Lorendan's first filial son Alsace?

It can absorb the soul of the life killed by the sword, imprison it in the sword, feedback the magic sword and the sword holder, continuously enhance the user's power, and can play with the decedent's soul through the magic sword, transforming it into an undead undead servant !

Definitely, Frostmourne has another nasty attribute, it will continue to erode the spiritual soul of the holder, order becomes neutral, and then becomes chaos.

It was because of Arthas that he directly changed his alignment, became a death knight, and then became a foul demon king.

"So, should I use it or not?"

Su Hai was in a tangle.

Frostmourne's name, he naturally knew.

It was forged by the Dread Demons, and after being enchanted by the first Lich King, it became one of the symbols of the Lich King.

Said to be powerful and powerful, Arthas took it to kill one strong enemy after another, and he could also control the entire Scourge.

It was weak, and it was chopped into pieces by the ashes.

However, it doesn't matter if you are strong or not, handsome is a lifetime thing.

Handsome is over!

It is really embarrassing to just erode the attributes of the holder.

Su Hai's psychic resistance has been strengthened due to the blessings of the gods and the learning of psychic magic.

Normal psychic attacks are ineffective against him.

But Frostmourne's name is too loud, and it is said that it undergoes a mental test every day, and even a man of iron can't bear it.

Su Hai noticed the system prompt and accepted the main version.

Could it be...

My heart moved slightly,

I saw the right hand flipped, and a silver sword with an icy chill appeared in his hand.

There is a devil's head at the lower end of its hilt, and the word "Magic Sword" is almost written on its face.

At the moment of starting, Su Hai subconsciously activates spiritual magic, ready to resist spiritual erosion at any time.

After waiting for a while, he didn't feel anything wrong.

The only feeling is chill, chill in the true sense.

"Sure enough! Frostmourne has truly recognized me, so its Backlash Ability won't apply to me!"

"If it is another person, it is very likely that he will be attacked by the magic sword."

"In other words, this Frostmourne is an artifact that belongs to me alone!"

Su Hai's eyes lit up, and I have to say, this is very tempting.

I don't know how many people are eager to get a Frostmourne, but he can have a truly harmless and exclusive magic sword!

Aitri also noticed Frostmourne in Su Hai's hand, and the moment he looked directly at the sword, he realized the strangeness of the sword.

As a master blacksmith, he has experienced countless artifacts, and he can easily figure out the ability of the weapon as long as he starts it for a while.

But this sword made him feel a chill.

Can't touch!

It will definitely happen if you touch it!

"Respected God King, this sword... I can feel the cries of my soul from above. This is a magic sword! Be careful!"

Ai Cui reminded kindly.

Su Hai gave him a reassuring look, "It might hurt anyone, but it definitely won't hurt me, I know the stakes."

After saying this, Su Hai suddenly thought, maybe he can strengthen a wave of Frostmourne?

There is a real blacksmith in front of you!

To be honest, Frostmourne isn't weak, but for Su Hai, it's not a big bonus.

In terms of combat power bonus and hardness, I am afraid it is not as good as a king-level weapon.

And Su Hai didn't dare to use Frostmourne to slaughter all living beings, imprisoning souls to enhance the power of the magic sword.

Here is Marvel, the soul of decedent is going to the underworld.

And the one who controls the soul is a super boss.

Now that the multi-universe has appeared, it is really possible that the big guy is sleeping somewhere.

If she finds out that someone has stolen her soul, will she find it on purpose?

Su Hai dare not gamble.

One or two souls are fine, but once you kill too many, there might be an accident.

And he is not a murderer, he likes to kill and play when he has nothing to do.

There is more than one way to improve Ability, why take risks and not do personnel?

Su Hai also has an idea, Frostmourne is an ice-type artifact, so can Casket of Ancient Winters be integrated?

When the Ulu metal is added, it will definitely not be worse than the storm axe, or the twilight sword with the blessing of the Eternal Fire!

Handsome and powerful enough, he might even be his king-level weapon.

Not much more handsome than that Aquaman trident?


Next, Su Hai briefly chatted with Ai Cui about specific matters.

First of all, for the peace of mind of the dwarf tribe, Su Hai will send an elite warrior and a Golem force to Nidweiar.

It is a kind of propaganda, indicating that the dwarf family is covered by the Warner Protoss.

In terms of military strength, Warnerheim has a big advantage, and a long-term troop stationed here will not affect the combat power at all.

Asgard is different, there are few people, and it has to govern several other worlds, always preventing the two giants from doing things.

Second, Su Hai will build one or more portals in both places.

If something happens to the dwarfs, Warnerheim is always ready to send a large army to help.

Thanos' army gave Aitri too much urgency.

If there is a foreign invasion, the dwarf family can also withdraw to the Warnerheim base camp through the portal in time.

With Warnerheim's military strength, he is really not afraid of anyone.

With the double guarantee, Ai Cui quickly patted his chest and assured that he would work overtime to make a batch of equipment and provide the Warner Protoss troops as soon as possible.

So far, the problem of the dwarf family has been completely solved.

Su Hai took away a batch of weapons and equipment and left.

Next, is to find a way to solve the crisis of Bifrost. *