
Marvel: I Warner God King, Declaring War on Asgard

In the rebirth of Marvel, Su Hai was mistaken for a descendant of the Warner Protoss royal family and was elected as the Warner God King. Fortunately, the sign-in system was awakened. Sign in to Warnerheim and get the power of the stormy ocean! Sign in to the Time Mutation Authority and get the **Titan Aman'Thul Time Power! Sign in to Scarlet Witch and get Chaos Magic! ... "Titan, what do you think of my army of gods?" "Odin, the position of the Lord of the Nine Realms should be moved. I will take care of that boy Sol." "The god group? Sargeras, kill him for me!" "Dormammu, the atrium is my territory, get out of here!" This was taken from MTL nation so if you find the rate of updating so you can go a read it there. If by any way the author wants, I taken down, I will do it.

Faith1 · ภาพยนตร์
70 Chs

Chapter 35 King Dwarf's decision, the whole family joins the Warner Protoss!

"Have you seen it? This army belongs to the overlord of the universe Thanos. These are his most powerful four generals, and the one who binds you is Ebony Maw, one of the four generals, Thanos' think tank and thug!"

"By the way, the king of Asgard has been replaced now, and Odin is enjoying his old age on Earth. They will not come to help the dwarf family."

"How is it possible! How could such a thing happen! Odin clearly promised me that he would bless the dwarf family, why didn't he do anything!" Ai Cui almost went crazy.

"Why not? It's very simple, Odin is old, he's out of control, even if he shoots himself at the moment, he can't repel the huge army of Thanos! Definitely, Asgard can also use Bifrost, but Nidweal will also be history. ."

Su Hai was very happy to answer his doubts.

"No! No! Where's Heimdall? Isn't that a way to see what happened to Nidweal? Could Asgard just sit and watch us be slaughtered?" Aitri was still in disbelief.

"I think about it, Heimdall has been wanted by Asgard at this time, and the current king is also singing and dancing, and he is at ease. When the Asgard people need the help of the dwarf family and come to you a few years after the massacre, they only find out, why did the dwarf family not already?"

Ironic, but true!

When Thor went to the dwarf family in order to create a new weapon, he found that the dwarf family was gone!

There is only one person left in the dwarf family that is sought after by the entire universe!

In the entire clan, only Aicui barely survived because he was admired by Thanos.

The price was a hand cut off, guaranteeing that Aitri would never be able to build a third Infinity Gauntlet.

Why is it the third one, because there is also one in the Asgard treasury.

The reason Hela says it's fake is because there are no Infinite Gems on the glove.

Once you've got a gem, it's a real Infinity Gauntlet!

The dwarf family is similar to the Warnerheim.

Due to the presence of Heimdall, the dwarfs and Aesirs do not need other communication equipment.

This also led to the fact that once Heimdall was out of office, both parties would be deaf and blind, with no knowledge of each other's situation.

It was fine when Odin was in power, but who calls the current king Loki?

In some ways, Asgard was at its most peaceful during Loki's reign.

This kind of peace is established without regard to the Nine Realms,

During this period, Bifrost did not connect the other Eight Realms even once.

One is that they don't know what's going on, and the other is why should they care?

Without the baggage of the other eight worlds, the people of Asgard could not have lived more freely.

Before the real news that Odin is not in Asgard, other civilizations in the universe will not dare to act rashly because of Odin's deterrence.

In this way, there will be no war in Asgard, and no Asgard will die.

You can drink and dance every day, just one word, cool!

Aitui didn't know what to say when he heard the explanation.

Can only watch the tragedy happen.

That feeling of powerlessness, hatred, remorse filled the whole heart.

"I want to know, you really didn't lie to me, is this all true?" Aitui said in a hoarse voice.

"I won't lie to you about this, the truth is the truth, in the world we are in, Thanos will also invade Nidweiar in a few years because of a piece of equipment, if you don't make the right choice, history will once again Repeat!" Su Hai said bluntly,

"Thanos! Ebony Maw! Asgard! Odin!"

Ai Cui covered his face with his hands and muttered a few names silently for a few minutes.

Then he said in a low voice: "I promise you! Our dwarf family will serve you Warner Protoss from now on, and you will provide us with protection!"

"Smart decision!" Su Hai snapped his fingers, and the two entered the time channel again.

Aitui finally glanced at the road in the battlefield, Ebony Maw, who even slaughtered elegantly, and the iconic holy place number, and kept them in his heart.

Back in Nidweiar, Su Hai released the dwarf's mind control.

A few dwarfs shook their heads in confusion. After seeing Su Hai, they seemed to remember the order to stop him, and hurried forward.

"Stop, Lord Warner God King is our guest!" Ai Cui raised his hand to stop them.

Several dwarfs are confused.

It's strange, didn't we just let us stop him last second? Why did you become our guest in the next second?

Before they could figure it out, Aitri released the bomb again: "Tell all the tribes, we will no longer provide any equipment for the Aesir gods for free! Any Asgard people who want the equipment or Ulu metal made by our dwarf tribe must pay enough. !"

"Also, starting from today, our service object will be changed to the Warner Protoss, and the Warner Protoss will provide military protection for our dwarf family! Protect us from any invasion!"

"Everyone who meets the great King of Warner Su Hai must be treated with the most honorable etiquette, otherwise, I will deprive him of his identity!"

When the sound fell, Ai Tri invited Su Hai into the palace to discuss the details further.

Following Aitri's order, the atmosphere on the field was condensed, and then discussions erupted.

"Will we annoy the Aesirs by doing this? What if they wage war on us?"

"Can the Warner Protoss provide us with protection? Their power seems to be much worse than that of the Aesir Protoss!"

"The Nine Realms are going to be in chaos! The Aesir Protoss and the Warner Protoss are going to fight again!"
