
Marvel: I Warner God King, Declaring War on Asgard

In the rebirth of Marvel, Su Hai was mistaken for a descendant of the Warner Protoss royal family and was elected as the Warner God King. Fortunately, the sign-in system was awakened. Sign in to Warnerheim and get the power of the stormy ocean! Sign in to the Time Mutation Authority and get the **Titan Aman'Thul Time Power! Sign in to Scarlet Witch and get Chaos Magic! ... "Titan, what do you think of my army of gods?" "Odin, the position of the Lord of the Nine Realms should be moved. I will take care of that boy Sol." "The god group? Sargeras, kill him for me!" "Dormammu, the atrium is my territory, get out of here!" This was taken from MTL nation so if you find the rate of updating so you can go a read it there. If by any way the author wants, I taken down, I will do it.

Faith1 · ภาพยนตร์
70 Chs

Chapter 32 Return to Warnerheim, the importance of scientific research talents

"God King, why do we collect these irrelevant things? A pile of rubble and iron is useless, but it will attract the attention of Elios."

President Loki tried to lean over while asking, but stopped halfway under Su Hai's gaze.

Faced with Loki, who loves tricks and backstabs, his vigilance must never be let down.

Don't look at the Loki's respectful face, really give them a chance to find a backstab, you try what they will do.

Su Hai didn't want to be stabbed in the waist like Thor.

It hurts a lot.

Speaking of which, most Loki and Gandalf are a perfect match.

One is the gray-robed magician, and the other is the self-proclaimed number one magician in the Nine Realms.

Not doing magician work.

Both of them filled up the points of melee combat, like what one-handed sword, two-handed sword, life, stamina, armor breaking...

As long as it is useful for melee combat, everything will.

Conversely, spells are used occasionally.

Maybe magicians have a warrior's heart?

Su Hai casts a glance at the strangely thoughtful President Loki, knowing that the other party is testing him.

"You'll find out later!"

After speaking, Su Hai put away the last battleship in front of him.

The name of this battleship is quite loud.

It appears in both Avengers III and Avengers IV, and even in Avengers alliance one, which is Thanos' mothership, the holy place!

Thanos is the largest warlord in the universe, a regional overlord, known as the Crazy Titan.

The military strength is strong enough to destroy many cosmic civilizations.

Even the Xandar Empire and the Kree Empire are reluctant to provoke Thanos easily.

In fact, with the volume of the Holy Place and the Diablo Starship, it is the most difficult to retain in the void.

Because Elrios will start to devour large objects.

It is rare to find such a few warships today.

"Okay, the goal is almost completed, let's go first, you continue to collect, wait for me to come back next time."

After searching what Loki found, Su Hai was ready to go back.

Lorelai held Su Hai's hand obediently.


Just go!

The further you go, the better!

When you go, the boss is still me!

President Loki thought happily.


He reacted suddenly.

Ugh, are you leaving?

Where to go?

Here is the void! Come in and want to go?

President Loki looked up, only to find that both Su Hai and Lorelai had disappeared without a trace.

"Did you see it? Where did they go?" President Loki asked the others excitedly.

"I don't know, they just disappeared in a swish." Loki was also stunned.


"They're not going back to their own timeline, are they?" President Loki said dumbfounded.

He understood why the other party wanted to collect the "garbage" of the void.

These things are really useless if you can't escape the void.

But if you can leave, then these are treasures!

I'm still wondering why Su Hai ordered them to pick up the trash, like a fool.

In the end, the fool was actually me?


Back to Warnerheim.

Soon, Amora and Skirnier were recruited.

Su Hai took them to an open space where Amora had cast a medium-sized fantasy barrier that could effectively block Heimdall's perception.

With a wave of his hand, several huge amounts of space battleships immediately appeared in the open space.

The dark and cold huge battleship made Amora and the two of them speechless again in shock.

"This seems to be... the Kree's Diablo battleship? And this, I remember it is the Crazy Titan, the Nova logo on these fighters, isn't it the configuration fighter of the Nova Corps? My God! My Lord God King, Shouldn't you be going to their homeworld to rob them?"

Since Amora has been living in Asgard, his understanding of cosmic civilization far exceeds that of Skirnier.

In a moment, she recognized the origin of the highly iconic spaceship, and Roar couldn't help but scream.

These forces are very powerful.

Asgard is also reluctant to provoke each other.

Amora's scalp tingles at the thought that Su Hai might have snatched it from the opponent.

Asgard represents the Nine Realms, Kree Empire, Xandar Empire and Thanos both represent galactic civilizations.

This is the rhythm to offend all the forces of the universe!

She didn't know what to say either.

However, it was strange that she felt a sense of excitement after worrying about it.

"Sister, we picked up these things from the void. There is absolutely no problem with their origins!" Lorelei spoke out to dispel Amora's worries.

Several people do not know the origin of the void, so they are also dubious.

It wasn't until Su Hai gave a simple explanation that he understood the general idea.

They realized instantly that the Void was a huge amount of treasure.

Just imagine, what is the concept that everything in the entire universe may be found in it?

It's like they own the entire universe!

If the technology contained in it can be thoroughly researched, Warnerheim's technology level will be directly elevated to the forefront of the universe civilization!

All are ecstatic!

However, Su Hai is not so optimistic.

There is technology, but there are no talents who study technology!

If he followed the steps step by step, he couldn't wait!

There must be scientific research talents!

In the Marvel universe, scientific research talents are also divided into three, six and nine.

A great person can equal a team!

Just like Tony Stark, Ant-Man Pym, Reed the Rubber Man in the Fantastic Four, Doctor Doom, etc., they can use the knowledge of the earth to develop technologies that are difficult for cosmic civilizations to study.

If Warnerheim has such a talent, even if there is no Void Treasure technology support, it can still greatly improve the level of technology.

Warnerheim is still short of talent after all! *