
Marvel: I Warner God King, Declaring War on Asgard

In the rebirth of Marvel, Su Hai was mistaken for a descendant of the Warner Protoss royal family and was elected as the Warner God King. Fortunately, the sign-in system was awakened. Sign in to Warnerheim and get the power of the stormy ocean! Sign in to the Time Mutation Authority and get the **Titan Aman'Thul Time Power! Sign in to Scarlet Witch and get Chaos Magic! ... "Titan, what do you think of my army of gods?" "Odin, the position of the Lord of the Nine Realms should be moved. I will take care of that boy Sol." "The god group? Sargeras, kill him for me!" "Dormammu, the atrium is my territory, get out of here!" This was taken from MTL nation so if you find the rate of updating so you can go a read it there. If by any way the author wants, I taken down, I will do it.

Faith1 · ภาพยนตร์
70 Chs

Chapter 29 President Loki surrenders, free labor

How strong is Elios?

The Loki have been in the Void for a long time, and have become accustomed to seeing countless creatures devoured by it.

Any of the attacks that have already been done cannot pose a threat to Elios.

In Loki's eyes, Elios is an invincible existence!

They even suspected that Odin's coming here was just one of the other's dishes.

However, what did they see?

Elios actually fled with the god-king who claimed to be from Warnerheim!

The void is about to change!

President Loki's eyelids twitch.

He has been plotting how to become king of the Loki and master of the void.

As a result, his plan was smashed by an outsider before it even started.

Everyone is not in the same grade, and there are countless steps in the middle. How to play?

"Fortunately, this guy is not in the timeline I am in. There is such a terrifying King of Warner, Asgard will take a pill sooner or later! Uh... It seems that there is no difference now."

President Loki felt a little discouraged at the thought that he didn't have the Ability to leave the Void.

"Oops, he's here! Ah, he's here! Shall we run away?"

A shock Roar woke everyone up.

I saw Su Hai walking towards them again after his plan to subdue Elios failed.

"Run? How do you run? You think he's the brainless idiot of Elios?" President Loki cursed angrily.

The next second, President Loki put away the dagger, with a flattering smile on his face, "Great King Warner, your power is too powerful! Even Elios is no match for you, I strongly suggest that in the future, Void You will be the king!"

"Why, aren't you very interested in this position? Now that Elios is gone, your chance is not here!" Su Hai quipped.

President Loki sneered, "How can I have this qualification, the throne is naturally inhabited by the virtuous, and it is up to you to occupy this position, which is what everyone expects!"

"Yes, I can see that you know a lot about the culture of the earth."

Su Hai also praised, President Loki is indeed a wonderful flower.

To be able to think of running for the president of the United States, and to know some old sayings of Long Guo, must have put in a lot of effort.

"What do you think?" Su Hai looked at the other Loki.

"We agree, a hundred agree!" Loki nodded in agreement.

What about disapproval? Loki, who was just swallowed by Elios, is the opposite.

In this world, strength is virtue.

disagree? Just get dressed!

"Okay, since that's the case, then I will issue the first order to become the Queen of the Void!"

"You said, you said, we will obey!"

Su Hai immediately stated the purpose of the void that he came to collect supplies.

There is so much free labor, so don't use it for nothing.

And this group of Loki are all local snakes, and there are definitely a lot of things they have walked through and seen.

The collection efficiency is much faster than both he and Lorelei.

"By the way, besides you, there should be other Loki's, right? Do you know their location?"

Su Hai stops President Loki and wants to know the whereabouts of the other four Loki.

The other four Loki are Young Loki, Crocodile Loki, Black Loki, and Illusion Master Old Loki.

Among them, the crocodile Loki later bit off a hand of President Loki.

The black Loki reached an agreement with President Loki to leak the base of the four to the Loki group, which was wiped out.

The old Loki was a master of duplication illusions. When Thanos arrived, he used illusions to deceive Thanos, and then went to live on an unknown planet. When he was about to die, he wanted to go back to Asgard to see Thor. Time Administration seized.

If old Loki chose to stay on the planet, maybe he wouldn't be in the Void either.

He later helped the female Loki to attract the attention of Elios, and for this, he directly embodied the huge Asgard!

In this group of Loki, the old Loki has the highest magical attainments and perhaps the most powerful combat power.

The reason for finding the location of the four is because Su Hai remembers that there was a frog Thor and Mjolnir near the base of the group of four.

Thor the frog can leave it alone, but Mjolnir can still take it.

As long as the right person is found, such as Thor or Jane, it is possible to create a new hammer god,

Jane is on earth and easy to find.

Horse-faced Thor also knows the location, either in the Sakaar arena controlled by Gao Tianzun, or in the Collector's many collections.

"God King, I know there are four Loki nearby, they are very cunning, hiding in a place we don't know!" President Loki said immediately.

"You don't know? Forget it, you go down first." Su Hai waved President Loki back.

Apparently President Loki at the moment hasn't made contact with Black Loki yet.

It is speculated that there is Elios doing things, and they do not have the ability to travel long distances. That is to say, President Loki and old Loki should not be far apart, and it is not difficult to find out.

Su Hai flew alone in the air, looking down for the old Loki.

Suddenly, a few peeping figures appeared in the obstacles in the distance.

"found it!"*