
Marvel: I Warner God King, Declaring War on Asgard

In the rebirth of Marvel, Su Hai was mistaken for a descendant of the Warner Protoss royal family and was elected as the Warner God King. Fortunately, the sign-in system was awakened. Sign in to Warnerheim and get the power of the stormy ocean! Sign in to the Time Mutation Authority and get the **Titan Aman'Thul Time Power! Sign in to Scarlet Witch and get Chaos Magic! ... "Titan, what do you think of my army of gods?" "Odin, the position of the Lord of the Nine Realms should be moved. I will take care of that boy Sol." "The god group? Sargeras, kill him for me!" "Dormammu, the atrium is my territory, get out of here!" This was taken from MTL nation so if you find the rate of updating so you can go a read it there. If by any way the author wants, I taken down, I will do it.

Faith1 · ภาพยนตร์
70 Chs

Chapter 28 The battle for Elios, the three-way wrestling!

"God Warner, isn't it? Just you? Oh, I see! So you were cut here because you wanted to run to Warnerheim to be king, right?"

"I didn't say, what are you doing wrong, you have to go to Warnerheim, can you?"

"Tell you, Wanaheim is my turf! Because I will always be the king of Asgard!"

A Loki jumped out and laughed.

It's just that the other Loki didn't buy it. They agreed in the front, and they all opposed the last sentence.

"I am the king of Asgard, you bastard, what nonsense are you talking about!"

"Hey, maybe you should grow my dagger and try to feel cool, then you'll know who's king!"

Seeing the Loki wielding daggers, meteor hammers, broadswords and other weapons, they are ready to move.

It seems that the full martial arts will start in the next second.

Su Hai spoke up, "Everyone shut up!"

When the words fell, he instantly came to the first mocking Loki, and punched it.


This shot is full of firepower. Not a trace left.

Under the blessing of the cow spell and divine power, Loki was completely unable to react, and was punched into the sky, turning into a black spot and disappearing in a series of Fake's shocked Roar sound.

After this blow, even with Loki's physique, don't expect to be intact.

The probability of death is very high.

For a moment, the air fell silent.

He looked at his temporary companion who had disappeared, and then at Su Hai, looking at each other.

This terrifying power, this strange speed...or human?

Thor is not so exaggerated!

At the moment, it's as if a tiger is mixed in with a pack of pet dogs that are vying for the dog king.

It is not an existence of an order of magnitude at all!

Status crisis!

The Loki have realized where the biggest trouble lies.

Perhaps it is really as the other party said, it is really the Warner King!

"Quiet? Can you tell me the answer to the question just now?"

Su Hai clapped his hands and scanned the Loki Group.

Loki, who was touched by his gaze, shuddered.

The enemy is strong and I am weak, so admit it!

"That... we don't know where Elios is. That monster is the king of the void. It comes and goes without a trace, and it may appear anywhere, anytime, anywhere."

"We have always been pursued, and we can only be exhausted in the void."

There is a Loki Nono said.

"Oh, why did the King of the Void change again? The throne changes so quickly?!" Su Hai looked at President Loki with a half-smiling half-smile.

"Cough, God King Warner, I was just joking, don't mind." President Loki hid the dagger behind him and sneered.

People, you can't brag about what you can't get, and let's talk about it?

What, you say that I am a god and not a man?

Which law says that God can't talk?

Take it out and I'll see, I'll stab him!

In the strange atmosphere, a violent aura suddenly approached quickly from the direction of the flying Loki.

Everyone felt that icy feeling, and their faces were horrified.

"It's him! Void Death God Elios!"

"Damn it! That flying Loki alarmed the Death God!"

Su Hai and Lorelai looked over.

in the distant sky,

A group of clouds, lightning, and flying sand and stones gathered together, a behemoth galloped towards the crowd.

Any object that stands in front of it disappears in front of a big mouth that looks like it is open!

This is Elios!

A monster that can devour all energy and matter, and even time and space!

When it eats, it is like a tengu.

Well, in fact, Elios is indeed Kang the Conqueror's watchdog.

Elios got closer and closer.

The Loki had already started screaming and running away.

When Lorelai saw this monster, her face turned pale.

Since Su Hai was talking about Elios as always, she subconsciously thought that the Lokis were cowards who were so afraid of Elios.

However, now that I really met Elios, I found out that the other party is really a terrifying monster!

Under the instinctive oppression of living things, people will not even have the will to resist!

"God, God King, what should we do?"

Although Lorelai was frightened, she still trusted Su Hai and held back her fear without turning around and running away.

"Try to control it!"

"Huh? Control it?" Lorelai was stunned.

"Control the mind of Elios like you control other people!" Su Hai said seriously.


"Can we really do it?"

Does this thing seem to be controllable?

Although Lorelai is very confident in her charm magic.

But she can't even control Thor, how can she control such a monster?

Elios got closer and closer.

The distance between the two was only a few dozen meters away.

This distance, in front of the huge Elios, is not even a length.

"Lorelei, activate spiritual magic!"

Su Hai knew it was time to do it, even though he had twelve spells, he was immune to most lethal damage.

But Elios' attack method obviously exceeded the upper limit of the spell.

He must keep a safe distance, and if he cannot control it, he must have time to escape.

The voice fell.

Su Hai and Lorelei activated their magic at the same time, and two red magics rushed towards Elios, blending into the black mist very smoothly.

Like the part of the head, spiritual magic surged wildly in the head.

The black mist also became violent.

Two energies compete for control of the body in Elios' "brain".

Su Hai's mind magic is more than one line stronger than Loki who just learned mind magic in "Loki".

Not even female Loki Sivir is better than him.

Lorelei is also good at this.

The two of them working together will never be worse than two Loki teaming up.

Obviously, Kang must have deliberately let the water go when the two female Loki were fighting against Elios.

At least Su Hai felt the outcome of this battle, and it was hard to say.

Elios' resistance is much stronger than he imagined!

end of time.

The Legacy Kang has discovered the battle of the Void.

After seeing the person who was fighting against Elios, he smiled wryly and shook his head.

Not easy to do!

This role, he really does not want to provoke.

Now that he is so strong, and he has mastered time, he, an ordinary person who masters time technology, has no chance of winning.

But, no matter what.

Elios is his support to isolate him from other parallel universes.

Once Elios is under control, it is possible that Kang from other universes will notice and break into his realm.

At that time, after losing Elios, it will be difficult for him to resist.

Long-standing balances will also be broken, once again plunged into multi-universe warfare.

So, Kang shot.

Use the machine that controls Elios.

When the third-party force joined, Su Hai immediately noticed the abnormality.

The power of these words is extremely powerful in controlling Elios.

With the strength of Su Hai At the moment's psychic power, it is impossible to take control of Elios from the opponent's hand.

Perhaps, only Mutant Professor X, who has obtained the brain strengthening instrument, has this kind of strength.

So, with the help of a third-party power, Elios quickly got rid of the entanglement of spiritual power.

Whether realizing the threat level of Su Hai or being controlled by Kang, Elios chose to escape directly into the timeline and fled elsewhere.

The battle is over.

Lorelei looked pale.

Although the battle for the mind did not last long, the consumption of spirit and magic was enormous.

And a few heads appeared on the distant mountains.

It was the Loki group that escaped just now.

At the moment, their mouths are wide open.

"What? I read that right, that guy actually drove Elios away!"*