
Marvel: I Warner God King, Declaring War on Asgard

In the rebirth of Marvel, Su Hai was mistaken for a descendant of the Warner Protoss royal family and was elected as the Warner God King. Fortunately, the sign-in system was awakened. Sign in to Warnerheim and get the power of the stormy ocean! Sign in to the Time Mutation Authority and get the **Titan Aman'Thul Time Power! Sign in to Scarlet Witch and get Chaos Magic! ... "Titan, what do you think of my army of gods?" "Odin, the position of the Lord of the Nine Realms should be moved. I will take care of that boy Sol." "The god group? Sargeras, kill him for me!" "Dormammu, the atrium is my territory, get out of here!" This was taken from MTL nation so if you find the rate of updating so you can go a read it there. If by any way the author wants, I taken down, I will do it.

Faith1 · ภาพยนตร์
70 Chs

Chapter 25 Artifact Trident! The power of twelve spells!

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Aquaman Trident!"

"Congratulations to the host for signing in to get Tom Cat's mouse-catching experience!"

"Congratulations to the host for signing in and getting the designated bad luck charm!"

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the frog cooking technique of Grey Wolf!"

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the full-level Holy Light of Gandalf the Gray Robe!"

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Dragon Talisman of the Twelve Talismans!"


Ten days have passed for Warnerheim, more than ten days for Su Hai.

Ten years of life in the deep sea, daily training of Ability, and learning of magic.

Su Hai finally couldn't stand the endless loneliness. After learning to master teleportation magic, he destroyed the shield and returned to the original timeline.

For the past ten years, Su Hai has returned to the capital of the gods once a year.

But that kind of loneliness is still enough to drive anyone crazy.

Su Hai even felt like he had a deep-sea phobia.

As he has mastered the power of the ocean, he actually feels uncomfortable with the ocean!

If you say it, no one will believe it.

But that's what it is.

He is not a congenital deity in mythology. He was born in the ocean and is used to loneliness.

Before he became the king of gods, he was just an ordinary human with seven emotions and six desires.

When you are separated from the crowd and live alone in the dark and deep sea for ten years, it is a fluke that your character does not become withdrawn.

For ten years, the rewards for signing in Su Hai were not that great.

The best thing is the artifact Aquaman trident, and twelve spells.

The Aquaman trident, derived from the dc world Atlantis, is golden as a whole and indestructible!

Perhaps because of the power of the ocean, Su Hai can still exert the power of the trident without the Atlantean bloodline.

After the experimentation, the Aquaman trident was put aside.

How to say, for Su Hai, it's just the icing on the cake.

His original strength is comparable to that of Aquaman, who is the main god, and there is no increase in holding a trident.

Compared with foreign objects, he wants to improve his own Ability.

Foreign objects can be lost, and Ability truly belongs to oneself.

As for the twelve spells, they are the special magic items in the adventures of a certain dragon, and they are also the source of the Holy Master's power.

The twelve spells represent the zodiac, which can enable the host to have the ability to transform static into dynamic, infinite power, balance between yin and yang, super speed, energy burst, invisibility, recovery, soul astral, shapeshifting, floating, immortality, electric eye, etc. !

Among them, some are tasteless, and some are quite practical!

The healing of the horse charm and the immortality of the dog charm combined to greatly protect Su Hai's life!

Wolverine's Restoration Ability also has to stand aside before the two are combined.

He can only be threatened by abilities and spells modified by a seal or higher reality.

The power of the cow talisman is infinite, and after blessing Su Hai, the power has been multiplied several times.

Now without the blessing of divine power, you can wrench the wrist with Hulk with only physical strength.

Once blessed with divine power, it is estimated that Hulk will be able to cast a psychological shadow.

The Super Speed ​​of the Rabbit Charm is also good, giving Su Hai the supersonic attack ability. If he can continue to increase the fit, he can even surpass the high-speed movement and achieve the ability to travel through time and space!

There is also a sheep charm that can soul astral, which should have a good effect against Ancient One.

Other spells are basically dispensable.

Output damage with output is not high.

The control of the play assist is not enough.

It's okay to bully the third-tier heroes, but it's very reluctant to go up.

In addition to being used in battle, the effect of using it to compare in front of ordinary people is estimated to be very good!

Another point, the more the strength of the twelve spells matches the user, the stronger the power will be!

The potential space of the twelve spells is huge!

Now, Su Hai has mastered the power of the god-king.

With the addition of twelve spells, Su Hai is confident that he can draw against Odin without using the power of time!

And, in the end, only him will win!

Odin is old, and his physical defense is similar to Thor's.

And the Aesir Protoss is not good at recovery except Hela.

In high-intensity combat, the longer the battle, the more injuries and the weaker the strength.

And with the horse and dog spells, Su Hai will only get stronger!

In terms of magic, teleportation magic and spiritual magic are also highly accomplished.

As long as you can find the right magic materials, you can create cross-border portals on two planets to achieve legion-level interstellar teleportation!

Portals, while not as convenient as Bifrost, are a huge step forward for Warnerheim.

The two sides are no longer out of reach in terms of the ability to project troops over long distances.


With the addition of enhanced stone giants, the current Warner Gods have the same basic combat ability as Asgard, and equipment problems can bring the dwarfs over at any time.

In terms of mid-to-high-end combat power, with Shi Mu Sera, the two sides are almost the same.

Now, Su Hai has one more question to consider.


This is an explosive star artifact!

If Odin feels powerless to deal with the growing Vanir Protoss, he might use Bifrost to destroy the Vanir Protoss.

Su Hai doesn't have to worry about her own safety.

But not Warnerheim.

Under the Bifrost attack, the entire Warner Protoss will be history.

Su Hai's god-king power will also be greatly weakened by the destruction of Wanaheim.

Therefore, we must find a way to prevent this day from coming.

Or, Su Hai alone teleports into Asgard to destroy Bifrost.

Or, find a way to fend off Bifrost's attack.

The former needs to have the coordinates of Asgard, but not the root cause.

Bifrost is fixable!

The latter will acquire new abilities or technologies by signing in.

Until then, forbearance is necessary.

Su Hai has this patience. Since he can live in Wanerheim where the gods are everywhere for 20 years as an ordinary person, what is the difficulty of this time?

He also believes that the power comparison between the Warner Protoss and the Aesir Protoss will soon undergo a major reversal.

After all, before that, who could believe that the Warner Protoss had returned to its peak in just a month? *