
Marvel: I Warner God King, Declaring War on Asgard

In the rebirth of Marvel, Su Hai was mistaken for a descendant of the Warner Protoss royal family and was elected as the Warner God King. Fortunately, the sign-in system was awakened. Sign in to Warnerheim and get the power of the stormy ocean! Sign in to the Time Mutation Authority and get the **Titan Aman'Thul Time Power! Sign in to Scarlet Witch and get Chaos Magic! ... "Titan, what do you think of my army of gods?" "Odin, the position of the Lord of the Nine Realms should be moved. I will take care of that boy Sol." "The god group? Sargeras, kill him for me!" "Dormammu, the atrium is my territory, get out of here!" This was taken from MTL nation so if you find the rate of updating so you can go a read it there. If by any way the author wants, I taken down, I will do it.

Faith1 · ภาพยนตร์
70 Chs

Chapter 24 Odin panicked! Pressure from the Warner Protoss!

Time passed quietly.

In the eyes of others, Su Hai closed himself in the palace and did not necessarily come out once a day.

Although Su Hai rarely shows up, Warnerheim still has a major change.

The reservists of the Magic Corps, carefully selected from various places, have already started to learn magic on a large scale in the capital.

In the past, they did not have the ability to learn magic because of bloodline problems.

And now with Kayla Zan, it is possible to learn magic.

Thousands of magician apprentices can be seen practicing magic every day.

Not only that,

Under the command of Skirnier, the soldiers of the traditional army also began to recruit and expand the army and conduct strict military training.

The entire city of gods swept away the indulgence and became energetic.

at the same time.

The inhabitants of the capital of the gods also found that stone giants from the north continued to settle in the nearby mountains under the guidance of soldiers.

Different from the violent and ferocious image in the legend, the stone giant behaves more honestly than his own pet.

Well, it's also much bigger than the rumored one!

A mountain giant more than ten meters high, what a terrifying War Machine.

In the discussion of giants, the words stone mother and god king appeared most frequently.

When these two names are mentioned, it is especially pious.

The people in the capital of God were very surprised.

The stone giant has completely surrendered?

The new God King is too powerful!

It is so easy to accomplish what the gods and kings have never done in the past!

Compared with the harmony of the residents of the capital of the gods, the other god race couldn't sit still.

Odin has been hearing bad news every day these days.

Thor is in Midgard, never thought to get Mjolnir again, and has lost himself in the mortal bar.

Odin had no chance even if he wanted to release water.

The only consolation is that Thor seems to have a mortal friend.

Perhaps, Thor will be able to lift the hammer soon.


The biggest trouble is not in Thor, but in Warnerheim.

Odin recalled the situation reported by Heimdall, and his heart was still a little blocked.

Who dares to believe that Amora and Lorelei, the two sisters who were labeled as terrorists and terrorists, actually did nothing!

He also taught apprentices honestly!

Every day is not spent researching new magic, or teaching the Magic Legion to the Warner Protoss!

what is this? Turn your arms out?

As Asgards, the two of you have been making riots at home, making Asgard restless all day.

In an outsider's home, she is virtuous and wise, like a little sister next door.

My Asgard is worse than Warnerheim?

My Odin is worse than Su Hai!

Odin couldn't understand what the Charming Sisters were doing, and he couldn't figure out what was wrong with him.

Do you despise my age? Still not as handsome as Su Hai?

Leave the King of God unpleasant, and run to please a 20-year-old kid?

He wants them to go to Warnerheim to make trouble, not to cultivate talents for each other!

The other problem is more troublesome.

The Stone Giant announced that they all integrated into the Warner Protoss!

This news was like a bolt from the blue, Odin couldn't believe his ears!

In addition, the stone giant also appeared a king who had never heard of it, the stone mother Sera.

According to Heimdall, Sera's powers are bizarre and can increase the power of Golem, which even Sirte and Lauf can't do.

Its own strength is also very strong, and Heimdall can feel a majestic energy breath.

That is to say, in just a few days, Warnerheim has accomplished what was only possible for hundreds of thousands of years!

The overall strength has risen to the point where Odin is afraid of it.

Does Asgard still have absolute strength to suppress?

Odin panicked, and faith began to shake.

This increase in speed, I am afraid he does not need to burp, the Warner Protoss has the ability to push him directly from the throne!

How to do? !

He couldn't bear that day to come!

However, he also did not have the courage to fight Warnerheim.

He's getting old...

War requires energetic young people to be competent.


Thor lingers in the Midgard bar, not knowing how long it will take to pick up the hammer, wanting the power of Awakening Thor, but not knowing how long it will take.

As for Loki, it's not of Asgard blood. If the other party knows that he is from the blood of Giants of Jotunheim, I don't know what troubles will arise.

Two children are not better than the other.

all of a sudden,

Odin thought of a name, Hela!

That daughter, Zeng Jin, is his greatest pride, and his personality is especially similar to him in his prime.

Fighting, brave, and powerful...

It's just that Odin got old and didn't want to fight again, which went against Hela's extreme belligerence.

In addition, Hela often sings against him publicly, and has the idea of ​​leading troops loyal to her to go beyond the Nine Realms.

So, Odin had to seal it and slaughter Hela's loyal legion!

In order to crusade Hela, Asgard's most powerful and elite army, the Valkyrie Legion was also wiped out!

After this incident, Asgard's strength has shrunk by half!

The price is so great that Odin's heart aches every time he thinks about it.

It was at that beginning that Asgard inevitably fell into decline.

"However, if things really reach an irreversible day, it can be considered to release Hela to deal with the army in Warnerheim."

At this moment, Odin, because of the pressure of Warnerheim, has already thought of giving up the original plan.

Warnerheim's daily regiment of the army has to be guarded!

War, maybe imminent...*