
Marvel: I Warner God King, Declaring War on Asgard

In the rebirth of Marvel, Su Hai was mistaken for a descendant of the Warner Protoss royal family and was elected as the Warner God King. Fortunately, the sign-in system was awakened. Sign in to Warnerheim and get the power of the stormy ocean! Sign in to the Time Mutation Authority and get the **Titan Aman'Thul Time Power! Sign in to Scarlet Witch and get Chaos Magic! ... "Titan, what do you think of my army of gods?" "Odin, the position of the Lord of the Nine Realms should be moved. I will take care of that boy Sol." "The god group? Sargeras, kill him for me!" "Dormammu, the atrium is my territory, get out of here!" This was taken from MTL nation so if you find the rate of updating so you can go a read it there. If by any way the author wants, I taken down, I will do it.

Faith1 · ภาพยนตร์
70 Chs

Chapter 23 Su Hai's Promise, Cross the Timeline!

Go back inside the house.

Su Hai deliberately came to the mirror to take a look.

The man in the mirror is still so handsome and handsome, and his angular muscles make him full of masculinity.

There is no doubt that he is definitely a handsome guy of Yanzu, Guanxi, Yu Yan, and readers.

Maybe I haven't gotten to the point where I like him madly as soon as I see it, but I'm not afraid to look like that.

However, both Skirnier and Amora have been in awe of him lately.

"It seems that this is the inevitable result of power and strength." Su Hai laughed dumbly.

As long as he is still in this position, it is estimated that it will be difficult to return to the time of ordinary people in this lifetime.

He has no regrets, since he came to Marvel, he always had to make some achievements.

Fighting against all kinds of strong people is also a very fulfilling thing.

Moreover, isn't it an exciting event to lead the defeated Warner Protoss to glory again?

Amora's efficiency is very fast, and it can be seen that she is already familiar with the preliminary work.

It didn't take long for the spellbook Su Hai needed.

"God King, that...my sister she..." Amora said hesitantly, showing a tangled expression.

"Don't worry, I won't let Lorelai have other thoughts, I promise!"

Su Hai nodded and praised: "Amora, you are very smart, you know my bottom line, I might as well tell you, as long as you can work hard for me and make enough contributions, the position of the goddess and concubine is not impossible to consider. ."

"My goddess and concubine don't want a vase, light will charm magic, and it will never meet the requirements, do you understand?"

Amora's heart moved, and she smiled sweetly and said: "I see, I will tell Lorelei your request, and use time to prove to you that Amora is no worse than anyone!"

Amora's mind came alive with Su Hai's words.

She also thought before that she might never have the chance to sit in the position of the Queen of God, so she didn't dare to think about it.

Now that she has Su Hai's cue, she naturally knows what to do.

The chief court magician is her best chance to perform.

She has a better chance than others.

Building and perfecting the Magic Legion is the first step!

Suddenly, Su Hai inspired the Amora team to be motivated.

Amora left contentedly.

Su Hai also started flipping through the magic book, and that's when he found out.

Not only the collection of Kayla Zan and the Warner Protoss, but even the magic of the Aesir Protoss was sent over by Amora.

If Odin finds out, he will probably yell again...

Here, the knowledge of teleportation and spiritual magic alone is piled up in a corner!

It can be seen that every outstanding magician is a qualified scholar and researcher.

The number of books to read and learn and the complexity of knowledge to master in a lifetime can make students in ancient eastern countries also resigned.

What ancient languages, magical languages, or complex mathematical formulas, world-class mathematical problems, all magicians need to learn.

The magic of Azeroth requires magician to master the alchemy related to chemical physics, the deep energy composition related to the universe, and so on.

The breadth and depth of coverage is astounding.

Therefore, if you don't have amazing luck and magic ability, you should not learn magic.

It's not something that ordinary people can study.

The above is what Su Hai felt after simply reading the magic book.

Fortunately, he is hanging ratio.

The addition of the power of the God King not only gave him the power to rival Odin, but also strengthened his brain, and his memory reached an unbelievable level.

After reading the magic book, I remember it in my mind, and I can study it step by step at any time.


"It still takes time!"

Su Hai sighed.

Right now, what he lacks the most is time.

Going to other timelines to practice Ability can't be delayed!

Su Hai immediately activated the time authority, trying to find a suitable timeline from the long river of time.

Only this time, Su Hai suddenly encountered a problem.

He found a line very smoothly, and when he was about to set off, a cloud-shaped object appeared in front of him.

What if it's not Elrios?

It seems... the time line to the parallel universe was blocked by Elios controlled by Kang long ago...

All the problems are back to square one!

It takes a lot of time to develop strength.

If you want to have a lot of time, you have to go to other universes along the timeline.

After all, he doesn't have the Dimension Shuttle Ability.

But Elios blocked the timeline again.

And to defeat Elrios, you have to have a strong spiritual power.

It takes a lot of time to master the power of the mind.

Man, it's a perfect closed loop!

Su Hai thought about it for a while.

Since you can't go to other universes, you have to start with this timeline.

The only way he can think of is to go to the past of this timeline and find a remote place where there will never be people, and it will not affect the overall development of the timeline.

"Have it!"

"return to the past!"

Go to Warnerheim a thousand years ago, as long as he carves out a free-moving space in the depths of the ocean, wouldn't that be fine?

At that time, the Warner Protoss had no God King, and it was impossible for anyone to find him.

Heimdall wouldn't have any trouble looking at what's under the ocean either.

Just observing the state of affairs in the universe is enough for him to toss.

Moreover, this method also has the advantage that he can not only practice magic, become familiar with Ability, but also constantly improve the power of God King.

The sign-in system can also continue to be used. With the accumulation of time, no matter how bad it is, you can still brush some good things.


Su Hai sank into the timeline again, and went against the current of the river, finding the time point he wanted in the surging river.

One head plunged in.

Came to the depths of the ocean in Warnerheim, used divine power to open up a huge space, and also constantly pumped oxygen in from the sea.

Then, the long practice began. *