
Marvel: I Warner God King, Declaring War on Asgard

In the rebirth of Marvel, Su Hai was mistaken for a descendant of the Warner Protoss royal family and was elected as the Warner God King. Fortunately, the sign-in system was awakened. Sign in to Warnerheim and get the power of the stormy ocean! Sign in to the Time Mutation Authority and get the **Titan Aman'Thul Time Power! Sign in to Scarlet Witch and get Chaos Magic! ... "Titan, what do you think of my army of gods?" "Odin, the position of the Lord of the Nine Realms should be moved. I will take care of that boy Sol." "The god group? Sargeras, kill him for me!" "Dormammu, the atrium is my territory, get out of here!" This was taken from MTL nation so if you find the rate of updating so you can go a read it there. If by any way the author wants, I taken down, I will do it.

Faith1 · ภาพยนตร์
70 Chs

Chapter 22 Lorelei Arrives, Terrified Amora

Just when Su Hai returned from the home of the Golems.

Heimdall had brought Lorelei out of prison and brought him to Bifrost.

Lorelei was taken out with a confused look, and then was told that her sister was enjoying the blessings of the Warner Protoss, and asked her if she wanted to go to Warnerheim.

Two points were especially emphasized.

As long as she wants, she will be sent directly to Warnerheim to be reunited with Amora.

If you don't want to, you can only enter Dungeon again.

In this regard, Lorelei agreed with a dubious idea.

Then, Heimdall was really sent to the capital of Warnerheim!

When she saw the elder sister of the avatar chief magician, the whole person was not well.

I was alone in prison and endured loneliness, and you have become a superior man and will lead an army of magic!

She couldn't help but complained: "Sister! You lived a very cool life, did you forget about my sister!"

When Amora saw Lorelei, her face was happy at first, and Er was greatly changed.

"Lorelei, how did you come out? Don't talk yet, did someone send you out?"

Lorelai nodded blankly, "Heimdall sent me here, what's wrong?"

"Damn it! Odin really didn't want to do good things!"

Amora was in a hurry.

As a sister, she naturally knows what kind of person her sister is.

Can you imagine the purpose of a magician learning magic, just to strengthen the effect of charm magic?

It sounds outrageous, but there are people who do.

Lorelai is such a person.

Today, Lorelai has combined voice and charm magic, and Amora is ashamed.

If it was okay in Asgard, she wouldn't say anything.

But now it's in Warnerheim.

While Su Hai was gone, Amora had a sudden realization while studying magic.

What is her purpose here?

To be the queen of gods!

now what?

Confused became the chief court magician.


Amora thought about it carefully, and finally came to a shocking conclusion: he was used by Odin to deal with the Warner Protoss, and the Warner God King may also know!

Therefore, Su Hai will arrange her to this position.

Thinking of this, Amora felt a chill in her heart.

Is this politics? You really aren't someone who plays politics! Maybe...studying magic is more suitable for me.

And now, Lorelai is here too.

With the other party's temperament, it might annoy God King Warner.

The consequences could be disastrous!

"Loreley, remember, don't use charm magic here!" Amora urged urgently.

"What's the matter, sister? You've become so timid? It's not like you!" Lorelei didn't realize the seriousness of the problem.

"Listen to me, you're right, you... oops, why did he come back so soon!" Amora wanted to say something, but she felt a familiar wave of wind elements rapidly approaching the capital, so she had to make a long story short. : "Remember, don't try to confuse Su Hai, the God of Warner, he's more powerful and mysterious than you can imagine!"

The more Lorelei listened, the more confused it became. Whether it was Heimdall or Amora, they were all weird, as if they had changed.

Before she could continue to ask, Su Hai had already returned to the palace.

I saw Amora and Lorelei at a glance.

Skirnier also saw the two of them, his expression changed slightly, he looked at Su Hai without leaving a trace, and after getting the look of Su Hai signaling him to leave, he nodded and turned away.

Only when he left, he held the hilt of the sword tightly.

He feels ashamed of Su Hai being used by Odin, and his anger towards Odin rises sharply.

Can't wait to poke two holes in Odin!

Almost, he became a sinner of the Warner Protoss, and this revenge must be returned!

Su Hai's face remained unchanged, approaching Amora as usual.

"Lord God King, are things not going well? Do you want to mobilize the army to conquer the stone giants in the north?"

Seeing Su Hai coming back so soon, Amora thought something was wrong.

"No, the Golems will soon be integrated into the kingdom of God, and they will become my most loyal soldiers!" Su Hai said, looking at Lorelei.

This famous seductive banshee has the same appearance as she knew before the time-travel.

When Amora heard the words, a storm surged in her heart.

How long did it take to go to the Northland?

Calculate the departure time, less than a day!

During such a period of time, those stone giants with a single muscle in their brains have conceded defeat?

Sounds like a lot of loyalty to Su Hai!

How did you do it? !

Amora feels more and more mysterious about Su Hai.

That is not felt in Odin!

She noticed Su Hai's gaze and gave Loreley an anxious look.

Lorelai was originally interested in Su Hai.

Lord Warner!

That's the same high level as Odin.

He is still so young and handsome.

It is simply the Prince Charming in her heart!

When she was thinking about whether to use charm, she was warned again by Amora, hesitation for a while, and finally chose to give up.

Su Hai looked at Amora with a half-smile, and got an awkward but polite smile.

"Amora, is this your sister Lorelei? Very pretty!"

Lorelai was about to say something when Amora interrupted her: "Lorella specifically wanted to help me after hearing that I came to Warnerheim, but I didn't agree without your permission."

Lorelei was even more confused.

Guys, don't let me talk is this?

Sister's reaction is too great!

Is there something wrong in there?

Lorelei wasn't stupid, and combined with the spate of oddities, he vaguely realized that there might be a big problem.

Possibly directly related to her.

Therefore, she simply smiled and showed the most formal court etiquette, showing the image of an elegant lady.

Su Hai thought for a moment, and knew that Amora had sensed Odin's plan and chose to be on his side.

If that's the case, then the matter is settled.

Lorelai's problems are handled by Amora.

So, Su Hai said: "Since Lorelai wants to help you, that's okay, let her be your deputy! Also, you have time to bring all the magic books related to mind and teleportation to me, I am useful."

"I understand, I will arrange it as soon as possible and send it to you."

After explaining the matter, Su Hai left directly.

Amora glanced around and quickly pulled Loreley away.

It's dangerous in my heart.

Facing the mysterious and powerful Su Hai, Amora's pressure is only higher than when facing Odin.

The latter is just an old god-king who may die at any time.

The former, however, is a rising star, exuding a stunning and dazzling brilliance! *