
Marvel: I Warner God King, Declaring War on Asgard

In the rebirth of Marvel, Su Hai was mistaken for a descendant of the Warner Protoss royal family and was elected as the Warner God King. Fortunately, the sign-in system was awakened. Sign in to Warnerheim and get the power of the stormy ocean! Sign in to the Time Mutation Authority and get the **Titan Aman'Thul Time Power! Sign in to Scarlet Witch and get Chaos Magic! ... "Titan, what do you think of my army of gods?" "Odin, the position of the Lord of the Nine Realms should be moved. I will take care of that boy Sol." "The god group? Sargeras, kill him for me!" "Dormammu, the atrium is my territory, get out of here!" This was taken from MTL nation so if you find the rate of updating so you can go a read it there. If by any way the author wants, I taken down, I will do it.

Faith1 · ภาพยนตร์
70 Chs

Chapter 21 Stone Mother Sera, the land of giants is pacified!

"What the hell? The God King is the creator of the King of Stone Giants?!"

Skirnier was speechless in surprise.

Could it be the stone heart just now?

Thinking that a terrifying giant stone giant was so easily created, the shocking feeling cannot be described in words.

Skirnier's awe for Su Hai deepened.

When it comes to Awakening Day, he is congratulating the birth of the King of Warnerheim.

Now, he is convinced by Su Hai himself.

Even if Su Hai ordered him to kill himself, Skirnier would do it without hesitation.

He firmly believes that this behavior must be right!

Not to mention the Skinier changes.

The group of stupid stone giants unknowingly fell into a strange circle of thinking.

The King of Giants was created by the man in front of him.

So what about them?

Is it also created by the other party?

The creator of the stone giant appeared? !

This idea was too terrifying, and they couldn't tell the truth for a while.

Su Hai saw the golems whispering to each other and knew that the plan was half done.

The Golems will certainly not question the authenticity of the Earth Elemental Leader.

Because they are creatures born from the origin of the earth, and have the same root as the elemental leader.

Su Hai controlled the wind and flew into the air, and said condescendingly to the leader of the earth element: "From today, your name is... Sera!"

"Thank you to the great creator for giving your name!"

Sera lowered her fat body with difficulty, and such a small movement caused the earth to cry out.

"Go Sera, go meet your children! They seem to have some misunderstandings about me, you know what to do!"

"I will make them devote their loyalty to you, just as I do to you." Sera responded firmly.

Su Hai trusted Sera.

If there is a stone giant who dares to object, Sera will definitely solve the opponent for him.

Just a mere stone giant.

Sera has the ability to create and grant earth elemental giants, and the strength of these elemental giants is often related to the strength of the materials that make up their bodies.

After killing the stone giant, the big deal is to create a brand-new giant from the remains of the opponent's body.

It can be said that Sera's Ability makes the Stone Giant a consumable recycling item.

If Warnerheim launches a war in the future, the Stone Giant will become the best striker, bringing despair to the enemy!

Moreover, Su Hai has a rough estimate of Sera's strength.

Stronger than Thor, Hulk!

Because the action brought by Sera's body is unchanged, it may be weaker than Awakening Thor with a hammer.

But it is already a good fighting force.

He is currently the No. 2 character at Warnerheim.

With this kind of strength, even in the face of an elderly Odin, Sera can fight for a while!

Next, it's the recognition part.

Su Hai invites Roar Skirnier and the two to leave, and the next task is left to Sera. Their presence may make the atmosphere awkward.

Wait until the three leave.

Sera turned his gaze to the Golem.

A kind of aura spread out, in the eyes of the giant stone, it was the breath of the earth.

Make them want to approach Sera unconsciously.

This feeling affirmed the idea that the other party was also a stone giant.

"My children, what are you still hesitation?" Sera said softly.

After being stunned for a while, a stone giant came out and said hesitantly, "Are you really our king?"

Sera grinned and said kindly, "I hope you can call me mother, stone mother, rather than calling me king."

"Stone mother?"

Sera smiled, "My child, accept my blessings!"

Definitely, her smile is definitely not in line with human aesthetics, just imagine a fat aunt made of stones.

However, for the giant stone giant who is also fat, this smile is probably not bad.

While speaking, Sera sent a ball of energy to the stone giant who came out first.

After the stone giant came into contact with the energy group, his body suddenly changed.

The entire body has grown several times larger.

From the previous height of more than 2 meters, it continued until it was more than ten meters high.

In front of many stone giants, he stood out from the crowd.

"What a powerful force! What a hard body! I feel like I can beat myself a hundred times with one!"

Now the stone giant can no longer be distinguished from other giants, and it is more appropriate to use the mountain giant to call Roar.

The other stone giants saw each other's changes, and no longer hesitation, they lowered their heads and said in unison: "Stone mother!"

Stone Mother Sera was very satisfied with the result, and continued: "Good boy, go and gather all our clansmen on this land! Come along with me to send the most sincere blessings to the Creator!"


the other side.

Su Hai is already on his way home.

He couldn't have been in the land of giants waiting for Sera to complete the task of ruling the stone giants.

The time is very tight now, and he must improve his strength as much as possible.

The magic that Kayla likes is a good choice.

The magic of Azeroth has reached incredible heights.

With enough magic power, it can even maintain a person's appearance and greatly increase a person's lifespan.

Also, Su Hai wants to learn the teleportation magic inside.

The legendary magician Medivh once used teleportation magic for interstellar travel, and also opened a portal for the collective teleportation of the army for a long time!

Before getting the new teleportation ability, Kaylazan's teleportation magic must be mastered!

Soul-type forbidden magic also needs to be learned.

On Earth, there is another magician group, the Kamar-Taj.

The leader is Ancient One, known as the Sorcerer Supreme.

Her real strength is probably not weaker than Odin.

But not everyone can live unrestrainedly for hundreds of years after stealing the power of the dark dimension, without being polluted by the erosion of the dark dimension.

In case of a conflict with the Ancient One, it is better to master some magic.

If you can't see someone, you can give them time to exile, right?

Besides, the Ancient One is also in charge of the Time Gem, so the time exile of the Bronze Dragon King is not necessarily easy to use.

"God King, is this the end of the Stone Giant?"

Skirnier is still dreaming.

"Trust Sera, she will give me a satisfactory answer." Su Hai said with certainty.

"By the way, Skirnier, I may retreat for a period of time when I go back, and you will be responsible for supervising the progress of Warnerheim."

"Yes, I will take good care of them." Skirnier understood what Su Hai meant.

At the moment, the most volatile factor in Warnerheim is Charm Witch.

And possibly the impending arrival of the alluring banshee, Lorelei.

"Don't be nervous, I'll take care of them before the retreat."

Su Hai is not like Odin who has lost his drive and execution.

Charming sisters can't turn the sky! *