
Marvel: I Warner God King, Declaring War on Asgard

In the rebirth of Marvel, Su Hai was mistaken for a descendant of the Warner Protoss royal family and was elected as the Warner God King. Fortunately, the sign-in system was awakened. Sign in to Warnerheim and get the power of the stormy ocean! Sign in to the Time Mutation Authority and get the **Titan Aman'Thul Time Power! Sign in to Scarlet Witch and get Chaos Magic! ... "Titan, what do you think of my army of gods?" "Odin, the position of the Lord of the Nine Realms should be moved. I will take care of that boy Sol." "The god group? Sargeras, kill him for me!" "Dormammu, the atrium is my territory, get out of here!" This was taken from MTL nation so if you find the rate of updating so you can go a read it there. If by any way the author wants, I taken down, I will do it.

Faith1 · ภาพยนตร์
70 Chs

Chapter 20 The origin of the earth, the leader of the earth element!




Intertwined into a tragic symphony.

The stone giant is very strong, but in front of the king of gods, he is no different from ordinary people.

When the wind and sand dissipated, only Su Hai was left on the field, with gravel everywhere.

These golems, as Su Hai says, are part of nature again.

When others saw it, they were horrified!

They understood that if they chose to continue to oppose the King of God just now, they would be among the corpses present.

As the battle ended, Su Hai also controlled the storm to stop slowly.

The Warners, who were swept up in the air, fell to the ground one after another, wailing up and down.

Their physical fitness was good, and no one died under Su Hai's intentional control, but injuries were inevitable.

Soon, they felt lucky when they were informed of the current situation.

And with people taking the lead, they offered their surrender.

"Meet the King of God!"

Su Hai nodded and pointed at someone, "You are responsible for leading the way, let's go to the next gathering area!"

"Yes, God King!"

The person who was called did not dare to refute, and hurriedly led the way.

The scene of the stone giant's destruction is really shocking!

That irresistible power, magnificent figure, has taken root in their minds.

For this new god-king, they couldn't raise the mind of resistance.

This is exactly what Su Hai wants to achieve.

Kill the chickens and show the monkeys by showing absolute power to kill the stone giants.

As for whether this surrender is sincere, he won't think about it so much now.

Over time, they will learn who they should be loyal to.

"Speaking of which, the home of the giant stone giant is also a special place, right?"

Su Hai's daily check-ins are now kept as much as possible, because only check-in at special locations can maximize the benefits.

And the place where the stone giant clan was born cannot be an ordinary place.


"Sign in now!"

"After testing, the check-in location is the hometown of the giant stone, and the similarity of the relevant check-in has increased."

"Congratulations to the host for signing in to get the origin of the earth!"

"The origin of the earth contains unique vitality and huge energy. Just place it on the earth, and you can immediately hatch the earth element lord representing the earth! She is the ruler of earth, dust, stone and mountains, capable of creating And the mighty power that enhances the life of all earth elements, and the lord is absolutely loyal to his creator (host)!"

"it is good!"

"Just in time!"

Su Hai is overjoyed.

Originally, his plan was to defeat the stone giants in the entire northern land by force.

Now that we have this, we can change the plan.

After summoning the earth element lord, use it to conquer the stone giant, which saves time and effort, and can add a stone giant army and a powerful earth element leader to the Warner Protoss!

Next, it depends on the specific strength of the element leader.

As long as it can match Thor, the Warner Protoss can compete with the Aesir Protoss in terms of basic military strength!

to the next tribe.

Su Hai took out the source of the earth under the suspicious eyes of the two.

The Origin of Earth is a heart made of unknown stones.

A vicissitudes and a powerful force burst out.

Gives a heavy feeling.

"God King, you are..."

Skirnier looked and looked carefully, making sure that he didn't know him, so he couldn't help but ask.

Su Hai didn't answer, it's hard to explain the origin of this thing, in that case, it's better to keep it mysterious.

As a king of gods, it is impossible to explain everything to his subordinates.

At the same time, the stone giants in the tribe felt the inexplicable Roar call from the soul.

That is the kindness of a mother.

Gently brushed their stone hearts.

Following the call of Roar, the stone giants came out in groups and had a face-to-face with Su Hai and others.

They directly ignored the existence of several people and stared at the origin of the earth.

From there, they had a sense of oppression from the depths of their blood.

There is a strange atmosphere in the air.

"God King! Do you need to do something?" Skirnier clenched the hilt of the sword vigilantly.

"No, the stone giant's troubles are over!"

Su Hai threw the source of the earth to the ground under the suspicious eyes of both sides.

The moment the source of the earth touches the earth, it instantly merges with the earth.

The earth elements in the air converged into a vortex-like airflow.

Earthquakes have also occurred!


At the moment, the entire Northland can feel a strong tremor.

The earth is cracking...

In the open space between the two sides, a huge amount of earthbags was propped up.


A pair of giant hands composed of rocks suddenly broke open the earth bag!

Then, the other hand squeezed out.

The file size of these hands, the palm alone, exceeds that of ordinary stone giants!

It is hard to imagine how huge the body hidden under the ground is?


A head with a two-story file size struggled to get out of the earthen bag.

The head is like a huge amount of ball, and the ratio of facial features is much exaggerated than ordinary people.

Vaguely discernible from the dense rock face.

This earth element leader is a female stone giant!

The golems have begun to stir.

They are very confused about the origin of the earth element leader.

The other party has a similar appearance to them, but the body is larger and the strength is stronger.

That huge power and momentum made them subconsciously want to surrender.

Is it our king?

The IQs of the stone giants are generally not high. When faced with an earth element leader whose energy and appearance are similar to their own, they have already regarded each other as their powerful counterparts.

At this time, the leader of the earth element has completely broken through the earth.

The tens of meters tall body is daunting!

"The king of gods is above! Is this the king of stone giants? It's so big!"

Skirnier and the other Warner man stared wide-eyed.

They have subconsciously believed that the other party is the real stone giant.

After all, the two look so similar.

Just when Skirnier thought it was going to be a tough fight,

The next scene made them suddenly mention it.

I saw that the stone element lord knelt down in the direction of Su Hai!

The deafening sound echoed!

"Meet the Great Creator!"*