
Marvel: I Warner God King, Declaring War on Asgard

In the rebirth of Marvel, Su Hai was mistaken for a descendant of the Warner Protoss royal family and was elected as the Warner God King. Fortunately, the sign-in system was awakened. Sign in to Warnerheim and get the power of the stormy ocean! Sign in to the Time Mutation Authority and get the **Titan Aman'Thul Time Power! Sign in to Scarlet Witch and get Chaos Magic! ... "Titan, what do you think of my army of gods?" "Odin, the position of the Lord of the Nine Realms should be moved. I will take care of that boy Sol." "The god group? Sargeras, kill him for me!" "Dormammu, the atrium is my territory, get out of here!" This was taken from MTL nation so if you find the rate of updating so you can go a read it there. If by any way the author wants, I taken down, I will do it.

Faith1 · ภาพยนตร์
70 Chs

Chapter 2 The Power of Warner God King!

Thor, the leader, held Mjolnir in his hand, ignoring the soldiers' angry eyes and looking around.

"This is the legendary Warner Protoss who fought with us? Dilapidated weapons and equipment, outdated palaces, hard life, weak combat power... I seriously doubt whether the legendary things are true!"

Thor looked at it and said to several people, his disgust was beyond words.

Loki was also full of disgust. "Who knows? Maybe when we go back, we can suggest to the king to remove the group of random records."

"Are Asgard people so rude? They don't even follow the most basic royal etiquette, that's how the King of God Odin educated you!!!"

Hearing the undisguised discussion between the two, Skirner couldn't hold back any longer and shouted angrily.

"Relax, mate, we're just discussing the truth," Thor said nonchalantly.

"You!!!" Skirner held on to the hilt of the sword, his eyes reddened.

"Stop it, Skirner! Now is not the time to fall out, let's get down to business first." Su Hai pressed Skirner and persuaded in a low voice.

As a traveler, Su Hai naturally knew Thor's arrogance and conceit.

Especially before going through the deprivation of power and falling to Earth.

Thor, At the moment, looks down on almost no one except Odin, Frigga, and his comrades-in-arms.

If you want Thor to restrain himself, the best way is to educate him with his fists.

Obviously, today's Warner Protoss does not have this Ability.

Although Skirner experienced the battle of the Protoss, he was the last remaining general of the Warner Protoss.

Loyalty is beyond doubt.

But in terms of strength, he is not dominant.

The power of the Protoss in Marvel is about blood.

Thor is the son of Odin, heir to the purest blood of the god-king.

Even without Awakening, Thor, who holds an artifact like Mjolnir, is still very powerful.

Skirner is not a royal family, but an elite among ordinary Protoss, probably at the level of Hogan Sif.

Perhaps it is stronger than the Asgard three warriors in terms of fighting skills, and it can even be crushed by fighting alone.

But in terms of comprehensive combat power, it is definitely not as good as Thor.

Su Hai even speculated that the reason why Odin sent Thor instead of Frigga was probably to use Thor to suppress the Warner Protoss.

After all, the enthronement ceremony of the Warner God King is an internal matter of the Warner God Clan.

As a Warner clan, Frigga is obviously more suitable and more thoughtful in etiquette.

Skirner also understood that even if his heart was burning with anger, he could not change this fact.

"Thor, don't talk like that, apologize, let the Queen know it's time to be angry again!" Sif gestured apologetically to Su Hai and Skirner, turned his head and shouted at Thor in a low voice.

Having fought side by side with Thor for many years, Sif knew of Thor's violent temper, and almost no one could persuade her, so she had to move out of Frigga.

Thor's face froze after hearing this.

He suddenly remembered that Frigga and Sif, and even Hogan, were from the Warner Protoss.

Leaving aside what Sif and Hogan thought, if Frigga knew what he had done, I'm afraid it would be really fruitless.

And Heimdall.

What if the other party is dissatisfied and does not open the door for him?

"Okay, I see." Thor frowned, reluctantly.

As for an apology? That is impossible.

He, Thor, never apologizes to the weak!

Seeing this, Skirner stopped glaring at him, suppressed his anger, and signaled his subordinates to continue the ritual.

The enthronement ceremony of the god-king is very complicated.

Even though Su Hai has cut down on unnecessary processes as much as possible, it still took about two hours before and after!

Just as Su Hai took the throne and was ready to accept everyone's congratulations,

"Ding! It is detected that the host is on the throne, and the sign-in system completes the binding!"

"Do you want to start signing in?"

Gold Finger is here?!

Su Hai was overjoyed and heaved a long sigh of relief.

"If I had known that I would have Awakening Gold Finger on the throne, I shouldn't have stopped Skirner! I wasted so many years and my fears for so long!"

Don't look at him, he seems to look bland and has been acting as a peacemaker.

In fact, he was more worried than Skirner.

Thor's rudeness is only a small aspect.

Asgard, a kingdom of gods destined to be destroyed.

Compared with the crisis of the future, what is it?

Not to mention the death crisis in which a snap of fingers wiped out half the population.

Let's just say Dormammu in the middle, and the later Tianshen group, which one is not a multi-universe-level boss?

If something goes wrong in the middle, the entire universe will say goodbye.

There is one more key factor!

That's Time Management!

Ever since Su Hai traveled through, he has always been worried about the threat of the Time and Space Administration.

There is no doubt that Su Hai's crossing is bound to catch their attention.

In the original Marvel books, there are not many people in Warnerheim who can handle it.

Not even the name of the king of gods deserves to appear.

And now, he came and became the new king of gods.

The timeline will definitely change!

No one knows when the people from the Time Administration will arrive.

Then he was taken, tried, edited.

He's not a Loki, and the Escape Ability is superb.

Has powerful magic and great luck.

He is just an ordinary person who has entered the void at the end of time and space, with no life after ten deaths!

Now here comes Gold Finger, and the turning point is here!

"Sign in now!" Thinking of this, Su Hai said directly.

"Detected that the host has a novice sign-in! Sign-in reward increased"

"After testing, the sign-in location is the old palace of the Warner Protoss, and the characters are Thor, Loki, Skirner, Asgard, and Sif. The sign-in similarity has increased!"

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the S-level reward, the power of the Warner God King (the power of the ocean storm)!"

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the S-level reward, the inheritance of the bronze dragon king Nordrum (the management authority of the power of time in the Nine Realms)!"

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the second-generation Angel body of the A-level reward!"*