
Marvel: I Warner God King, Declaring War on Asgard

In the rebirth of Marvel, Su Hai was mistaken for a descendant of the Warner Protoss royal family and was elected as the Warner God King. Fortunately, the sign-in system was awakened. Sign in to Warnerheim and get the power of the stormy ocean! Sign in to the Time Mutation Authority and get the **Titan Aman'Thul Time Power! Sign in to Scarlet Witch and get Chaos Magic! ... "Titan, what do you think of my army of gods?" "Odin, the position of the Lord of the Nine Realms should be moved. I will take care of that boy Sol." "The god group? Sargeras, kill him for me!" "Dormammu, the atrium is my territory, get out of here!" This was taken from MTL nation so if you find the rate of updating so you can go a read it there. If by any way the author wants, I taken down, I will do it.

Faith1 · ภาพยนตร์
70 Chs

Chapter 19 Surrender, or die!

The hometown of stone giants is the birthplace of the stone giant race.

Stone giants, also called mountain giants, like to live in rocky areas such as mountains.

Long, long ago, the Golems and the Vanir protoss co-existed in Vanerheim.

There have been battles between the two races for dominance.

The strength of the stone giant is not bad, the average height is more than 2.5 meters, and the weight is measured in tons.

Whether it is defensive or offensive, it is much stronger than the ordinary Warner Protoss.

Their only downside is that they are relatively slow.

In the war, however, the Golems lost and remained confined to the North.

Because they lack the most crucial factor that determines the direction of the war - the king-level powerhouse.

The Flame Giant had Sirte at their peak, and the Giants of Jotunheim used to have Ymir, so they could have a unified kingdom.

And wrench the wrist with Aesir.

The stone giant lacks top combat power and can only be reduced to the subordinate of the Warner Protoss.

At the beginning, he showed good strength when he followed the Warner Protoss and fought against the Aesir Protoss.

Until God King Niyod left, the stone giants would stand on their own in the north again, and coerce the Huana people living here, becoming the strongest and largest divisional force.

Hogan, one of the three warriors of Asgard, was born in the North.

"Skinir, lead the way, we will directly take down the stone giant's nest!"

"God King, in this direction!" Skirnier said respectfully.

The first time he came to the Northland, Su Hai was completely unaware of the situation here, so he could only bring Skirnier here.

Along the way, Su Hai discovers that the environment in the hometown of stone giants is different from that of the city of gods.

It has the largest landmass and the most mountains.

The earth element is very active.

The place where the stone giants gather is also the place where the earth element is most active.

There are rocks all over the place and very few trees and grass.

Here, a large-scale tribal form is formed, headed by the stone giant and surrounded by the Wanerheim people.

When Su Hai and Skirnier came here, no one came to ask.

Because no one thought that the dignified king of Warner would come alone to incorporate the giant stone.

According to past experience, the king of gods will definitely lead the army forward when he goes out on an expedition.

Only Su Hai didn't play the cards according to the formula.

Seeing the Wana people coming and going, and the stone giant lying on the ground basking in the sun, Su Hai felt that he was being despised.

How could he have the courage to reject him with such a slack defense?

Or, do you not believe that the king of gods was really born?

Su Hai didn't know what to say for a while.

Golem doesn't have a supreme leader like Lauf.

That is to say, it is not feasible to directly find their bosses for inclusion.

So, go ahead and do it directly!

No matter what, just fight it!

A breeze came blowing.

At first, no one cared.

But it didn't take long for someone to notice that something was wrong.

The wind is getting bigger!


In less than a cup of tea, the breeze has turned into a storm!

Swept the entire tribe!

The stone giant is okay, the weight is there, lying on the ground, shrinking into a stone pier, and it is difficult to roll up.

The Huana people are different. Their physical fitness is very strong, but their weight is actually similar to that of ordinary earth people.

The storm came suddenly, and in an instant, most people were swept into the sky by the storm without any precaution.

Surprised Roar can be heard endlessly.

At this moment, a figure slowly flew down from the storm.

"Submit, or die!"

Under the influence of divine power, this voice was majestic and loud, resounding through the sky with the gust of wind!

"Who are you?" In the storm, someone resisted with difficulty and questioned.

"Su Hai!"

"Su Hai? The new god-king?!"

Someone had already recognized Su Hai and exclaimed.

Looking at the companion who was caught in the wind in the sky again, his heart floated.

"Impossible, you can't be God King Warner! The last God King has been dead for thousands of years, how could there be such a small descendant of the royal family? You are fake!"

A burly-looking stone giant pointed at Su Hai and scolded.

"Then you are doubting my power?" Su Hai said calmly.

"This... you must be using magic! Yes, you are magician! Damn magician, this is the domain of giants, we don't welcome you, get out!"

"Oh, do you think so too?" Su Hai looked at the others with a flat tone, "Who else doubts my identity, you can stand up! I can ask you to prove it!"


Everyone bowed their heads, not daring to look directly at Su Hai's glance.

"Very good, it seems that smart people are still the majority, not bad! Then..." Su Hai looked at the stone giant again, "Just please return to nature!"


Su Hai seemed to merge with the gust of wind, and slammed into the stone giant at an extremely fast speed.

Under the powerful attack, the stone giant turned into a pile of rubble before he could react!

"Bastard! Kill him!"

Seeing this, the other stone giants roared and charged.

The earth made an overwhelmed clang with their footsteps.

"It's good to come! It just saves you the effort to find you one by one."

Su Hai's men showed no mercy.

The two clans have a long-standing grievance.

The stone giant has been separated from the leadership of the Warner Protoss for thousands of years.

If you don't have to conquer them with strength, don't even think about returning to the era of surrender in the past.

Now, only fighting is the only way!

The Golems of this tribe will set a negative example for other Golems to try to confront! *