
Marvel: I Warner God King, Declaring War on Asgard

In the rebirth of Marvel, Su Hai was mistaken for a descendant of the Warner Protoss royal family and was elected as the Warner God King. Fortunately, the sign-in system was awakened. Sign in to Warnerheim and get the power of the stormy ocean! Sign in to the Time Mutation Authority and get the **Titan Aman'Thul Time Power! Sign in to Scarlet Witch and get Chaos Magic! ... "Titan, what do you think of my army of gods?" "Odin, the position of the Lord of the Nine Realms should be moved. I will take care of that boy Sol." "The god group? Sargeras, kill him for me!" "Dormammu, the atrium is my territory, get out of here!" This was taken from MTL nation so if you find the rate of updating so you can go a read it there. If by any way the author wants, I taken down, I will do it.

Faith1 · ภาพยนตร์
70 Chs

Chapter 18 Hometown of Stone Giants

Su Hai didn't know that Thor was completely derailed because of him.

Relegated prematurely, Thor didn't have the chance to meet Jane who came to Mexico to measure data.

That hazy short-lived love affair is impossible to talk about.

This also led to his failure to pick up Mjolnir, no one to comfort, take in, teach.

In the end, I chose to go to a bar to drink and relieve my worries, and then I encountered a miserable life of forced labor.

At the moment, compared to the tragic Thor, Su Hai is also not laid back.

Above the endless Wang Yang, Su Hai harnessed the power of the ocean and took Skirnier to the northern region on the waves.

Using divine power to gallop on the ocean, the speed is many times faster than a ship, and it is also very exciting.

It can also exercise divine power to achieve the effect of increasing strength.

Su Hai has already made plans. After dealing with the northern stone giants, he will choose a different timeline to exercise his supernatural powers.

Ability needs to be practiced. If you don't practice hard, even if you have one hundred and one thousand abilities, it will be useless.

Because you can't unleash the full power of Ability.

The enemy only needs to seize the flaw of an Ability to deal a fatal blow!

The most obvious example is Magneto and Polaris. They both master the magnetic force. One often practices and grows from blood and fire. The other does not dare to practice often because of the environment, and their final strength is also very different.

The power of time of the Bronze Dragon King can allow him to go to other timelines no matter how long he stays and come back, it is still this time period.

There will not be the embarrassment of going to another universe and returning directly to a parallel universe.

In Marvel, the past cannot be easily changed. Once the past is changed through time, the changed world is actually a branch drawn out of the timeline, that is, a parallel world of this world.

As for the original world still exists, nothing has changed.

It doesn't matter if you just make up for your regrets and deceive yourself.

It's just that Su Hai doesn't want to.

"Skinier, what do you think of Amora?" Su Hai said casually as he rode the waves.

Skirnier was stunned for a moment, thought for a while, and said uncertainly: "Amora seems to be doing well, but... I think it's a bit weird, would Odin be so kind to give Amora to us?"

"If Odin is really so kind, then we at Warnerheim wouldn't have been in chaos for so long, and we haven't been able to unify."

"You're right, Odin wouldn't be kind enough to establish a unified Protoss for Asgard, even if the Protoss and them had an agreement to live in peace, after all, the Giants of Jotunheim alone is enough for him to have a headache. yes."

The Giants of Jotunheim in Jotonheim are the most fiercely revolted against Asgard in the Nine Realms.

It is also that Odin has no real power to subdue him until now.

Perhaps Lauf, King of Giants of Jotunheim, is much weaker than Odin.

But the single combat ability of Giants of Jotunheim is not inferior to that of Asgard's elite soldiers.

The ice blades they made were enough to break through the defenses of Asgardian soldiers.

You know, this is an army wearing Ulu metal equipment!

And the number of Giants of Jotunheim is far from what the Asgardians can match.

Skirnier pondered, "Then what is Odin trying to do?"

"What do you want to do? It definitely wants us to fall into an internal struggle again! Only the chaotic Warner Kingdom is the best Kingdom of God!"

"Did you know that Amora also has a younger sister, Lorelei, who seduced a large number of Asgardians by casting magic, in order to gain power, they rebelled against Odin's rule, and finally failed and was imprisoned in Asgard Dungeon?"

"I bet Odin will be back with Lorelei soon."

"What!" Skirnier's face turned blue.

He really didn't know about this matter. Most of his knowledge of Asgard stayed in the last war of gods.

Since then, he has had to stay in the capital of the gods, guarding the last glorious place of the Warner Protoss, and preventing other rebels from attacking the capital.

"God King, then why did you give Amora the right to set up a magic army?" Skirnier was puzzled.

"Why not?" Su Hai said to himself: "Trust me, I can predict the shot before they start thinking, and... they are also magical geniuses. What the Warner Protoss lack most today is talent."

Warnerheim needs to change.

The most important thing is the rapid development of military strength and technology.

The Magic Legion is just the first step in Su Hai's plan.

Next, he will go to the dwarf tribe to obtain the loyalty of the other party.

Just take the dwarf king to another timeline to see what happens to the dwarf family and let them know that Asgard has lost the ability to protect them.

Only by serving the Warner Protoss can they avoid the disaster of genocide.

In this way, the equipment of soldiers can be innovated and replaced, and the improvement of strength is very obvious.

Skirnier said ashamed: "I'm sorry God King, I didn't do a good job of intelligence work! I'm ashamed of your trust, I didn't expect Odin to still have ghosts!"

"Then do we need to keep Lorelei in Wanaheim? That's a dangerous woman!"

"Don't worry, I'll be optimistic about her, Odin can't guess, I'm more scary than he imagined!" Su Hai sneered.

Want rights? I give! As long as you can contribute to Warnerheim.

However, if you have other thoughts, there are ways to punish!

The easiest way is to directly banish it to a time line with no one, and endure the loneliness of being far away from the ethnic group and intelligent life.

With Lorelei's temperament, if she can persist for a hundred years, she is considered powerful.

While the two were talking, they soon came to the Northland.

Hometown of Stone Giants! *