
Marvel: I Warner God King, Declaring War on Asgard

In the rebirth of Marvel, Su Hai was mistaken for a descendant of the Warner Protoss royal family and was elected as the Warner God King. Fortunately, the sign-in system was awakened. Sign in to Warnerheim and get the power of the stormy ocean! Sign in to the Time Mutation Authority and get the **Titan Aman'Thul Time Power! Sign in to Scarlet Witch and get Chaos Magic! ... "Titan, what do you think of my army of gods?" "Odin, the position of the Lord of the Nine Realms should be moved. I will take care of that boy Sol." "The god group? Sargeras, kill him for me!" "Dormammu, the atrium is my territory, get out of here!" This was taken from MTL nation so if you find the rate of updating so you can go a read it there. If by any way the author wants, I taken down, I will do it.

Faith1 · ภาพยนตร์
70 Chs

Chapter 17 The Lost Thor

Asgard, Golden Hall!

Odin has been waiting for Frigga's return.

Ever since he knew that Skirnier was looking for a suitable candidate for Su Hai, he was moved.

Excellent Protoss goddesses are always rare.

There are only a few suitable candidates.

As soon as he knew it, he thought of the charming sister who gave him a headache.

Those two women are beautiful, powerful, and very heartwarming.

He also had the idea of ​​raising them as Thor's wives.

Until later, the two sisters dared to use charm magic, and after trying to forcibly gain power, Odin passed the two directly.

Too much trouble!

Now, it would be a good idea to send the two sisters to Warnerheim to harm the Warner Protoss.

Soon, Frigga stepped into the palace.

"How are things going?"

Frigga thought for a while and said, "It's half done."

"What do you mean? He didn't agree?" Odin felt regretful. "Amora is so attractive that he can resist. Could it be that he is too young to be that age?"

"I feel like he might have sensed something." Frigg was uncertain, her expression full of worry.

She disagreed with the decision at the time, but Odin insisted.

Later, she thought of the Amora and Lorelei sisters, aside from the ability to do things, they were also very good.

With both beauty and strength, it is a good choice.

Considering that with Su Hai's strength, it wouldn't be a big problem to charm the sisters, so I finally agreed.

Only now, Frigga regretted it again.

Odin shook his head and said, "Impossible! I have already ordered that the dissemination of that matter be banned. Regarding the communication ability and navigation ability of Warnerheim, did the ability come to Asgard to inquire about the Charming Sisters? They can't know! Maybe... Su Hai Are you preparing to test Amora for a while?"

"It's possible." Frigga thought of the situation at the time, and it was okay to say that.

The matter of the God Queen is related to the stability of a Protoss.

Indeed, the choice should not be made hastily.

Odin said with a smile: "Then most of it is done! If so, then I will add another fire! Heimdall!"

"God King! God Queen!"

After a while, Heimdall came to the Golden Hall.

"I need you to go to Dungeon to bring out Lorelei, the seductive banshee, and tell her that her sister Amora has gone to Wanaheim to enjoy the glory and riches. As long as she is willing to go, you will send her there together."

Lorelei's voice was too seductive, and ordinary people couldn't stand the temptation and would become her subordinates.

Odin had to let the determined Heimdall do it himself.

"Yes, God King!"

Heimdall wouldn't ask why, his loyalty to Odin was unwavering.

After receiving the order, he was about to go out when Frigg stopped him.

"Heimdall, how's Thor doing now?"

"This..." Heimdall glanced at Odin subconsciously.

"Tell me, that kid has been going down for several days, why hasn't he been approved by Mjolnir!" Odin said dissatisfiedly.

For Thor, he really doesn't know what to do.

Perhaps, giving him Mjolnir was the worst decision he ever made!

Good Thor, Hard Shen became the hammer god.

When you lose the hammer, you lose your sense of security.

How does this work!

It's just a hammer god, and his character is quite conceited.

In addition to fighting with hammers on the battlefield, that is, eating and drinking at banquets, life is too interesting.

Look at Su Hai again. At the age of 20, he Awakening the power of the God King. First, he defeated the long-established Thor, and stepped on his body to gain the support of the people of Warnerheim. It was very smooth and almost unified the entire Protoss, and then he began to work for Warner. The future of the Protoss is striving hard.

Don't be greedy for good food and wine, don't be tempted by beauty.

Go back and forth freely between words.

Wisdom and force coexist.

What a perfect god!

His Odin's son was incomparable to the other.

More than 1500 years old and all lived on the pig!

Pissed off!

Odin is also not sure about Su Hai's confidence, otherwise he might really have other bad thoughts.

Asgard allows no loss!

Thinking of what he saw, Heimdall seriously thought about his words before saying, "After Thor went to Midgard, the first thing he did was go to Mjolnir's place, trying to regain recognition."

Hearing this, Odin smiled contentedly.

This is his son, he is still motivated.

Then, Heimdall said with hesitation: "Thor seems to have given up after many unsuccessful attempts... Now he is drinking in a bar in Midgard, and because he has no money to pay the bill, he was... arrested to clean..."


Odin's smile froze, and there was a flame called anger in his chest trying to break through the sky.

"Bastard! Evil son! I *******!!!"



A bar in New Mexico.

Thor took the hard-earned money, came to the bar and ordered the cheapest wine, and gulped it down.

Thinking of what he's been through all this time, Thor is in a lot of pain.

Another mouthful.

"A bunch of evil Midgard people! Isn't it just that they don't have money, how are they so crazy? When did I pay when I was in Asgard? All food and drink are free! When I return to Asgard later , I must kill you guys with money! You idiots!"

"Even the battle is swarming, not about martial arts, one by one if you have the ability! Cough, cough..."

Thor scolded in a low voice, he was choked accidentally, and after recovering, he couldn't help cursing again, "Bad wine is inferior wine! Think of me, Thor, the son of the King of God Odin, when did he ever drink such a thing? Bad wine? So much water, what about conscience? What about morality? Damn bastard!"

"When I pick up Miaoernier, I will definitely catch all of you who have no conscience and give them electric shocks a hundred times!"

"And Su Hai, the God of Warner, I remember you! If it wasn't for you, how could I have ended up like this! Even Miaoernir doesn't recognize me! Damn it! Gollum...ah, cool! I Drink you to death!!"

In a seat next to Thor, a man in a suit with a worrying hairline twitched at the corners of his mouth, put one hand on his ear, and said in a low voice, "Boss, are you really sure that this person knows something? He talks about it every day. The story in the children's story book, what Mjolnir, the King of God Odin... What's more outrageous is that the legendary King of Warner is called Su Hai!! Is there such a person in Norse Mythology? Surely not from the East Coming to the show? I've had enough! I strongly recommend contacting the mental hospital, he's a good fit there."

The other side of the call didn't reply immediately, as if thinking about it for a long time.

After a while, a low voice sounded.

"Wait, he has tried to grab the hammer many times before, looking at his grief-stricken appearance, there is no problem! You continue to follow, write down everything he said, we have to study it carefully! If necessary, You can help him solve some problems, try to approach him without leaving a trace, and all consumption will be reimbursed by the bureau."

"Well, you have the final say, who calls you the boss?"

The man in the suit sighed helplessly, looked at Thor who was drinking heavily, called the bartender, put on two glasses of good wine, and came to Thor with a smile.

"Hi, brother, I'm Phil Coulson, and you're alone, why don't we talk and have a drink together? I'll treat you!"

Thor looked at the opponent warily, and confirmed that he was not his opponent.

Then, his eyes fell on the wine glass, and his throat moved.

"My good brother, I am Thor, the god of Asgard! The future king of Asgard, the co-lord of the Nine Realms! If you have anything, just tell me, tonight we must stay drunk!"*