
Marvel: I Warner God King, Declaring War on Asgard

In the rebirth of Marvel, Su Hai was mistaken for a descendant of the Warner Protoss royal family and was elected as the Warner God King. Fortunately, the sign-in system was awakened. Sign in to Warnerheim and get the power of the stormy ocean! Sign in to the Time Mutation Authority and get the **Titan Aman'Thul Time Power! Sign in to Scarlet Witch and get Chaos Magic! ... "Titan, what do you think of my army of gods?" "Odin, the position of the Lord of the Nine Realms should be moved. I will take care of that boy Sol." "The god group? Sargeras, kill him for me!" "Dormammu, the atrium is my territory, get out of here!" This was taken from MTL nation so if you find the rate of updating so you can go a read it there. If by any way the author wants, I taken down, I will do it.

Faith1 · ภาพยนตร์
70 Chs

Chapter 16 Amora, the Strongest Worker!

Amora is very good at charm magic, and most people will be tricked before they know it.

Only those with strong will or stronger magic can resist.

Su Hai has the power of a god-king and is extremely immune to magic.

Amora's charm magic doesn't work on him.

It is estimated that Amora also knows this, so she has been very honest.

That is, in a frown and a smile, it seems to show an amazing charm inadvertently.

In the face of the infinite style of Amora.

A proper beating is necessary.

While Su Hai isn't afraid of Amora's troubles, other ordinary Wanaheimers can't stop him.

Amora is also a talent, and it would be a pity to give up.

Just look at Odin, it's a headache, and he didn't kill him after such a big incident.

To say how merciful Odin is, that is the biggest joke of the 21st century, think about how many Odin killed when he unified the Nine Realms...

It is not an exaggeration to use a sentence with blood flowing into a river!

Therefore, finding a way to dispel the witch's careful thoughts is the best way.


The capital of God, on a mountain range not far from the palace.

Skirnier and Amora follow Su Hai here.

"Lord God King, is there anything special here?"

Amora twitched her hair gently, and the fine and smooth long hair flowed on her shoulders like waves.

She fluttered and plucked her blond hair, and the five white jade-like fingers pulled a strand from her hair and gently wrapped around her fingertips, which was full of charm.

Skirnier stared at the ground intently, as if he had discovered a wonder of the world.

Su Hai enigmatically said: "This mountain is nothing special, but I can quickly make it special."

"Oh, then I'll have to take a good look. After all, it's you, Lord God King." Amora flashed a pair of big eyes and chuckled lightly.

"Then, you're good to go!" Su Hai snapped his fingers, "Come out, Kayla likes it!"


Various elements in the air suddenly boiled.

The lightning that was gathered from the elements all around made a crackling sound.

The void is shattering, with ripples like water.

Then, an ancient dark tower with vicissitudes appeared from the void and landed smoothly on a flat ground in the mountain range.

Boss Amora's mouth opened, looking at the tower and then at Su Hai.

She felt a powerful magic from the tower.

This is a magic tower!

Skirnier was also dumbfounded, space magic?

"Let's go!" Su Hai patted the two of them on the shoulder and took the lead towards Kayla.

As the three approached, a wave of magic power passed by.

Amora raised her hand sensitively and gathered a mass of magic power.

"Don't be nervous, this is Kayla's magical barrier, and it won't attack without someone's urging." Su Hai comforted.

Since I got Kayla's likes after signing in, I have completed the identification and know some of Kayla's likes.

The source of magic power that Kayla praised was originally a magic crystal, and now it has been linked to Wanaheim, and the magic power is almost inexhaustible.

It has a powerful magic bar on its periphery, which can release huge amounts of Arcane Lightning Wall, and the range is controlled by Su Hai.

Because the magic power is almost infinite, it is easy to cover the area of ​​hundreds of kilometers.

Moreover, after Kayla Zan came to Marvel, it was still a space link, connecting many worlds.

Kind of like Sakaar.

Sakaar is surrounded by many cosmic tunnels that can travel to many planets in this universe.

And Kayla Zan may be connected to some parts of this universe, and may also be connected to other universes.

These space-time points are blocked by magical barriers, and no creature can pass through without Su Hai's permission.

One of the connections is the Elemental Plane, which also causes the magical energy inside Kaylazan to be extremely majestic. It is definitely the holy place that magicians desire most.

This also puts Kayla-san's spellbook into action.

Amora likes to specialize in magic very much. When she entered Kayla, she was immediately attracted to this magic tower.

Every step you take, you can feel the magic restraint.

Here, arcane energy, natural energy rejoices.

It's like stepping into a new realm of magic, so magician is so fascinated by it.

Looking into the distance, I saw a variety of magic books.

They lie quietly on the bookshelf, dazzling.

"God King... These are..."

Amora was shocked by everything in front of her, a glimmer of anticipation flashed in her eyes, and she wanted to say something incoherently.

"Otherworld's magic book, are you interested in studying it?"

Amora nodded again and again, "Yes! Can I really read the magic book?"

"Definitely!" Su Hua said affirmatively, "As long as you want, I can give you free access to Kayla Like, but you have to promise me a small request."

"No matter what you ask, I will agree to it!" Amora's face flushed with joy, it was really beautiful.

"I'm going to set up a magician association, and I need a qualified big magician to teach them magic knowledge. Would you like to help me? Definitely, I still need a palace chief magician, who is responsible for managing all magicians in Warnerheim, as well as having access to consulting services including Warner Protoss in The qualifications of all the magic books inside, I wonder if you have any ideas?"

"Me? Can I?" Amora felt herself stunned by the surprise.

I didn't expect that I would not only have the opportunity to enter a new magical field to get in touch with the magical knowledge of another world, but also gain the rights of the top management of magician!

If Lorelei of Asgard Dungeon finds out, I'm afraid I'll be mad with jealousy!

This is her dream right!

Thinking of this, Amora looked at Su Hai with gratitude and admiration.

This Warner God King is many times stronger than the so-called the King of God Odin!

Su Hai said directly to Skirnier: "This matter is left to you, select people who are interested in magic from all over the world, gather them all in the capital of God, and teach them all under the guidance of Amora. I want to build a strong team. The magic army!"

"Yes, God King!" Skirnier gave a thumbs up, and couldn't help admiring it, this hand is so high!

It was so easy to coax Amora in, he sighed.

Compared to Su Hai, Skirnier also knew why he would end up alone.

Seeing Skirnier's admiring expression, Su Hai sighed slightly in his heart. Did he misunderstand again?

Skirnier, you think too much!

The reason why he summoned the magic tower at the moment was to knock on Amora and establish his unfathomable identity.

Let Amora put his mind away and serve him well.

He also doesn't have to worry that Amora's strength has greatly increased after learning magic.

There are countless magic books praised by Kayla. If Amora, who has never mastered time, wants to finish it, it will really be the year of the monkey and the month of the horse.

At that time, Su Hai's strength had long been unknown.

Don't worry about Amora's thoughts.

As for handing over the Magic Legion to Amora, he also had the idea of ​​making the best use of everything.

The ultimate allegiance of the Magic Legion can only be him, the Warner King!

Amora is nothing more than a laborer with the title of chief magician.

Well, it feels a bit capitalist, guilty and guilty.

However, looking at Skirnier's aged appearance, Su Hai thought it necessary to tell the other party about Odin's plan.

This old man is not stupid, but he was affected by Warnerheim's long-term seclusion and isolation, and the news from the outside world could hardly reach Warnerheim. Even if he knew it, it was processed news.

Su Hai also relied on the reason of the traverser to not be deceived.

It can only be said that Odin's calculations for Warnerheim were too successful! *