
Marvel: I Warner God King, Declaring War on Asgard

In the rebirth of Marvel, Su Hai was mistaken for a descendant of the Warner Protoss royal family and was elected as the Warner God King. Fortunately, the sign-in system was awakened. Sign in to Warnerheim and get the power of the stormy ocean! Sign in to the Time Mutation Authority and get the **Titan Aman'Thul Time Power! Sign in to Scarlet Witch and get Chaos Magic! ... "Titan, what do you think of my army of gods?" "Odin, the position of the Lord of the Nine Realms should be moved. I will take care of that boy Sol." "The god group? Sargeras, kill him for me!" "Dormammu, the atrium is my territory, get out of here!" This was taken from MTL nation so if you find the rate of updating so you can go a read it there. If by any way the author wants, I taken down, I will do it.

Faith1 · ภาพยนตร์
70 Chs

Chapter 15 Charm Witch Amora

Not that Su Hai thinks too much.

On the surface, Frigga was a respected goddess, kind and amiable.

However, it is impossible to be a queen of gods and be loved by so many people.

You know, Loki can be said to be brought up by Frigga and was greatly influenced by Frigga.

Then look at Loki's gods, god of intrigues, wise priests, ahem.

Anyway, Su Hai secretly began to be vigilant, no matter what, Frigga represented the Aesir gods.

The positions of both sides did not allow him to be careless.

At this time, Frigga continued: "Thor is a person who values ​​friendship very much. He has exhausted his thoughts on his friends, but he is just too reckless. I am also a member of Warnerheim, and Thor also flows. Part of the blood of the Warner Protoss, I hope you can take care of Thor in this relationship."

"Take care? Well, don't worry, I will definitely "take care" of Thor for the long-term friendship between the Aesir Protoss and the Warner Protoss." Su Hai said sternly.

Whether it is out of the feelings of the past life, or the identity of this life.

Su Hai thinks that he may need to "tune" Thor well.

Get him on the right track.

As for the training process, it's normal to fight...cough...say a few words.

After all, you can't make a piece of jade without cutting it.

I can't go back to the old road of ruining my home and being disappointed.

Thinking about the fat man who grew all over and scolded people along the internet cable to beat people when he played a game, he couldn't bear to look directly at him!

If there is a day, Su Hai will be very helpful to take over Asgard, so that this Asgard will not become history.

Frigga didn't understand the meaning here, how could she know how many meanings a care would have?

I saw her smiling and said: "Thank you so much, by the way, Skirnier talked to me about that before, and I also think that the blood of the Warner Protoss should be passed on as soon as possible. After discussing it with Odin, Odin thought of a very good idea. The right person."

Skirnier, your ass and hips are crooked!

Su Hai took a sip of the wine, his face remained unchanged and said, "How can these trivial matters take your mind off the goddess."

Just kidding, who knows what bad thoughts the Odin guy is holding back.

"Actually, it doesn't take much thought. I also hope that the Warner Protoss can have their crown prince."

Frigga continued: "The person I introduced to you, perhaps you have heard her name, Amora the Charm Witch! A great magician with both beauty and power, and her magical ability is above me!"


Su Hai didn't know what to say anymore.

outright rejection?

Or perfunctory?

What Frigga said is not a lie, Amora's magical ability is indeed very strong, and there is no need to say more about her beauty.

But this woman is not a good one.

As the name suggests, what Amora is best at is charm magic...

Amora also has a younger sister named Lorelei, who has a title called Charming Banshee, whose beauty is comparable to that of Amora.

Her voice could seduce the opposite sex, making him let Lorelei send him.

Lorelai loves to make things happen, especially power.

In this regard, he and Loki have a lot in common.

How can this pair of sisters be deceived when they happen to meet a beautiful woman?

Lorelai likes to do things, and Amora is willing to cooperate with her sister.

Six hundred years ago, Lorelai confused many Asgardians and wanted to stage a coup.

After his failure, he has been imprisoned in the Asgard Dungeon.

Now that Odin wants to recommend Amora to him to become a goddess, his heart can be punished!

After accepting Amora, Lorelei will definitely come over, and the Warner Protoss will have to play!

Asgard can not only discard these two thousand years of terror, terror, and molecules, but also bring trouble to Warnerheim, killing two birds with one stone!

"Well... I have to think about it, you know, it's about the royal family, I need to think more about it."

Su Hai decided not to answer for now, thinking about how to train Thor.

Since you want to cheat me, I have to respond.

Frigga smiled mysteriously, "Definitely, you should think about it."

"I'm done talking, then I should go too. Thor's kid was sent to Midgard by his father, and I'm worried he'll cause trouble again."

Not long after Frigga left.

Skirnier ran in and said with a high expression: "God King, I have found a candidate for the concubine!"


For the first time, Su Hai realized why Frigg was smiling so mysteriously.

Co-authoring brought people directly!

After Skirnier walked in, a bright and moving woman walked in.

She was tall and slender, looking at least 1.7 meters or more.

She was only wearing a thin green classic short skirt, showing half of her thighs, as white and lustrous as lotus roots.

His long, blond, wavy hair was casually draped over his shoulders.

This is the first time Su Hai has seen such a beautiful woman in her past and present life.

I saw her red lips parted slightly and made a very tempting voice, "Amora sees God King Warner!"

Skirnier raised an eyebrow at Su Hai, as if to say, it's not bad!

Su Hai was speechless.

The huge Asgard and Wanaheim can't even bring out a normal woman? *