
Marvel: I Warner God King, Declaring War on Asgard

In the rebirth of Marvel, Su Hai was mistaken for a descendant of the Warner Protoss royal family and was elected as the Warner God King. Fortunately, the sign-in system was awakened. Sign in to Warnerheim and get the power of the stormy ocean! Sign in to the Time Mutation Authority and get the **Titan Aman'Thul Time Power! Sign in to Scarlet Witch and get Chaos Magic! ... "Titan, what do you think of my army of gods?" "Odin, the position of the Lord of the Nine Realms should be moved. I will take care of that boy Sol." "The god group? Sargeras, kill him for me!" "Dormammu, the atrium is my territory, get out of here!" This was taken from MTL nation so if you find the rate of updating so you can go a read it there. If by any way the author wants, I taken down, I will do it.

Faith1 · ภาพยนตร์
70 Chs

Chapter 14 Frigga's Candy Cannonball?

These two days, Su Hai has been busy with all kinds of trivial matters.

Warnerheim's recovery is a huge undertaking.

While busy, I did not forget to sign in.

It is estimated that the first sign-in has exhausted luck, and the next sign-in is not even as good as the super soldier serum.

Like what wood ninja forehead guard, One Piece's straw hat and the like.

The kind that goes to the trash can.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Frigga came today, it was shipped!

Where is Kayla Zan?

It is a super magic library that records almost all magic in Azeroth.

It is also the connection point of reality, connecting many worlds.

Its first owner was the legendary great magician Medivh, a mighty magician rivaling the gods!

The latter master is Mage Khadgar, an apprentice of Medivite, from ordinary mortals who read Kayla's praise magic book, slowly climbed up to the great magician, and is also a rare ruthless character.

This shows the richness of magic that Kayla likes.

Definitely, Su Hai didn't know whether the check-in reward brought the connection point too.

But just the magic book that is organized into the system is a huge wealth.

The only problem is that there is no magic in the world of Marvel in the traditional sense.

Ordinary spellcasters borrow the power of the dimension Mephista.

In this way, there is irreversible harm to the caster.

If the borrower does not have a background, sooner or later, he will be bitten by the borrowed dimensional magic.

The Sorcerer Supreme Ancient One on Earth today is one of them.

She borrowed Weishandi's white magic, and it is said that it is white magic, but in fact, the side effects are relatively small, not completely without side effects.

But, Ancient One has a backstage, she's not afraid...

Even ran to steal the power of the dark dimension to stay alive.

Let the Lord of the Dark Dimension do nothing.

It can be regarded as a typical example of borrowing on the basis of ability, why pay back...

As for the source of magic of the Aesir Gods and the Vaner Gods, it is the power originally from the Gods Domain.

Just like Hela, it is closely related to God's Domain.

When God's Domain was complete and strong, Hela was able to hang himself, beat Awakening Thor, and slaughter the Asgard army alone, which made Odin fearful in his prime.

However, when God's Domain was destroyed by the full version of Flame Giant Sirte's sword, the Golden Hall's strength dropped instantly.

So that in the battle with Sirte, it is impossible to stop the opponent from continuing to destroy.

The opponent used the twilight sword and the Eternal Fire to directly turn Asgard into cosmic dust.

The same is true of Su Hai's God-king power, which comes from the origin of Warnerheim.

It can also act as a power to activate magic.


Kayla likes the magic book in it, whether it can be used in the Marvel world is still open to question.

If, these magics really shine in the Marvel world.

Then it's perfectly fine to become a powerful god of magic.

This god of magic is not a half-assassin who is pronounced magician like Loki.

It is an existence that can use magic to compete with the gods!

Even if you can't use these spells, it's good to use them as a reference.

It may bring a huge change to Marvel's magic system!

For a split second, Su Hai's mind flashed a lot.

Frigga was not aware of Su Hai's inner turmoil, and while she walked in side by side with Su Hai, she was also carefully observing Su Hai.

In a brief observation, Frigga could feel Su Hai's visceral self-confidence and unignorable aura of kingship.

She saw Odin's shadow in Su Hai.

To be precise, it should be the appearance of the King of God.

Frigga had a hunch that Odin might have underestimated Su Hai.

Under the leadership of Su Hai, Warnerheim will be able to reach a height that may really be unprecedented!

You know, Su Hai can beat Thor at the age of 20!

According to Loki, Sif, etc., Su Hai didn't use his full strength at all, and was playing with Thor the whole time (here, Thor disagreed with this statement strongly, and strongly stated that he only lost one and a half moves).

"Fly..." Su Hai was stunned before he spoke.

For this magician, he doesn't know what to call Roar.

According to the age group, Frigga is more than enough to be her grandmother.

But since then, isn't Thor's generation shorter out of thin air?

On the other hand, he is the God King of Warner, and Frigga is also a member of the Warner tribe. The two of them are not much related. It stands to reason that there is no problem with the name of Roar.

It was as if he and Skirnier, who was older than Frigga in age, had the same name as Roar, which was a difference in status.

And Frigga is different. In addition to being a member of the Warner tribe or the Queen of Asgard...

It was a little rude to say that Frigga was fine in secret.

He represents the Warner Protoss, and etiquette still needs to be paid attention to.

After thinking about it, since it is so entangled, it is guaranteed to be no problem according to the official words.

"Queen Asgard, don't you know why you came to us?" Su Hai maintained a certain distance in his tone.

Frigga was old and mature, and immediately noticed Su Hai's entanglement, without breaking it, dignified and rude: "Respected God King Warner, I came to apologize to you for Thor's recklessness, yes. I neglected to discipline, and Thor didn't mean to."

Su Hai waved his hands indifferently, "It's okay, I know."

Who doesn't know Thor's violent temper?

The IQ is not online every day, and the typical limbs are developed and the mind is simple.

In battle, his IQ is okay, and he usually uses a hammer to think about problems.

He's not so stingy.

And it is said that Thor was demoted from Midgard by Odin because of this.

Warnerheim heard about this up and down, as if it was a chicken blood, and the celebration banquet is estimated to be delayed for several days...

Frigg said kindly: "You are really a kind king, I thank you for your understanding on behalf of Thor."


Not right!

Su Hai was on guard.

The problem is that Thor is not fake.

But the beating is also beating, and the punishment is also punishing, so do you need to keep your posture so low?

Shouldn't it be candy cannonballs?