
Marvel: I Warner God King, Declaring War on Asgard

In the rebirth of Marvel, Su Hai was mistaken for a descendant of the Warner Protoss royal family and was elected as the Warner God King. Fortunately, the sign-in system was awakened. Sign in to Warnerheim and get the power of the stormy ocean! Sign in to the Time Mutation Authority and get the **Titan Aman'Thul Time Power! Sign in to Scarlet Witch and get Chaos Magic! ... "Titan, what do you think of my army of gods?" "Odin, the position of the Lord of the Nine Realms should be moved. I will take care of that boy Sol." "The god group? Sargeras, kill him for me!" "Dormammu, the atrium is my territory, get out of here!" This was taken from MTL nation so if you find the rate of updating so you can go a read it there. If by any way the author wants, I taken down, I will do it.

Faith1 · ภาพยนตร์
70 Chs

Chapter 12 Time Conqueror, Conqueror Kang!

Time Variation Authority!

"Tracker B-15, where are the time criminals you caught? Why hasn't the timeline branch returned to normal!"

When Judge Riona saw the angry black woman, his heart suddenly froze.

Detective Mobius also looked over. It was the first time he had seen such an angry B-15.

The black woman said ashamed: "Judge Riona, I'm sorry, my mission failed!"

"What's the matter? Didn't you find time to commit?" Riona frowned.

"No, I found him, to be precise, he was waiting for us!"


Riona and Mobius were taken aback.

The black woman tells everything that happened when she met and fought with Su Hai.

Hearing that the other party knew of the existence of the Authority, Riona's voice suddenly rose, "You mean, he knows everything about us?! How could it be? We carried out the mission but never left any clues!"

"I'm sure that guy knows a lot about us." Thinking of what Su Hai did, the black woman gritted her teeth in anger.

"He seemed to know what the time controller and time resetter did, and prevented me from cutting the timeline ahead of time."

"This is something that has never happened before, and we must take it a step further!"

Mobius At the moment thoughtfully analyzed: "You said, is it possible that Loki, who absconded, told him about us?"

The Time Administration is almost never at fault, except when faced with Loki, the god of tricks and intrigues.

Recently, a Loki has been fighting against them, killing the tracker squad they sent to chase, taking their time controller, and causing them a lot of trouble.

The strange thing is that they have never been able to find each other's hiding place, and even the time monitor has not responded.

It stands to reason that hiding in a certain time line like Loki will be monitored.

But strangely, they have no means to find each other, and every time an accident happens, they are one step late.

"Damn time crime, do they know what they are doing?" Riona was also not angry, and agreed with this idea in his heart.

She always remembered that event many years ago.

A little girl, Loki, took the controller from her and ran away from their pursuit.

This was regarded as the shame of her life.

"B-15, assemble all the stalkers and guards, you must bring me back the Warner King, I will personally interrogate him, and get the whereabouts of the time to abscond!"

"Wait, Riona." Mobius stopped her, "I'm afraid this matter needs to be considered in the long run!"

"According to B-15's statement, the other party has also mastered the power of time through some means, and he is also the lord of the kingdom of God. With our own strength, I am afraid there is no threat to him."

"We need support, we need time Asgardian's help."

"Yes! We can't take him with our strength alone! It's not like our Time and Space Administration prohibits magical power. For him, the number of people is probably just a number." The black woman is also persuading.

After being persuaded, Riona calmed down a little and realized that this matter was not something they could call the shots.

Only the information provided by B-15 can draw a conclusion that this mysterious King Warner has power that makes them helpless.

Riona was very unhappy with this powerlessness.

However, the results did not end as she thought.

I had no choice but to nod and say, "Okay, I'll report to the Time Asgardian now, and I must not let them go easily!"


The top floor of the Time Administration.

Here is where the time Asgardian is.

It is also the most secret and taboo place of the Administration.

There are several teams of guards standing by outside the door, and if there is an order, they will rush in at any time to protect them.

There is also a team of completely brainwashed elites waiting in the door.

Moreover, ordinary people in this place are not qualified to come in.

In the entire Administration, only Judge Riona is qualified to come in and report the situation.

High up, three lizard-like figures in robes sat on the throne.

Their facial expressions were stiff, their eyes were cold, and they didn't look the least bit popular.

They are time Asgardian!

The highest level on the surface of the Time Administration.

Riona had always believed that the three Time Asgardians were the creators of the Authority, and had always obeyed their orders in awe.

In fact, the so-called Time Asgardians are just the middlemen through which Kang controls them.

"Dear time Asgardian, I need your help!" Riona bowed slightly and explained to the three of them.

Time Asgardian fell silent after listening to Riona's report, his eyes seemed empty, as if he was thinking about something.

Seeing this, Riona did not dare to disturb him.

Silently waiting for new instructions.


And at the far end of time.

Here, there is a beautiful view like a starry sky.

Under the faint starlight, an ancient castle stands.

In the castle, Kang the Conqueror sat behind his desk with his head slightly sideways.

"Has anyone else mastered the power of time?"

Conqueror Kang was puzzled.

He has traveled to many timelines and killed countless Kangs, but he has never heard of such a person in any timeline.

If there are such terrifying people, they should not be unknown.

However, Conqueror, he quickly put those doubts aside and thought of something else.

If it's true, isn't this person his best successor?

Conqueror Kang has forgotten how long he has lived and how long he has maintained stability.

He was tired and tired of this boring life.

Even if he has the fate of countless people in his hands, it cannot make him happy.

Now, such a character suddenly appeared in the sacred timeline.

He felt quite unexpected, and his silent heart suddenly became active.

"Let me find out who you are, Mysterious Man!"