
Marvel : I have a system

Traveling to the Marvel world, Awakening the diary system, as long as the holder of the diary believes in the story, then he can obtain the strongest ability. Tony·Stark: so I died to save the world?..f*Ck why....? Loki:whattt ? So, I married a horse ? Thor: So, I have a daughter in the future, not my own? Steve: Anyway, john is a real superhero, I believe.. damn you give me back the shield! Wanda: Hey, so you will be my husband! 000000 Translation

Arshpreet_Dhaliwal · ภาพยนตร์
6 Chs

Chapter 3 :Blacl widow : so I dead ;

After reading the diary , Nick Fury let out a sigh of relief.

The events described in the first article of this diary are unexpectedly shocking.

According to the diary, Kang the Conqueror failed in his attempt to destroy the Earth, but Kang the Conqueror from various timelines joined forces with numerous monsters and the Celestial God Group to unleash destruction on the earth.

But who is Kang the Conqueror?

Some villain wants to destroy the planet?

And what are these Celestial Gods ?

Who are these gods from Norse Mythology?

And the Time Administration?

Are they similar to the organization I currently control, S.H.I.E.L.D but at higher level ?

Nick Fury was sure that he had never heard of the Time Administration.

With these thoughts in mind, Nick Fury turned on the computer and entered a few names.

"John, Barton, Dr. Banner, the green titan, Thor, Loki, Hill, Ant-Man, Wanda, Pietro, Tony, Steve, Natasha Romanoff..."

After thinking a little , Nick Fury separated the three names Tony, Steve, and Natasha Romanoff from the others.

According to the Black Gold Diary, Tony, Steve, and Natasha Romanoff were the first to get killed or retire.

As for Pietro's there is a symbol next to his name in the dairy . 

The diary clearly mentioned that the others hoped the diary owner and Wanda would have a child named Pietro.

This meant that Pietro is likely alive at current time .

After dividing the names, Nick Fury began pondering about these individuals.

According to the diary, they are all members of the Avengers.

John is certain that the owner of this diary is from a parallel world.

Barton, Natasha Romanoff, and Dr. Banner should also be able to verify this.

But who is this guy named Tony?

Could he be Tony Stark, that famous playboy and son of Howard Stark?

But it's unlikely, since no matter what Tony Stark thinks, he is too arrogant, narcissistic playboy.

It's hard for Nick Fury to connect him to the so-called superhero.

As for Thor, Loki and the others, he has no clue.

But Ant-Man... it reminds Nick Fury of Dr. Pym.

Dr. Pym has the ability to change his size using Pym particles. The top secret files of S.H.I.E.L.D mark Ant-Man.

Could it be Dr. Pym?

Probably not. There is a detail in the diary about Dr. Banner discussing about the education of Ant-Man's son .

It should be noted that Ant-Man has a child.

Plus, Dr. Pym's daughter is nearly thirty years old now.

Given Dr. Pym's character, it's unlikely he would discuss such matters with Dr. Banner.

While Nick Fury was lost in thought, there was a knock on his office door.

Inviting the person in, Nick Fury saw Natasha Romanoff entering.

Seeing Natasha Romanoff walk in, Nick Fury didn't hide the diary as no one except him can see the dairy, but instead asked calmly, "Natasha Romanoff, what do you need?"

"There is something strange originally, but Director, it's fine now," Natasha Romanoff said.

Looking at the black gold diary on Nick Fury's desk, Natasha Romanoff shook her head and took out a similar diary with a black gold cover from behind her.

"You have one too?"

Looking at the black gold diary in Natasha Romanoff's hand, Nick Fury raised his eyebrows slightly. "Apart from you, who else in S.H.I.E.L.D. owns this diary?"

"S.H.I.E.L.D.?" Natasha Romanoff nodded after realizing. "That's right, the name S.H.I.E.L.D. is simpler and more convenient than our current name."

After expressing her dissatisfaction, Natasha Romanoff sat across Nick Fury's desk and shook her head. "I don't know much about this."

"However, besides me, no one else seems to be able to see or touch this black gold diary."

"I tried showing it to Hawkeye, and he couldn't see it!" Natasha continued.

"That means, other than the diary holder, no one else can see it," Nick Fury nodded upon hearing Natasha Romanoff's words.

"Not only that, Director, the diary holder is also restricted us from disclosing the information of the diary to others," Natasha Romanoff added. "I tried to tell Hawkeye some unimportant content written in the diary, but as I was about to speak, I felt pain in my head. It was as if speaking those words would cause my death. The last time I felt such terror was during my training in the Red Room."

Upon saying this, Natasha Romanoff looked at Nick Fury earnestly and asked, "Director, what are your thoughts about this diary?"

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