
Marvel: I gained a system through death

I have lost my way in life and made a few wrong decisions and was able to find my way again but in the midst of self discory everything I knew started to shift to unusual path and discovered a whole new world after an accident.

CaiZhenn · ไซไฟ
8 Chs

Chapter 4: Sweet mother load of mood swings - part 2

I got surprised as I heard a knock on my door, my heart almost skipped a beat, felt like I'm guilty of something. Then a motherly voice was heard outside spoke in a different language

Mom -> Kosmos "Suo tempore prandium" (It's time for breakfast)

Kosmos -> Ego venio ma! (I'm coming, ma)

Kosmos -> Damn does this body come with auto translate!?

Then I saw a familiar red box just hanging.. waiting.. then a message appeared

<( Go get ready, and let's talk later )>

<( You can call me "SYSTEM" for now, and remeber to speak through your thoughts so people won"t dubbed you crazy )>

I immediately took some clothes out prefferably jeans and something that matches it, didn't bother putting make up on, since I don't know how, I placed my inner garments first followed by my tight jean pants, socks, kicks then my a pink crop top, ofcourse I didn't forget to slide that deodorant in and sprayed that watermelon mist on my head. I also took the mist spray with me for later use. I headed downstairs as soon as I was done

Kosmos -> Paenitet ma, tulit diu (Sorry ma, took a long time)

It seems the way I walk as a man before didn't carry over to this side as I was walking fine and look to elegant to care

As soon as I got to the dining table I'm shocked to have a sibling, and everyone are staring at me for some reason

Kosmos -> What is there a problem

As I was talking, questioning their gazes, I just noticed my voice sounds very harmonius, and not a crack can be heard

Mom -> (english) Are you ok? La hijita (daughter)

Kosmos-> Everything's fine. No te preocupes, no te preocupes (don't worry, don't worry)

Brother -> mossie what's with you today? you look so normal

Kosmos -> I gave him the face for some reason, I was hurt deep inside, not sure why. then I told him "was that supposed to be an insult, oh dear brother, don't start with me now", and now with authority "Go eat your food"

Unknown to Kosmos both her parents are totally shocked at what her attitude towards her brother and handled it much nicer than before.

Both parents couldn't believe what they were seeing as just yesterday and everyday before was always a very chaotic morning however today was very unusual, its very refreshing, the rebel look and attitude was gone and here comes her new phase

I didn't know why I was very hungry and took a 2nd serving, then as soon as I was done, I kissed both mom and dad's cheeks and hugged them together before pulling my brother towards the door with all the bags in tow, telling him that we're going to be late if you don't hurry up, but before we went out I had to look one last time on the mirror to see if everything is in order, then both of us heads out.

Both parents: Did that just happen

while we were walking my little bro asked me a question that proves what I thought this body was living before I came around.

Bro -> is this one of your phases?, why are you so nice?, and your not flaunting yourself anymore, are you really my sister?

Kosmos -> I don't know, you tell me.

After leaving him to his imaagination, I couldn't stop myself and pat his head for some reason

Bro -> (shy face) your weird, then the dude ran off to his buddies walking to school

Kosmos -> I need to learn my bro's name soon, so I won't look suspicious

I notice my little brother taking stolen glances towards me behind his group of friends, it could probably because of my new get-up


Kosmos -> System you there? (She made sure she was speaking in her thoughts and away from everybody just in-case a word slipped out)

<( About time girl.. do you like your new body? )>

Kosmos -> like, LIKE!!, hell no, I don't like this body at all, I've been having this weird vibes towards this body ever since. I knew from the start as soon as I saw the random character creation that something bad is about to happen and it did. I could have become that little guy instead but this body is very unacceptable, I can't imagine, how I would handle the time of the month, and every girls unstable emotions. So please, pretty please I would do anything just change this body again.

<( We really can't, to tell you the truth this is the third time we placed you in a body who hasn't met any calamity as soon as we placed you inside )>

<( The two other bodies are males like you wanted but neither of them made it in one piece, one got squashed and the other got hit by a truck, so we had no choice to place you in an opposite genders body instead, and looks like we made the right choice this time )>

Kosmos -> I died not once but twice...

<( You didn't died technically, we were able to pull you out a second before your vessel died and both bodies couldn't handle the restructuring and had untimely death )>

<( because of that I need to recharge and head back to Gaia's embrace as my genesis energy is almost depleted )>

Kosmos -> thanks I guess..

<( So lets get things in order, since our assistance is no longer viable, the operating system you got from your attacker will suffice and need to be installed )>

Kosmos -> You mean the copied quality "Core Operating System"?

<( that's right )>

Kosmos -> How do I install it anyway?

<( Just like how your conversing with me, you already have a support system in you that came from restructuring your body, more so that quality that you got will be with you at all time just like your very own A.I. which will exist in your head. But in this case more like a partner as it has an ego )>

Just like how I'm speaking to the SYSTEM, I spoke to it and said "Install Core Operating System"

A subtle blue hue transparent box appeared

<{ Install Core OS }>

     [Yes] or [No]

I said to my head Yes and a count down appeared, in just a span of 3 seconds the installation was completed. I was expecting some pain associated with the installation but there's nothing, not even an itch was felt.


<{ Greetings Ma'am, the □□□□ SYSTEM has already left and wished you the best of luck }>

<{ For the time being I advised you to familiarise yourself with me, your new OS }>

Kosmos -> Yes please take care of me as well. So what can you do basically?

<{ □□□□ SYSTEM told me to display my capabilities in the format your most comfortable with, and here it is }>


Name: Kosmos Edelweiss

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Race: Humanoid


[HP: 125]

[B.Matter: 0]

[STR: 0.8]           [STA: 2.5]

[AGI: 1.3]            [MND: 5]

[DEF: 1.1]



[Game Element]


[ Your Existencial Qualities are mine ]

[Core operating system] - (Installed)

[Black Matter Reactor] - (Equipable)


Kosmos -> first things first, what should I call you?

<{ What do you prefer Ma'am }>

Kosmos -> how bout Deus-Ex or Dex for short

<{ what a spendid name Ma'am }>

Kosmos -> Can you display infos for Black Matter Reactor

[Black Matter Reactor]

The most used energy source by the highest order in the universe since the creation of femtotech. A black matter ore mined in a dying star compressed to it's smallest form can give almost unlimited source of energy to a metropolis and as for the reactor entirely, everything was made out of femtobots.

Kosmos -> source of energy huh? and it is equipable.. Now the question is, what would happen to this body once I equiped it. Is it even compatible to begin with.. what do you thing dex?

<{ Your body should be compatible as it was laid out to you before □□□□ System disappeared that your body was restructured }>

<{ We could only try and see it for ourselves }>

Kosmos -> maybe your right, come what may I guess. Well let's do this shall we

In my thoughts I tried equiping the said energy core but nothing is happening until I blurted out the word while thinking about the core quality

Kosmos -> "EQUIP"

I felt a shiver throughout my entire body right after equiping the core, I felt that not only my stamina had sky rocketed to a new heights but also my other area's as well. I pulled up the panel and stats rose significantly

Race: Humanoid


[HP: 125 ➠ 502.5]

[B.Matter: 10,000,000,000]

[STR: 0.8 ➠ 6.3]           [STA: 2.5 ➠ 10.5]

[AGI: 1.3 ➠ 9.4]            [MND: 5 ➠ 15]

[DEF: 1.1 ➠ 8.2]



[Game Element]


[Your Existencial Qualities are mine]

[Core operating system] - (Installed)

[Black Matter Reactor] - (Equiped)

[BMR - Assemble/Disassemble] - (Gained)

[BMR - Convertion] - (Gained)


Kosmos -> Holy Cow, black matter energy is at 10 billion and I also gained 2 qualities by equiping the core, now how do I compare my capabilities with a normal adult