
Marvel: I gained a system through death

I have lost my way in life and made a few wrong decisions and was able to find my way again but in the midst of self discory everything I knew started to shift to unusual path and discovered a whole new world after an accident.

CaiZhenn · Sci-fi
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8 Chs

Chapter 5: The Queen

<p>As a man in the inside I was able to overcome the difficulties laid out to me. I never thought it would be this easy to fit-in <br/><br/>... <br/><br/>It took us 45 mins to get to school by transit and the time went by so fast while learning about your newself. As it appears, I'm no longer human entirely, I'm now what Dex called a "Mechanoid" or some calls a miniature destroyer. The core that I'm equiped with, appears to be a power source not from the humanoid scout but the energy core from its craft and that's the reason why the black matter energy is way above a billion. <br/><br/>As soon as the core was equiped, the femtobots have scattered across the veins and according to dex, what ever injury I acquired can self regenerate. Most important feature is that all technology below the 9th rating, specially human's modern tech, are under my fingertips or can be converted 100% without difficulty. <br/><br/>I thought all information had already been said but no!..<br/>I know I asked too much information before, but why until here, I'm still getting filled with information <br/><br/>____________________________ <br/><br/>As soon as we arrived at school, I got overwhelmed with all the young folks walking to school in a hurry, I never felt so out of place just like my freshman year in my earth. Trying to fit in and to be acknowledge by your school mates. Before I find where my class supposed to be, I tapped lil bro's shoulder a bit and let him know that I'll be waiting here later and hurriedly walk to school after <br/><br/>bro's buddies -> who was that? I didn't know you had a secret admirer <br/><br/>some even thought that she looks familiar for some reason <br/><br/>the little brother of mossie now pressed with questions among his peers until he said something <br/><br/>lil bro -> what are  you guys talking about? That's my sister! <br/><br/>buddies -> We all know who your sister is, and that hot chick is not her <br/><br/>all his buddies nodding their heads at the same time, agreeing together to that phrase but the little brother kept his composure and look at his buddies seriously and said "I'm also skeptical as to why she acts and dressed like that, her everyday attire always gets her into trouble and straight to the principal but now just look at everyboys along the way, they're head over heels on that outfit of hers".. women are really complicated creatures (sigh). <br/><br/>All couldn't believe what they just heard and made them stare at his sister yet again contemplating what they have missed and planning to get a really good look later at lunch. <br/><br/>As soon as I got inside the school, I went to the office to get a copy of my class schedule <br/><br/>Kosmos -> Hi, can I get a copy of my class schedule <br/><br/>office worker (Bart) -> Name? <br/><br/>Kosmos -> Kosmos Edelweiss <br/><br/>After Bart typed her name in the computer, realizing that it's the same person who tormented him since he got his job, he reluctantly look at her a second time and he couldn't believe that same girl look so innocently matured this time around. <br/><br/>Bart -> Here's your timetable <br/><br/>Kosmos noticed that the office worker had been trembling at the sight of her, and even when he was handing the class schedule, his hand couldn't stop shaking. <br/><br/>Kosmos -> thanks, and hey, too much caffeine is bad for you. You're shaking too much, and it's still morning <br/><br/>As soon as I got the handout, I had to make a comment because he looked like he just had his 3rd cup of coffee. But deep down, I have an idea of who I was before. <br/><br/>After that, I smiled and thanked him for the trouble and went ahead to find my locker <br/><br/>The office staff who heard our little conversation was at a loss for words and only said, "What's with her today, that is so weird?" <br/><br/>Mossie's locker is something else, only a portion of it has her books and all stores her junk, later this day I need to remind myself to clean it out as its too disturbing to look at, as I'm living her life now. <br/><br/>I was to pre-occupied with mossie's stuff in her locker and didn't notice a bullying is currently happening right behind me, until the victim was pushed beside my locker, about two lockers down my location on the right and saw this kid  just accepting the insult being thrown at him, as if this is the normal occurence in his morning routine. <br/><br/>I hate to be the centre of attention but this guy was asking for it (for the record, I was bullied at school before and seeing the same thing happening right before me and I have the means to be able to stop this from happening again, I should stands up for the just) <br/><br/>The guy in a letterman's jacket saw that the boy he was harassing smirked, he thought he was just mocked <br/><br/>Bully -> You think this is funny!?.. <br/><br/>Girlfriend - Come on, Trent, we're gonna be late <br/><br/>The guy almost walked away scot free but he had to snicker infront of his harasser and immediately, Trent threw a sucker punch towards the kid, hoping to get his point out by knocking his sense out of him, but the punch however didn't made it to his face but was caught by a slim and delicate hand with nail polish. <br/><br/>Everyone who is watching couldn't believe what's happening. A girl with fair skin and platinum hair went between the two men <br/><br/>The girl pulling Trent shirt was shook as soon as she saw the girl's face that stopped her man's fist. She was also listening in the crowds whispers <br/><br/>Crowd -> Hey, Hey, that girl looks familiar, isn't she!! <br/><br/>Crowd -> Nah! that one's probably new and doesn't know the schools heirarchy.. she's toast, she shouldn't have done that <br/><br/>Crowd -> Finally, someone stopped the altercation of the two <br/><br/>Crowd -> But at what cost? <br/><br/>Trent pulled back his arm and stood there stupedied that a skinny girl were able to stop his fist effortlessly <br/><br/>Trent -> Mind your own business girl!, Be a good girl and walk away or else you might get into trouble later.. Hey Sam, are you just going to hide behind her back.. <br/><br/>With every word Trent spoke, everyone could feel the <br/>meaning behind his word <br/><br/>Crowd -> Here we go, yet another victim under his belt <br/><br/>Kosmos -> (Sam and Trent, huh? Both names sound familiar, but where have I heard it before..) <br/><br/>Somehow, after hearing his provocation, somewhere deep inside, a voice could be heard saying, "teach him his place."<br/>I'm not sure whose voice this is, but the way she wants it done is too cruel, but this time, it feels just right. However, without control, I would be just like him. <br/><br/>Kosmos -> It is my business, (looking at him straight on his eyes without fear) I never thought that I would find someone like yourself early this morning, and still have the audacity to act tough right in-front of everyone. Look at your girl. She's already backing off for some reason as she might have already grasped the underlying situation. You can try luck once more, but this time, be ready as I will pulverise that fist of yours <br/><br/>The crowd starts to wonder how the altercations would end<br/>until they heard my voice speaking towards Trent with authority and while threatening him, then just a couple second, they all stepped back after realizing who I was. <br/><br/>The crowd then says my name in astonishment <br/><br/>Crowd -> It's the "QUEEN"</p>