
Marvel: I'm a Symbiote

Alex Hunt was a smart man. By no means was he a genius, but he stood solidly in the above-average class of society. He thought that when he died, he would at least go with a bang. Sadly for him though, his death was as generic as they came. Struck to death by a truck driven by a drunk driver who wasn’t looking. ‘At least there’s a bang…’ He thought as his head banged on the concrete. He thought that that was it for him, but destiny had other plans. He was reborn. Reborn as a Symbiote in a version of Earth that was definitely not the MCU. And with a system to boot. He didn’t know what he was going to do. But his first priority was to survive in this chaotic world that he’d just found himself in. One that’s far more chaotic than the MCU but similar at the same time. ============================================= Why am I writing this? I wanted to read a good Venom fanfic, couldn’t find it. Hence, I had to do it myself. There will be R-18 and it won’t be the conventional kind. It will be degenerate R-18 if you would call it that. Again… I cannot stress this enough… There’s quite a bit of extreme stuff in this book, so don’t complain in the comments about it. Will all of it be sex? Of course not, far from it actually. I’m trying to write a story with developed characters and a nice plot that I’m very ambitious about. It's not just R-18, there's going to be quite a bit of action too. The R-18 is a bonus. It will be pretty far from the realm of normality though (It’s venom. Of course it’s not normal sex… But the human element will be present.) Tags: [Non-human protagonist] (Surprise!) [Harem] (Again, surprise!) [Evil MC] (Maybe Chaotic Neutral...) [Gore] (Probably, the killing may get a little violent and brutal) And probably a lot more. I’m not sure if I will completely stick to these tags, but that’s the current plan. Might change as the story progresses. Oh, and also— Multiversal collapse. ============================================= I'm open to criticism so lay it on me if you have any genuine problem. Join my discord, you can give me suggestions and communicate with me regularly to get updates. https://discord.gg/c3kCBE32vn If you want to support me check out my Patréon. I post 15 advanced chapters of the book on my Patrèon along with some exclusive R-18 scenes. Check it out! www.patreon.com/addyctive ============================================= Also, none of the art is mine. I got it from Reddit. If the creator sees this and wants credit or wants me to take it down, just let me know. This is purely a work of fan fiction. Please support the official release and know I claim no ownership or credit regarding the characters.

Addyctive7 · ภาพยนตร์
266 Chs

Ambushing Ghost-Spider

After bonding with both Natasha and Wanda, Alex told Natasha that he was going to learn melee combat from her. He could've learned everything from reading her memories, but he'd realized that it wouldn't be as good as learning from her.

Reading memories is not the most efficient way to get skills. Its best use is to obtain information from someone. Skills and life experiences aren't passed on very well when reading memories. It can be thought of as a 3rd Person experience. It's detached from the real deal.

Even Alex's ‹Devour› ability isn't perfect when it comes to this stuff. When he'd devoured Peter Parker in The Amazing Spider-Man earth, Alex wasn't able to completely get his intelligence.

So he'd rather learn it all himself. It was also a way for him to remember that things aren't as easy as devouring someone and being done with it.

He would have to train his abilities himself, devouring people should only be done as augmentation and not as the primary way to enhance himself.

She didn't mind since she would have to re-train her body from scratch after Alex's enhancements. Suddenly getting three times stronger and faster wasn't going to be easy to get used to, especially since her melee combat relies heavily on precision movements.

He did the same with Wanda. She'd had some very basic melee training as part of the initiation of the Avengers, but she'd never focused on it. Now though, Alex was going to train her to get good.

He also checked Wanda's Status and wasn't surprised with what he saw.

{ «Status- Host #4»

«Name: Wanda Maximoff (Scarlet Witch)»

«Bonding Rate: 1%»

«Bonding Level: 1»

«Powers: Human Physique—Chaos Magic»


The 1 percent bonding rate hadn't surprised him since they didn't actually do much.

He'd termed the levels of Physique in pretty broad strokes.

It went from ‹Low Human› which was basically an untrained human all the way to ‹Peak Cosmic› which was where he'd put Thanos after he'd gotten all six infinity stones.

‹Low Human› ‹Human› ‹Peak Human› ‹Low Superhuman› ‹Superhuman› ‹Peak Superhuman› ‹Low Cosmic› ‹Cosmic› ‹Peak Cosmic›

Wanda was at ‹Human› level, which was a person who'd received some training. The peak was when they were at the limits of the human physique.

With those discussions done, Alex spent the rest of the time enhancing both Wanda's and Natasha's bodies as they stayed in the safe house.

As night arrived, the team of four that came to Lagos left in their Quinjet.

Both Wanda and Natasha were feeling completely rejuvenated as Alex worked his wonders on their bodies.

[So why do I not need any clothes anymore?] Natasha asked as she boarded the Quinjet while wearing her usual combat uniform that had been formed by Alex.

[I feel offended that you would want to wear these things of inferior quality than to have me wrapped around your sexy body.] He was offended.

[See, that sounds weird on so many levels.] She informed him.

[I said it that way on purpose. I serve as something more than just clothes, this is armor that can easily tank high-caliber bullets without letting you feel a thing. Maybe armor-piercing bullets would be painful, but you'd still survive…]

[I know, you're amazing and everything but… I don't know. It's weird. You're a guy. A guy that I was fucking just a while ago. Now, this… It's weird.]

[I think it's better. I have full access to your body and can do anything I want at any time. Like this…] With Alex's words, Natasha felt a phallus invade her pussy.

[Alex...] She said with gritted teeth as she maintained her stoic expression.

[See, it's so much fun to see your cute reactions…] He chuckled.

[Get rid of it…] He'd been teasing her like this for quite a while and she was pretty annoyed.

[What do you say?] He asked her with a teasing edge conveyed by his words.

[Please… There are the others here.] She asked him nicely.

[That's my lovely girl. It wasn't that hard, was it?] He asked as he retracted the phallus.

[Are you training me to be more polite with you?] Alex could imagine Natasha looking at him with narrowed eyes as she asked that. Her expression was normal and stoic as she took a seat in the Quinjet as it took off. It didn't betray a single sliver of her mental talks with Alex.

[I don't know what you're talking about. I just don't want you to order me around like some lackey.]

[Right…] She didn't believe him but didn't pursue it.

At the same time, Alex was having a similar conversation with Wanda who was more curious and didn't mind Alex managing her clothes so it went more easily.

After going back, they laid low for the next few days at The Avengers Compound. The team was going to rest and Alex was going to use that time to get used to the powers that Wanda had while learning some stuff from Natasha.

Back in Earth-65, Ghost-Spider's Earth.


Gwen had been helping out a random civilian lady with a stolen purse when there was an explosion. She'd realized the presence of the danger mere moments before and was able to successfully jump away from the blast radius along with the old lady that she was helping.

"Spider-Woman! You seem to have gotten your powers back." Walking out from the smoke, was The Punisher.

"Punisher…" Gwen growled at the blatant attack in the middle of the street.

He didn't say a word to her and attacked her with full force.

He pulled out his sword from the scabbard as he charged her, intending to slice her with the momentum used from the draw.

Gwen ducked the slicing attack only to be met with a kick from the Punisher who'd aimed the kick at her abdomen. Her enhanced reflexes allowed her to react to the kick in time and she pushed his foot away with both her hands. Creating some momentum to make some distance between them. She jumped back and stuck herself to the wall of the building behind her with her Wall Crawling.

She noticed that the people were already running away from the vicinity of the fight.

The Punisher was walking to her with his second sword drawn as he looked at her menacingly.

"I'm taking you down today, menace." He taunted her as he pointed his sword at her.

"Fuck you!" That got her slightly riled up and she used the wall behind her as a springboard to jump at him and punch him.

The Punisher, who was already expecting her attack, knew that he couldn't match her in pure strength and instantly moved to the side to dodge her attack.

As Gwen landed on the ground he attacked her with both his swords. Gwen had to push her enhanced reflexes to the limit to dodge all of his sword attacks.

The Punisher was far weaker than her in both physique and agility, but he was able to match her using only his experience and combat training.

Another reason for this was a typical Spider-Person problem. Gwen was pulling her punches. She wasn't going all out with her attacks. Nor was she using her full speed.

Her actions were making Alex mad. It was like all the enhancements he'd provided her were meaningless but he held back on reprimanding her. He would deal with her after the fight was over.

Seeing Gwen easily dodge his swords, The Punisher dropped them and pulled out his preferred daggers, moving to close-range combat which would allow him to predict her attacks and guide her to certain situations more easily.

He knew he had weaker reflexes than her, but his training and experience made it easy to know how she would react, even if she tried to be unpredictable.

He moved close to Gwen and swiped at her with his daggers as she defended while throwing a punch or two in his direction, but they didn't do any damage since she was holding back so much.

[Incoming!] Alex warned her a second before her spider senses started flaring.

A second assailant had arrived at the scene, Kraven the Hunter.

*Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang*

Kraven started shooting at Gwen from an angle where she would be forced to jump right into the Punisher's attack.

True to her enhanced reflexes, she jumped and used acrobatics to dodge every single bullet that he fired at her.

Just as she was about to land, the Punisher attacked her with his daggers as she used her webs to maneuver herself away from his attack while moving around him to kick him in the head.

There wasn't any trash talk since it was usually Gwen who liked talking trash but even she was quiet through the fight. Probably because she was so focused on holding back.

Meanwhile, Kraven had pulled out another weapon, a grenade launcher. And he fired a grenade at her just as she landed.

She was forced to catch it with her webs and start coating around it in a desperate bid to form a cocoon and not let it explode.

As she was doing this her attackers were already preparing to attack her.

[All right this is it, Gwen! I'm fucking annoyed with you…] She heard Alex's voice in her head and a moment later she felt like her body wasn't in control anymore.

Alex had taken control of her body and she wasn't in control of her actions anymore.


You all are the best! Give me more stones so you can go even further beyond!

If you want to support me check out my Patréon.

I post 15 advanced chapters of the book on my Patrèon along with some exclusive R-18 scenes. Check it out!


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