
Age of Ultron (3)

As the Avengers get ready to head over to Africa, Hyperion is seen at the landing pad of the tower staring at the view as he narrows his eyes. Steve walked up to him and put a hand on his shoulder.

Steve: "We are ready to head out."

Hyperion: "Good. I'll catch something to do." up with you guys. I have

Steve: "Here."

Steve gave him an earpiece as the Eternal grabbed it and put it in his ear.

Steve: "Talk to us on the comms once you are done. We might need you on this one. This Ultron robot means business."

Hyperion: "Don't worry old friend. I'll be quick. See you in a bit."

Hyperion floated and flew into the air towards where he sensed something. Something powerful. Even more powerful than Arishem but suppressed. He flew across the world using his super senses and ended in Babylon. He landed in a deserted place and started to try and sense it again but he suddenly felt a headache.

?: "I never thought to see you again Eternal."

He looked up and saw the same cloaked woman he saved back in Babylon a few thousand years ago.

Hyperion: "You... You're the same woman I saved from a Deviant."

?: "Yes and I thank you for that."

Hyperion: "Are you the one I'm sensing and has been tampering with my Cosmic Energy?"

?: "You are very smart Eternal."

Hyperion: "So why did you need me for? And who are you?"

The cloaked woman grabbed the hood and pulled it down revealing a beautiful woman with raven black that's dark as night and teal eyes just like his.

?: "Can a mother can't see her child?"

Hearing this made Hyperion's eyes widen. He didn't believe what she said since all Eternals weren't born. They were made. Or so he thought.

Hyperion: "T-That's impossible."

?: "Believe me my son. It is true. I know that all Eternals were created on the World Forge. I know you already knew of this. But haven't you questioned Ajak and Arishem on why you are different from the others? Why don't you only have Cosmic Energy but also Solar Energy?"

Hyperion: "I haven't really asked her about that. It didn't come up."

?: "Well the truth Hyperion is that you were a failed product of the first generation Eternals. You're Cosmic Energy would go wild as your body couldn't take that much. So Arishem just threw you into deep space. That's where I come in and saved you with my magic."

Hyperion: "Magic?"

?: "This only my human form my son."

She then shifted into her true form as the bright daylight turned to night in an instant. Hyperion could feel the pressure she was releasing and it's making him struggle to hold back from kneeling down.

Hyperion: *thoughts* "That's why I was able to sense her from that far."

Her skin turned grain as her dress also changed from that of a goddess. She smiled softly and stood there with grace.

Nyx: "Allow me to introduce myself. I am the Primordial Goddess Nyx."

Hyperion was struggling to get up. Nyx seeing this lowered her power in order for her child to stand up. She could see Hyperion sweating as she just giggled like a girl.

Nyx: "I was the one who helped you by giving you some of my power in order for your body to hold all that Cosmic Energy. And the only solution is to merge Cosmic and Solar Energy together. The result was complete and you were born."

Hyperion was about to speak up but he heard his comms going off as Clint 's voice can be heard from it.

Clint: "Hey man, where are you?"

Hyperion: "What happened, Clint?"

Clint: "The team's down and Stark's going at it with a rampaging Banner."

Hyperion: "I'm on my way."

Hyperion flew in the air but was stopped by a barrier as he hit it face first. He turned towards the Primordial Goddess.

Hyperion: "Let me through."

Nyx: "We are having a mother and child bonding. Stay a little bit."

Hyperion: "My friends need my help. Now."

His eyes glowed Red ready to fire his Atomic Vision. Seeing this, Nyx can only smirk and cross her arms.

Nyx: "Make me."

Getting frustrated, he fired his Atomic Vision at the barrier as it didn't do anything. He put more power into it as it started to crack. Nyx made her move not wanting her son to get away from her. She made a black whip and lashed it towards Hyperion's leg. She then swung him above her and then slammed him on the ground creating a crater.

Hyperion got back up and rushed towards her for a punch but Nyx just dodged it with ease. This surprised him at first but he kept on sending punches and kicks but they all missed.

Nyx: "For the years you have lived, you still need to learn a few more things my son." She caught his punch like it was nothing before kneeing him on the gut and grabbed him from

behind the neck.

Nyx: "You are no match from a Primordial."

She then punched him towards the ground as Hyperion skid across creating a trench. He coughed up dust as he stood back up not backing down. He went into his fighting stance glaring at the Goddess.

Hyperion: "Primordial or not, you're not stopping me from helping my friends who I see as my own family."

Nyx stared at him for a second before dispersing the barrier around them confusing the Eternal. Nyx could only smile and hug her son once more.

Nyx: "I'm so proud of you. I'm just glad Arishem didn't break your mind and change your purpose. Your purpose is to help everyone in need."

She let go of the hug and walked back giving

Hyperion a smile.

Nyx: "Now go and help your family."

Hyperion smiled and nodded. He then kneeled down and jumped into the sky cracking the ground and creating a Sonic boom sitting the clouds.

Nyx just watched him fly with a smile. Like a mama bird watching her babies take their first flight. She then opened a portal and walked through it going back to her home.

Meanwhile in the city, Hulk and Tony now in his Hulkbuster armor traded blows as each blow would create a shockwave that would break the building windows. Tony got thrown towards a building as he landed on the lobby where people ran away seeing him crash through the wall.

Tony: "Where's the old man at when you need him?"

He looked up and saw Hulk ready to bring his fist down but a blur tackled hulk out of the building and towards the streets dragging the green giant across the concrete floor. Hulk stopped skidding on the ground as he stood up to only roar at the floating Hyperion.

Hyperion: "Snap it out Bruce. The girl has gotten into your mind. Everything you see right now isn't real."

Hulk grabbed a car and went to slam it on Hyperion who just dodged to the side and gave Hulk an overhead punch.

Hyperion: "You're better than this."

He dodged another punch from Hulk and counter with a gut punch then to the sides before blocking another punch and kicking the green giant a few feet away. Hulk only getting more angry, lifted a chunk of the ground and hurled it towards Hyperion. Mark punched it to pieces but did not see Hulk already in front of him. He was punched and went crashing towards a building.

Hulk jumped to where Hyperion crashed and raised his fist. Hyperion crossed his arms to block it but the power of the punch sent him through multiple walls and finally crashed towards street level. He lifted the debris off of him as he watched the Hulk land and came running towards him. Gritting his teeth, he flew towards the hulk as the two's fists clashed creating a shockwave. The two ski back but Hyperion flew towards Hulk and landed two punches to the face before he got elbowed to the ground. He managed to dodge another fist as Hulk punched the ground. Hyperion then jumped towards Hulk and kneed him on the face before flipping over the green giant, grabbing his head and throwing him towards a building. Hulk came out the other side. Hyperion flew up to chase after him as he readied a fist. Hulk saw this and headbutt the Eternal before grabbing him by the neck.

Hulk planted his feet on to a building and rocketed down Hyperion in hand slamming the Eternal into the ground creating a crater as the two landed on a subway. People were running away as Hyperion grabbed Hulk by the arm breaking his hold on him before blasting the green giant with his Atomic Vision sending the Hulk out of the subway and landing back to the streets. Hyperion jumped up and landed on top of Hulk and started to punch him over again trying to make him sleep. His fist was then caught by Hulk as he greeted his teeth but Hyperion wasn't having it anymore. He blasted Hulk with his Atomic Vision again making him skid on the ground. Hyperion then flew in the car in hand as he used it to hit the Hulk multiple times. Hulk only getting angry grabbed the car and punched Hyperion with all his might as Hyperion flew a few feet and landed with a crash. Hyperion saw Hulk was about to land on him but Tony swooped in and got dragged up. Hulk not backing down fought back and started to dismantle Tony's Hulkbuster armor. Tony then saw a newly constructed building as he had an idea.

Tony: "How quickly can we buy this building?"

He flew up the building dropping Hulk as Tony then boosted down tackling Hulk through the building slamming into it. Hyperion who finally stood back up saw a kid near the building as he flew towards the kid and grabbed him before the building would collapse on him. He dropped the kid as he ran away. Hyperion then floated towards the wrecked building using his x-ray vision to find the two. Hulk came out first as he finally went back to his senses and looked around only to see soldiers aiming at him and Hyperion watching floating a few feet away. He was about to lunge at the soldiers but Tony punched him on the back of the head finally knocking him out. The two nodded as Hulk reverted back to Banner as Hyperion lifted him up.

Hyperion: "Let's go back to the others."

Time Skip

The team are now inside the Quinjet defeated by the girl's mind powers. Hyperion is seen landing against a wall staring at his team. Maria was on a call with Tony as he checked on everyone.

Maria: "The news is loving you guys. Nobody else is. There's been no official call for Banner's arrest, but it's in the air."

Tony: "Stark Relief Foundation?"

Maria: "Already on the scene. How's the team?"

Hyperion: "We took a hit. We'll shake it off."

Maria: "Well for now I'd stay in stealth move and stay away from here."

Tony: "Run and hide?"

Hyperion: "Probably the best for now."

Maria: "Yes. Until we find Ultron, I have nothing else to offer."

Tony: "Neither do we."

Hyperion then walked towards Barton who was piloting the jet.

Hyperion: "Want me to fly this thing for awhile?"

Clint: "No, I'm good. If you wanna get some kip, now's a good time, cause we're still a few hours out."

Tony: "A few hours from where exactly?"

Clint: "A safe house."

Hyperion nodded as he walked back and took a seat. Tony sitting in front of him.

Tony: "So where were you earlier while we were fighting murder bot?"

Hyperion: "It's rather complicated. How would you feel to finally meet the one who made you what you are now?"

Tony: "Wait! Are we talking about you?"

Hyperion: "Yup."

Tony: "So this Arishem dude is not the one who made you like you told me?"

Hyperion: "Technically he did but from what I found out is that I was thrown away for being a failed creation then was found by another powerful being and did some stuff that made me into this."

He said gesturing to himself as Tony was lost for words.

Tony: "So what you're telling me is you finally found your other parent?"

Hyperion: "Bingo."

Tony: "Welp. I should probably sleep from all of this and from what you told me."

Hyperion: "I thought you would handle this much information in that brain of yours."

Tony: "This is different."

Tony closed his eyes and took a needed nap as Mark walked dback towards Clint as he watched the shining sun.

Hyperion: "So where is this safe house you are talking about Clint."

Clint: "It's still a few hours away and I have someone who I really want you guys to meet."



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