
Marvel: Greatest Power Is Luck

Indra , a brilliant but lonely software engineer, accidentally activates an experimental quantum device and finds himself transported into the Marvel Universe on the eve of the Avengers' first assembly. Armed only with his wits and a mysterious "Luck-Based Reality Interface," Indra must navigate a world of superheroes, villains, and earth-shattering events. As he discovers his newfound ability to manipulate probability, Indra realizes he's no longer just a spectator to the stories he loves—he's become an active player. With his luck and intellect as his superpowers, he'll attempt to alter the course of Marvel history, all while searching for a way back home. But in a universe where even the smallest choice can have cosmic consequences, will Indra's luck be a blessing or a curse? And as he forges unexpected alliances and confronts dangers beyond imagination, he'll learn that sometimes, the greatest battles are fought not just for survival, but for the very soul of a victory.

LORD_INDRA_ · ภาพยนตร์
12 Chs

Chapter 8 Conversation

The days following the Battle of New York passed in a whirlwind of debriefings and negotiations. Indra found himself shuttled between various SHIELD facilities, his newly minted identity of Indra Srivastav put to the test at every turn. It was exhausting, but he couldn't deny the thrill that came with successfully navigating each interrogation.

In the quiet moments, when he was alone in his quarters, homesickness hit him hard. He missed his family with an ache that seemed to hollow out his chest. But he knew dwelling on it wouldn't help. Instead, he poured his energy into research, determined to understand this new world and its inhabitants.

A week after the invasion, Natasha Romanoff appeared at his door. "Fury's made a decision," she said without preamble. "You're in. Probationary status, heavy monitoring, but you'll have limited clearance."

Indra's face broke into a grin. "Agent Romanoff, has anyone ever told you that you have a gift for delivering good news?"

A ghost of a smile flickered across her face. "Don't push it, Indra. You've still got a lot to prove."

"Well then," Indra said, rubbing his hands together, "shall we get started?"

His first meeting was with Tony Stark. The billionaire's workshop was a treasure trove of half-finished projects and holographic displays. Stark himself was bent over a workbench, tinkering with what looked like a gauntlet.

"So, you're the guy who MacGyvered a Faraday cage out of scrap metal and sassy one-liners," Stark said without looking up.

Indra chuckled. "That's me. Though I have to say, Mr. Stark, being in your workshop... it's like being a kid in a very high-tech candy store."

That got Stark's attention. He glanced up, a gleam of interest in his eyes. "Oh yeah? See anything you like?"

"Like? I'm practically drooling over that propulsion system you've got over there. Is that a new iteration of the repulsor technology?"

What followed was a rapid-fire exchange of ideas and technical jargon. Indra made sure to be impressive without overshadowing Stark, peppering his insights with just enough self-deprecating humor to keep the ego-driven inventor engaged,after all he is a valuable material for development of his.

By the end of the session, Stark was grinning. "You know what, Bollywood? You're not half bad. We should do this again sometime."

Indra's meeting with Steve Rogers was a different affair altogether. The super-soldier's demeanor was reserved, his gaze searching.

"Captain Rogers," Indra greeted him, "it's an honor, sir."

"At ease, son," Rogers replied with a small smile. "I understand you were instrumental in closing the portal."

"Just did what needed to be done," Indra said, deliberately echoing the kind of humble response he knew Rogers would appreciate. "When you see a threat like that... well, you can't just stand by, can you?"

Something in Rogers' eyes softened. "No, you can't. Tell me, Mr. Srivastav, what made you step up that day?"

Indra paused, letting a hint of vulnerability show. "Honestly? I was terrified. But... I kept thinking about all the people in danger. Families. Children. I guess I just couldn't bear the thought of them suffering if there was even a chance I could help."

It wasn't entirely a lie. The sentiment was genuine, even if the circumstances were fabricated. Rogers seemed to sense the truth in his words.

"That's what separates heroes from bystanders," the Captain said quietly. "Doing what's right, even when you're scared."

They spent the next hour discussing ethics, duty, and the weight of responsibility. By the time they parted, there was a newfound respect in Rogers' eyes.

Bruce Banner was easier and harder to approach. Easier because they spoke the same language of science; harder because of the lingering wariness in the physicist's gaze.

"Dr. Banner," Indra said warmly, "I have to confess, I'm a huge fan of your work on anti-electron collisions."

Banner blinked, clearly not expecting that opener. "You've... read my papers?"

"Read them? I practically devoured them! Your insights on gamma radiation are groundbreaking. Although," Indra added with a self-deprecating laugh, "I'll admit some of the higher-level math left me feeling a bit green with envy."

It was a risky joke, but Banner's lips twitched in a reluctant smile. "That was terrible."

"I know, I know. My friends always said my puns were a Hulk-sized disaster."

And just like that, the ice was broken. They dove into discussions of quantum mechanics, particle physics, and the theoretical underpinnings of interdimensional travel. Indra was careful to present his knowledge as the product of intense study rather than firsthand experience, but he didn't hold back on the intellectual discourse.

Hours passed in a blur of equations and hypotheticals. It wasn't until Banner's stomach growled loudly that they realized how much time had elapsed.

"I think we just science-d for six hours straight," Indra said, grinning.

Banner actually chuckled. "I guess we did. You know, it's... it's been a while since I've been able to just talk shop like this. Without..."

"Without worrying about the other guy?" Indra finished gently.

Banner nodded, a flicker of surprise crossing his features. "Yeah."

"Well, for what it's worth, Dr. Banner, I think both of you are pretty incredible."

The genuine warmth in Banner's smile was worth more than any security clearance.

Thor was a whirlwind of boisterous energy. He clapped Indra on the shoulder with enough force to stagger him, booming, "Ah, the clever mortal who bested the Tesseract! Well met, my friend!"

"Oof—I mean, well met indeed, Your Highness," Indra managed, rubbing his shoulder. "Though I think the Tesseract might disagree with your assessment."

Thor let out a hearty laugh. "You jest! I like that. Come, share a drink with me, and I shall regale you with tales of glorious battle!"

What followed was an evening of outrageous stories, each more fantastical than the last. Indra listened raptly, asking questions that demonstrated his knowledge of Norse mythology while still leaving room for Thor's enthusiastic elaborations.

"You are well-versed in the lore of my people, Indra Srivastav," Thor said approvingly. "Not many Midgardians show such interest."

Indra raised his glass in a toast. "Well, how could I not be fascinated? Although I have to say, Your Highness, the stories hardly do justice to the real thing."

Thor beamed at him. "You honor me, my friend. And please, call me Thor."

As the days turned into weeks, Indra found himself slowly but surely becoming a part of this mismatched family of heroes. He was the civilian consultant, the witty outsider who somehow fit right in. Each team member saw a reflection of what they needed—Stark had an intellectual sparring partner, Rogers had an idealist, Banner had a fellow scientist, Thor had an eager listener.

And all the while, Indra absorbed every scrap of information he could about this universe—its wonders and its dangers. He learned of organizations like Hydra and AIM, of powerful artifacts and looming threats. One name in particular sent a chill down his spine whenever he encountered it: Thanos.

But as daunting as the future looked, Indra couldn't help but feel a growing sense of determination. He missed his family desperately, yes. But he'd be damned if he let this world to ruin on his watch.


Guy how was this chapter, if you have any problem in story pls feel free to tell me I will rewrite it.