
Marvel : Gene Extraction

Adrian, a regular guy, unexpectedly finds himself transmigrated into the Marvel universe equipped with a Gene Extraction System. Watch as his journey unfolds in this extraordinary new world. Disclaimer: I do not own any characters; all rights go to their respective owners. I am simply editing a machine-translated novel. If you are the owner of this novel and wish to have it taken down, please leave a comment below, and I will contact you shortly. English is not my first language, and I edited this using ChatGPT. If you find any mistakes, please point them out. I hope you enjoy it!

Shredder_ · ภาพยนตร์
20 Chs

Chapter - 4: Testing Strength

According to researchers, an ant can lift more than 400 times its own weight and can haul objects that are more than 1,700 times its own weight. Harvard University entomologist Mark Morfeit studied Asian ants and found that when working together, more than 10 ants can move objects weighing more than 5,000 times their own body weight, equivalent to 10 tons for an average weight of 70 kg. This incredible strength relative to their size makes ants true powerhouses in the natural world.

Scientists have conducted extensive research and analysis to understand why small ants possess such remarkable power. They have found that ants are a treasure trove of miniature animal nutrition. Every 100 grams of ants can produce 2929 kilojoules (700 kcal) of heat. Further investigation revealed that the leg muscles of ants function as highly efficient "engines." These muscle engines consist of billions of tiny, intricate components, allowing ants to generate extraordinary power relative to their size.

At this time, Adrian extracted the robust ant gene. He now should be able to lift objects that were four hundred times his weight.

However, the human body and ants are different after all. Although Adrian could feel his body undergoing transformation after extracting the gene, experiencing significant changes and harboring tremendous power, he didn't believe he could fully harness such strength.

As for how much stronger he has become, the next step is to put it to the test.

"I have to find a way to adapt to this sudden surge of strength. Right now, if I'm not careful enough I can accidentally hurt myself." Adrian muttered to himself, clenching his fist and feeling the newfound power coursing through his body.

He carefully began to put on his clothes, mindful of the newfound strength that could easily tear them apart.

Despite his utmost care, the surging power proved too difficult to control, causing him to inadvertently tear his clothes into shreds.

After ruining several sets of clothes in succession, Adrian managed to put on a pair of sports shorts and a T-shirts. He then headed to the gym in the villa.

After entering the gym, He headed straight for the dumbbells on the ground.

Ignoring the ten and twenty-kilogram dumbbells, Adrian aimed directly for the forty-kilogram ones, then effortlessly lifted one with just one hand.

Although Adrian had mentally prepared himself to lift the dumbbells, he was surprised by how effortlessly he could handle the forty-kilogram dumbbells. His strength had truly soared beyond his expectations. He held the forty-kilogram dumbbells in his hands without feeling any strain.

Then suddenly an idea came to his mind.

He suddenly hoists the dumbbell to the sky, and as it falls, he grabs it with one hand.

The sixty-kilogram dumbbells, in Adrian's memory, were also purchased by Tony's guy.

They couldn't be used at all.

Under normal circumstances, sixty kilograms of dumbbells would be challenging to lift.

Usually, thirty kilograms could be considered quite heavy.

But Adrian effortlessly picked them up from the ground.

Easy, relaxed, and smooth.

Whether it was forty kilograms or fifty kilograms, it was a breeze for Adrian. Only the sixty kilograms made him feel a bit of strain.

But even with sixty kilograms, Adrian could effortlessly perform various throwing exercises.

Just like the martial arts masters in the films Adrian used to watch, he practiced throwing heavy stone locks. The sixty-kilogram dumbbells were not the limit of Adrian's strength, but they were the heaviest dumbbells in the gym that he could use.

Adrian picked up a dumbbell in each hand and began various throwing exercises. Tony Stark and Pepper Potts didn't witness this, but if they had, they would have been shocked.

This intense workout lasted for quite some time.

Knowing he would accompany Tony to Afghanistan the next day, Adrian didn't want to waste any time. As Tony had said, Adrian was now a shareholder of Stark Industries and needed to attend certain events.

Plus, there was the threat of having his bank account frozen if he didn't comply. He couldn't risk losing hundreds of millions of dollars.

And then there was the matter of ensuring Tony's safety—Adrian couldn't afford to let anything happen to his newfound brother.