

One moment I was in my world, the next, well... not there anymore, at least I was given something to survive.

CORNBRINGER · ภาพยนตร์
297 Chs


If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreón.com/cornbringer

Discord invite: https://discord.gg/XHduApz


[The Ancient One POV]

Alex had finally used the Space Stone, in a way I had not expected, at least not entirely, then again, he had changed the timeline so much, I had no idea what to expect anymore.

Revealing the secrets of the universe to him, with his new knowledge, he had moved all of his golems out of Earth to mine some Vibranium off the crust of some uninhabited planets.

I was happy for him.

He was slowly but surely becoming stronger and more resourceful.

The question now was, how long would it be before he asked me for the time stone.

I hummed at that thought, watching through the window in my office as Emily bested his peers in everything, I smiled at the sight, Emily was truly a prodigy, in fact, she would probably be the best sorceress of her time, only second to Dr. Strange.

Back to the time stone.

I suppose soon enough he will come to ask me for the stone.

A momentary loan I am sure.

Especially since his power connects so well with the infinity stones, that it almost seems like he was made to wield them.

One second using the Space Stone, and he had uncovered the entire cosmos.

Perhaps with the time stone, he would uncover the mysteries of the past, or something else, who knows?

"Oh…" I muttered, getting a brief vision about Alex's arrival.

He's coming already, how fun.

I chuckled.




"Hi, Mr. Walker," I greeted as the portal opened in my office, this portal unlike the ones we the master of the mystical arts use, was blue, and was charged with cosmic power, it seems Mr. Walker was learning how to use the space stone quite adequately if I say so myself.

"Hi," Alex replied in kind, with his usual smile.

"Is there anything I can do for you?" I asked, with a knowing smile, mostly because it annoyed him.

"You already know…" Alex rolled his eyes, taking a seat.

"I do?" I gasped with a playful smile.

"You enjoy this?" Alex sighed returning the smile.

"I have no idea what you mean," I chuckled.

"Ok then, I want you… to lend me, emphasis on the lending part, the time stone, for a few minutes or so," And there it is, it took him a week to ask me for the stone, frankly I expected this conversation a few hours after he used the Space Stone.

I hummed, pretending to think about it, "Sure… but only for a few seconds," I winked at him eventually, summoning the Eye of Agamotto to the office.

Alex beamed at my response, tackling me into a hug.

"Mr. Walker, please behave, I am fifty times your age," I teased him with a sigh.

"You are way too playful today," Alex laughed, breaking the hug.

"Well, what can I say, you bring the child in me," I smiled at him, handing him the stone.

"Thanks!" Alex smiled.

"Be quick, the last thing I need is others finding out I basically gave, that, which we are supposed to protect from everyone," I smiled, as he studied the stone with a scrutinizing look on his face.

"This won't be long, a minute at most," Alex replied, holding the stone in his right hand before it disappeared.


[Alex Walker POV]

After sending the majority of my golems to mine the Vibranium in Sufuro.

I decided to test a theory out.

If equipping the Space Stone had given me so many rewards, and such, what would happen if I equipped another stone? The Time Stone let's say.

Would I perhaps get some rewards?

Would I perhaps get nothing?

I had no idea, but it was worth trying anyway.

So, with that thought in mind, I teleported to The Ancient One's office to ask her a favor, using the Space Stone to flex, of course.

I wanted her to lend me the Time Stone, just for a bit.

I was ready to negotiate for it, but surprisingly she accepted rather quickly.

I guess a part of me was waiting for a quick no.

Which was stupid now that I think about it, she had after all offered the stone before.

In any case, it was time to test that theory out.

[Space Stone Unequipped]

[Do you wish to equip the time stone? 


Click ? for more information.]

With a smile, I smashed the yes option.

[The Time Stone has been equipped]

[Do you wish to reveal the history of the universe?


Click ? for more information.]

Don't mind if I do.

[Library/Gallery Unlocked]

[The Entire History of the Universe has been added to your library/gallery

+9928999477 EXP]











[Hidden Quest Completed: A True Scholar Never Rests.

Knowledge is power, and you need power to survive! So, seek the knowledge hidden in the past! For there lays the answers to your questions!

Rewards: The Boons of The Living Tribunal x 10.

Additional Reward: Time Walking Dungeons.]

The Boons of The Living Tribunal again… well ain't that a treat.

[Quest Completed: The Secrets of the Cosmos! And the Predators that Lurk Within!


Description: You alone know what is to come, but what can you do about it, how can a man prepare if he doesn't know how strong his enemy is? Well, the answer is simple, to prepare you must reach the skies, and find what you can about the Threats that will hold the universe to its knees.


Objective: Investigate in the ever-expanding universe about the predators that lurk in the cosmos, some of them are free, others are imprisoned, but all are very much alive and waiting for the time to strike.


Investigate about Hela 100/100%


Investigate about Thanos 100/100%


Investigate about Knull 100/100%


Investigate about Kang 100/100%


Investigate about Mephisto 100/100%


Investigate about Galactus 100/100%


Rewards: Fragment of the Cosmos]


Fragment of the cosmos? What the hell is that?


Confused, I opened my inventory.


[Fragment of the Cosmos - Legendary Crafting Item.


A piece of what was before the bang, elemental like the six aspects of the universe, but hollow lacking a purpose, maybe you can give it one?


This can be used for crafting.]


That… sounds like something I might want to add to my weapon.